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Fox and this game

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by stratocatter, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Sackem90

    Sackem90 Misplaced Panthers Fan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2003
    Pert near Canada
  2. Malapoo

    Malapoo Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    We've rarely been an early season team. We always look like we're in preseason mode while our opponents look solid. So being 2-1 right now to me is fine. Yeah, yesterday was frustrating, but to me I'm still thinking these are the "early season sloppy disorganized Panthers they always are" and we're 2-1!!!! If we do our usual end of the season surge, we're in damn good shape right now. Maybe we won't have the surge later and by end of the season I'll be down on Fox & Co too, but it's way the heck too early to say we're screwed.
  3. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    Well I certainly wasn't thinking Super Bowl, but I was happy to see those first 2 wins because it appeared this team had made some personnel changes in the offseason and what those first 2 wins told me was "maybe" we were finally getting some breaks.

    Even though yesterday only counted as 1 loss in the standings, we have just seen entirely too many games like yesterday the past couple years, games that were winnable and we found a way to lose,,, and thats frustrating.
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Please. This again? Do you honestly believe that other people think of you as some humble guy who doesn't think he knows more than other people? Give me a break. Yes, you say that about yourself because you're obsessed with false modesty, but no one actually believes you.
    I didn't say that they always run, but you have to lie about what I said to avoid admitting that you were wrong. You said that passing there was a "no brainer," and you also said that Fox wasn't whining, both statements being stupid and obviously wrong.
    Where did I even suggest that "a coach has never stated anything negative back to press about questioning why the coach made a call." That's not at all what I said, but again, you have to lie in order to avoid admitting that you said something dumb and wrong. Speaking of which, where is your evidence that you've "heard hundreds of coaches say pretty much exactly that." Don't post again in this thread unless you're willing to provide evidence backing up your claim.
  5. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2005
    That was the wrong area of the field to be aggressive, especially with a 10-3 lead. Given how well our defense was playing and how badly their recievers were playing, it felt like we were up by 20. Bad decision and we paid for it.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

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    Dec 10, 2004
    His first read was to his far left and he just never turned to check the other side. It was bad luck and not Delhomme's fault at all. If anyone, Goings messed up, but a lot of backs don't check the edge before releasing into their pattern, especially if a lineman doesn't call it.

    #1) Who the hell is abandoning the team? Do you see anyone saying that they stop rooting for the Panthers and start rooting for someone else? Criticizing the team is not abandoning it. Some people believe that mindlessly endorsing everything a team does is what being a fan is all about, but it isn't.

    #2) Those weren't outstanding wins. They were thrilling wins, but they were also lucky wins. We played like dogshit for the first half against Chicago and not particularly great in the second half against San Diego. This team is very fortunate to be 2-1 because they haven't played well enough yet to deserve that record. Fortunately no one has to give the wins back just because of that, but if the Panthers want to keep getting wins for the rest of the season, they've got to improve substantially.

    That might be true, but it's not acceptable even if it is. Whether that's a result of bad coaching or unfocused players, in the NFL you can't afford to wait around for a hot streak later in the season. All sixteen count the same.
  7. Brick Hardwick

    Brick Hardwick Senior Member

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    Mar 20, 2008
    i cant believe im actually doing this but i have to agree on alot of what Collin said

    what if we're tied up with Min at the end of the year-guess what?
  8. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Nice monologue. I'll ignore it since it has nothing to do with my point, but my point was more that this far fetched idea that I'm stating an opinion I don't actually believe in to "feel superior" is a lot less likely than that I'm just stating my opinion. I don't know why it has to be any more than that, but I also don't understand why you're so concerned with an opinion you state you don't care about.

    "almost always", which I disagree with. Just as I disagree it's whining or that I'm stupid or wrong. Oh well. Either we'll disagree or you'll have a huge problem with it.

    You never did, but of course in stating that you know that coaches have often done exactly what Fox did. It's neither new nor special.

    Have you ever noticed that you go around telling people what to do and yet it has no bearing on what actually happens? Most people would wonder what gives you the right, but since it never holds weight I'd guess that's why it's never asked.
  9. Brick Hardwick

    Brick Hardwick Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2008
    as far as the question of a coach being negative about being questioned

    dont know who said what whos wrong or whatever
    id like fox more if he had balls to really fuck with the press
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  10. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    People say things for all sorts of reasons. You're a smart guy, so whenever you say something clearly dumb and wrong, I understandably wonder about your real motivation.
    As long as it stays in your head, I don't care about it, but when you say dumb or wrong things in public, I feel compelled to correct them. That's just a hang-up I have, which you obviously know by now.
    I acknowledge that I have a pathological compulsion to correct things I view as stupid or wrong, and I've admitted that on numerous occasions. But once again, it takes two of us to have this long shitfests, only you never take responsibility for your half. Saying that passing in that situation was a "no brainer" was obviously stupid and you know it. So does everyone else. Saying that Fox wasn't whining in his comments was stupid as well, and we all know that too. So again, you can either conveniently forget that you ever said those things or you can defend absurd statements that made you look bad for another fifteen pages.
    In case you wondered, the reason why I keep challenging you to produce evidence is because I know that you won't. Not only are you lazy and you by nature refuse to produce anything to back up your statements, but in cases like these you actually know that you're wrong. It's just like the sweeps thing from way back. You wouldn't just answer the question of what you meant by a "handful" because you knew that you were wrong and you knew that explaining in any more detail would allow me to prove that even more conclusively. Here, you're trying to weasel out of providing documentation of how you supposedly "heard hundreds of coaches say pretty much exactly" what Fox did. Hundreds, but you can't produce even one example.
    People ask me all the time what gives me the right to judge or correct them, and I give the same answer. It's because I can. I'm smart, I'm judgmental, and I'm self-righteous. People whine about me judging them and whether or not I have the right to do so precisely because they don't want to challenge whether or not I'm actually correct. They already know the answer to that, even though it's the only thing that should actually matter.

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