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Gastric Bypass

Discussion in 'Health & Medicine Forum' started by The Warden, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    I can hardly find 3 out of 10 fit people at my gym. Go to a restaurant and take a good look around. It is scary.
  2. Mama Duck

    Mama Duck Bless your heart.

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2005
    Down from High Point
    Being in the medical field, I have seen these procedures from both sides. I have several co-workers who have undergone them and they have worked for some and other have failed to make the necessary changes that come with these types of surgery.

    The biggest complaint that most of them have is the eating of very small portions numerous times a day or the almost totally liquid, semi liquid diet that they have to endure immediately following the surgery. Also again the nutrient absorption problems that may come along with it.

    However, just know that if you do not follow the dietary recommendations following the surgery you may well end up in the hospital with very serious complications. I have had numerous patients who have had these procedures and continued to eat the way that they had previously. The only thing they accomplished is restretching their stomachs to the previous sizes and not loosing any weight at all.

    good luck with your surgery and I hope everything works out well for you.
  3. chipshotx

    chipshotx Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2007
    walking shoes + salad > invasive stomach clamp surgury
  4. DJ_Tet

    DJ_Tet Full Access Member

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    Jan 12, 2003

    I don't agree with his confrontational attitude, but 49er is absolutely correct on this one. I've struggled with weight loss my whole life, so I know what it's like. I also know how hard it can be to 'suffer' by not eating out every day and getting on an elliptical for 30 min. Granted, I never got over 300 lbs and I understand how that much extra weight could harm your legs and make it really painful to work out.

    That said, my ex gf got this surgery, and while it 'worked' for her, I ended up resenting her for her lack of effort. I lived with her for years, I knew she never really did enough to lose the weight, eventually throwing in the towel to avoid diabetes etc. I was watching the surgery on tv on one of those surgery shows and had an epiphany as I saw the woman wheeled in, and they cut to a McDonalds commercial.

    Unhealthy food is EVERYWHERE. You CANNOT eat healthy and eat out at the same time. You have to wrap your mind around this, and change your eating habits. You'll have to do it after the surgery anyway (or risk throwing up/eating out your stomach and dying/eating through the surgery.) BTW it IS possible to eat through the surgery, it's becoming a lot more common.

    This is NOT a fix for your emotional problems. It will force you to deal with them another way, but this is NOT a fix for anything.

    Personally, I much prefer the lap band if you have to do anything, but even that is just a band aid on the real issues.

    The real answer is to cut out ALL high fructose corn syrup, which means no more fast food. Get a pack of ham at Target for $2, a bag of Arnolds 100% all wheat bread for $3 and a pack of cheese. Make a sandwich and eat a lite yogurt for lunch. Eat Quaker Weight Loss Oatmeal for breakfast (100 cal, 7 grams of protein.) Eat chicken for dinner, prepared yourself in extra virgin olive oil.

    Eat protein at every meal. No soft drinks, drink water and green tea. Mix in almonds as a snack for more protein, try blueberries if you want something sweet. Yeah, it's gonna suck for a week, but you'll get used to it.

    All the surgery is going to do is make mealtime suck. You can do that yourself with a little discipline, and save money at the same time.

    That was my epiphany, btw. Watching the McDonalds/Pizza Hut commercials at EVERY break and realizing how we're bombarded by food that is horrible for us, and on top of paying a premium to get fat, we pay doctors a ton to cut our stomach out.

    It's really sick if you think about it.

    Which I'm sure you have, so good luck when you go for the surgery.
  5. DJ_Tet

    DJ_Tet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2003
    Oh, for all those that say "I tried every diet in the world"

    Diets don't work, because they are temporary solutions to a lifestyle problem. Only lifestyle changes will bring about the results you seek, and no one said it was easy. This country is full of temptations.
  6. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2003
    To the right
    I know a guy who had a gastric bypass and is doing very well. He lost most of his extra weight and has kept it off. If you feel like this is the only way for you then go for it. Make sure you do everything the way you are supposed to so that this actually works. There is no where to go from here if this fails.
  7. plutosgirl

    plutosgirl It's a Liopleurodon!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Charlotte via the blue ridge
    Warden-Best of luck on your surgery if that's what you've decided to do.

    Some people are lucky in that a minimal amount of work will get them the payoff they so desire and with others, for whatever reason-it just doesn't work.

    I don't have a set workout schedule nor do I watch every bite I put in my mouth. I would say I eat less than I should, but don't get my metabolism going by eating the right things. I exercise by doing manual things I enjoy, and don't set goals for eating because I'm so busy. I eat what's available and easy. I detest the grocery store, but don't mind cooking and do cook for my daughter and care very much what she eats.
    I'm overweight and it's no one's fault but my own, but it doesn't hinder anything I want to do, or my blood work numbers (hdl high, bad cholesterol very low, low blood pressure and heart rate)but I could definitely stand to lose some weight.
    It's not in me to put myself through a medical procedure to do that, but if you truly want it, and have been approved- by all means, do it. Perhaps you could look on lab band forums or gastric bypass forums to find encouragement and the information you are seeking....

    By this being in the Health Forum, all views are welcome as long as they are on topic. And while 49er has a unique way of saying exactly the thing that sets you off the most, he has a right to do it and has valid points. He doesn't care about you or your surgery, your kids, your life and chances are he can't even remember what your tbr name is without looking...so my advice is to ignore him and look for the good in the thread or the good in other people .
    I won't delete his comments just because they are harsh and heartless.

    Best of luck to you.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  8. chipshotx

    chipshotx Full Access Member

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    Jan 23, 2007
    My friends wife is seeing a local doctor who put her on a diet that is working wonders. It's pretty simple. There are some injections you take once a week of a Vitamin B variety or something like that and the rest of it is based upon high intake of vegetables and fiber and very specific types and cuts of meat.

    She goes in regularly and he adjusts the diet based on bloodwork, etc. It's pretty much common sense though, but its not terribly expensive.
  9. Farmer

    Farmer you eyein' me boy?

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    on the farm
    I've never really been overweight so I can't really speak from that angle - but someone here made a point that post-surgery, mealtime going forward will just suck for you... Your lifestyle WILL have to change because meals will be just for nourishment anymore for you. They will no longer EVER be anything more for you than that - ever... The prospect of that is sorta sad.

    You will no longer be able to really enjoy the social aspects of mealtime - say holiday time or the like.... Meals for you will always and forever be a regimented activity. Seems to me that if you just made mealtime suck NOW for a little while - I mean, really battled to make them suck for awhile, you'd lose the weight - and the trade off is that you wouldn't have to forever be tied to a half cup of food at a time for the rest of your life. At Thanksgiving you could actually have normal portions AND the pumpkin pie....

    jus my thoughts...
  10. DJ_Tet

    DJ_Tet Full Access Member

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    Jan 12, 2003

    Yeah, when you're in shape, in moderation works. When you're fat, it's too late for 'moderation.' When you have a stomach the size of a plum, it's too late for food.

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