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Game Thread

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Piper, Dec 1, 2002.

  1. Xcaliber

    Xcaliber Guest

    Hell yeah I think I'ma go outside and flip over some cars and shit! Bust out the champagne Panther fans. We won!

    CAR - 13
    CLE- 6

  2. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Actually, Couch threw the ball behind his reciever, as our sorry announcers made note, had he led the reciever, no int... oh well...

    I'm just pissed we saw Peppers last game, and oh yeah, what about Morgan, is he out till the end?
  3. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    No doubts. When you become a gimmick on a team that desperately needs a QB you're deemed unworthy as a QB at that time. Remember when Dameyune started chasing down punts? His fate was sealed.

    Too bad a fourth win takes away that chance. We'll get the third or fourth best QB, of which Palmer isn't either, so it's either hope Manning comes out, or settle on Ragone, or be smart with the value and take the WR.

    Thanks for the expert analysis. John Madden watch out.

    See above comments on Fasani

    undoubtedly. Only Dee's superb individual effort gave this team a win, nothing less. There's no other way...we call the same shit, we act terribly predictable, we are unwilling to change, and yet he makes one play call look different each time.

    Overall, an average game in which we played well on the plays that weren't explicitly bad calls. I have a feeling that if we get this team some offensive talent, keep the calls basic, and play toward the talent's strengths, we'll do well.
  4. McFly41

    McFly41 Guest

    The anouncers were WRONG, that does happen...ALOT!
    The WR did not break stride, the ball was right in front of his face. It's not like he had to slow down or turn back to catch it. As he bobbled the ball it went behind him, thus the pick. Plain and simple, it was a drop.
  5. Piper

    Piper Guest

    >>Only Dee's superb individual effort gave this team a win, nothing less.

    Plays where Lamar loses 3 yards, Dee gained 3.

    The fourth down play he was stopped for a loss, but he willed his way to a first down breaking a tackle.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    and that's the odd thing. I thought coming in that Lamar was decent at making positive yardage, even if it wasn't going to be much. He would get popped in the mouth a lot, though. I'm surprised, even if we thought of Smith as the feature, why Dee hadn't gotten more balls in the air before now. I think he's legitimately earned his share of time for the future.

    Of course, Lamar can't make the same toss right look different each time or make something different out of it each time. Dee can.
  7. HeadCase

    HeadCase Guest

    >> Overall, an average game in which we played well on the plays that weren't explicitly bad calls. I have a feeling that if we get this team some offensive talent, keep the calls basic, and play toward the talent's strengths, we'll do well.

    damn, who is that trying to blow sunshine up everyone's butts? careful, you will confuse the sheep. ;) free beer again, mag?

    mixed emotions. i still hate Clev from my Oiler days so it was nice to kinda spoil their playoff hopes on their home turf; but hate helping Pitt. really enjoyed hearing some other home team's fans booing ... especially theirs. and their coaches seem to suck worse than ours.

    great to not choke for once but wonder if the win knocks us outa getting a QB with our first pick. i'm a sucker for those 1st round QBs. after seeing Couch's and Harrington's performances you'd think I would learn. will be a very interesting offseason. not to dampen the mood but wonder if Henning will be picking our next QB? maybe he will just stick with Peete and Fasani. you had to like that rather tricky rotation he had going there.

    happy Thanksgiving, Weinke. wonder what you'll find in your Christmas stocking.

    he was awesome running today but i don't think Dee is a good choice for backup QB. maybe our need at RB just diminished somewhat.

    who was that cat playing DT for Jenkins? wasn't paying close attention but that one pass rush they replayed was strong. could he and Burton be good enough to diminish the urgency of getting help at DT?

    damn, McDaniels. i woulda never thunk it. and Grant being at home on the flee-flicker. my heart almost lept outa my body when Couch let it go.

    jeez ref, next time just let the them undress Walls. oh, nice TD by the way.

    funny how a little win like this can bring back rays of hope to even the most hardened naysayers.
  8. HeadCase

    HeadCase Guest

    >> The fourth down play he was stopped for a loss, but he willed his way to a first down breaking a tackle.

    well i was already liking him but that play sold me
  9. Piper

    Piper Guest

    Couch is decent, he had his share of drops today, and he's got them to 6 and 6. Peppers played one hell of a game, for his last one of the year (likely)/

    I'm sure they'd rather have McNabb.
  10. Wiggin

    Wiggin Guest

    What impressed me was his patience. When the hole was filled, he waited until a seam opened back up before exploding. He also did a good job setting up his blocks. I knew he was quick and could do well if given a hole, but today he showed good vision and ability to find/make a hole.

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