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Hey Plavich... part 2

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by YINZER, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    One good shot to the shins and he'd be done. People who think that soccer is not a contact sport are just plain idiots.
  2. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    You're crazy if you think Eddie isn't a scorer.

    He creates his own offense, unlike Plav. Where are the set plays for Eddie? I swear, you make that sound like Eddie gets the chance and does nothing with it.

    Plav is not doing everything he can to help us win. He takes shots with 30 seconds left in the shot clock, that is not doing everything he can to help us win.

    This is a message board, and one where I can vent. I don't care if my points aren't credible here, It's just nice to have a place to let it all out. I'm sick of Brendan Plavich. I'm sick of seeing him take bad shots. And yes he is taking shots away from Eddie. Eddie was what, 6/6 from the floor last night? He had how many set plays? I didn't see a one, at least not one that resulted in points.

    I am just frustrated, I don't hate plavich, I think he can be a great weapon, but I am so fed up with Plavich and Lutz for letting PLav play the way he does. If the super long range isn't falling, he needs to stop taking it more than once a game. It's not a good shot and it's a hard rebound for our team to grab. If he cuts that out and starts taking good shots, I wont be frustrated. I don't understand how everyone isn't frustrated with him. It's so painful, and it takes us out of our offense to have someone fire up 3 long bombs (when we get the rebound) and have not a one of them drop. When plav starts playing smart and using the mismatch created by people guarding him, we're going to be that much better. Until then, I don't want to see him on the court taking bad shots.
  3. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Some strange bedfellows on this one. I dunno about you VP, but assuming I had the talent to play beyond when I quit (yeah right :snort:), I would have probably had to quit from all the concussions and ruined knees. We had one saying for the outcome of all those mid air colissions and hard tackles - "at least football players get to wear pads!" :xyzthumbs
  4. hootie

    hootie Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2003
    I'll give credit to the soccer players for one thing, they could run all fucking night. The team (I think or maybe it was some club guys) had an intramural team when I was there and it was one of the hardest games I remember playing anywhere. Never fear, we still beat them by about 20.

    Damn, I sound like Al Bundy.
  5. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    OK PB, bench Plav forever and we'll have 2 scorers on the court. Here we come repeat of last year. Mitch will replace Plav's bad shots with even worse shots or turnovers of his own. Meanwhile, the lockdown on Demon and Curtis will tighten up even more.

    Let me put it another way - if Bennett were able to suit up tomorrow, I'd happily see him get some minutes at both guard positions. And I have little doubt that he'd "work" for a while... be it a week or 2 or even longer. But sooner or later defenses would adjust to him and what we do with him in the lineup. And it wouldnt be his fault. Just like it's not Plav's fault beyond trying to force what came naturally at the beginning of the season. We need more balance still.

    Eddie is still coming out of his shell. I hope he can keep hitting jumpers - 2 or 3pt ones - doesnt matter. As soon as he gets defenses to respect his range on a game by game basis, he'll be a weapon we can use. He's still thought of as too one dimensional and not able to finish. He does clean up the junk well though cause he's such a great rebounder. He isnt a great scorer yet though.

    We've hit a wall this season on offense - the same one we hit last year and had no answer for cause all we had was demon and a frosh PF. We're not taking anyone by suprise anymore. They know our whole reprtoire and how we do it. It's time for these other guys you love so much to step up and truly take over or else we gotta find new ways for the old cast to perform.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  6. TheGraduate

    TheGraduate Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 17, 2003
    The reason I don't like soccer players is that they act like they have just been gunned down by a member of the Mafia and ten seconds later they are running 80 mph. You are either hurt or you are not.
  7. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It's no different than falling down when you barely get bumped when trying to draw a charge. But I agree with you. That shit doesn't happen too much in England or Germany, more so in Spain and Italy.
  8. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    This post is a frivilous self indulgence due to the fact that I hate being negative about Mitch.

    I just wanted to say that the block he had on Dameon Mason was sick. Completely closed down Marquette's new Dwayne Wade. :applause:
  9. Savio

    Savio Freelance Pimp

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Redondo Beach
    oh yeah...why does all of his shots have to be 3 pointers...I mean way to give your opponent an edge....
  10. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    Why is it wrong to want Coach to pull a guy when he's hurting the team?

    He's not a scorer when he's throwing up bad shots that probably wont go in.

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