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For ACC Fans

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Old Coot, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. Old Coot

    Old Coot Guest

    From NFL.com's media circus:

    Sure, many in the media are bashing the 'Noles for having four losses and playing in a BCS bowl. But what has FSU done wrong? Nothing. The 'Noles did what was asked for them to play in a BCS bowl. They won their conference. A weak conference you say? Hmm, let's analyze that.

    The ACC has FSU with nine wins, Maryland with 10 wins, NC State with 10 wins, Georgia Tech with seven wins, Virginia with 8 wins, Clemson with seven wins and a much improved Wake Forest with six wins. Sure, you have Duke and North Carolina, but every conference has its patsies. All in all, the ACC is a combined 62-50. Not terrible, considering you have two teams (UNC and Duke) that have lost a combined 19 games.

    So, the new year begins on Jan. 1. And so does the quest to regain the dynastic form that FSU fans, coaches and players are used to seeing. Rix now knows the team, coaches and fans are behind him. The rest of the country should watch out because 2003 just might be the year of the Seminole!

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    :p :rolleyes: :confused:
  2. BearBryant

    BearBryant Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    Rules are rules. FSU won the ACC, end of story. I did hear the BCS may look into some rule changes for next year.
  3. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    If the other teams maintain or continue the trend on improvement, the ACC will be a better football conference than it was 5 years ago. It already is. I full expect NC to improve to around .500 next year and better the year after.

    For years the ACC, as deserved has been labeled the non football conference or something to that effect. Most of that comes from writers and fans of other conferences simply jealous because of the ACCs dominance in college basketball for as long as most of us have been old enough to say basketball.

    Now we are seeing some other bball conferences improve while the ACC is in a negative trend.

    Bottom line, not that they are related but it appears the ACC has improved its football conference at the expense of its basketball...
  4. Piper

    Piper Guest

    >>The ACC has FSU with nine wins, Maryland with 10 wins, NC State with 10 wins, Georgia Tech with seven wins, Virginia with 8 wins, Clemson with seven wins and a much improved Wake Forest with six wins.

    OK. Now let's see those schedules. I dare say Vandy could get six wins against the non-confernce cupcakes schools like NC State has scheduled.

    Other than FSU, who has the balls to schedule decent non-conference scheudles. That a team that lost to Notre Dame, Louiville, Miami, and nearly got their ass handed to them by 7-6 Iowa State, is telling. Until the ACC starts scheduling better teams, and beating them, don't be complaining when you get called a second tier conference.

    Hell, the Big East has 5 schools with 8 wins. Confernce USA has 7 teams with 6 wins. WHAT A POWERHOUSE!!!

    For the record, The SEC has 8 teams with 7 wins or more, the Pac 10 has 8, the Big 10 has 6, and the Big 12 has 8.
  5. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    State will continue to win against cupcakes like Tennessee in 2008 and 2012.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    good one, math. Too bad builder's not around to let you know.
    Hell, even bear will disagree with you on that.
  7. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Hell, even I know the ACC is good, but not THAT good. No use arguing about it really until the non-conference schedules improve and someone wins the ACC and beats FSU in the same season.
  8. Piper

    Piper Guest

    If I were math, I'd dream of 2008 too. Thinking about Notre Dame running up the score can't be pleasant.
  9. BearBryant

    BearBryant Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
  10. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    I can't think of Notre Dame running up the score on anyone, except Rutgers.

    Oh yeah, we got ND in 2009 and 2010.:)

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