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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by SandMan, Oct 13, 2002.

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  1. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Your cracking me up son... really I'm ok with it all. I will not say that I have not valued conversation with a few individuals over the last few years... but for you and your posse of 4-5 here today... I'm ok with it. Aside from 1 or 2, the rest of your bunch is fine bunch of success stories I could only hope to model myself after... :rolleyes:

    You can't accept it dude... I do not feel conspired against. I expected the remarks from the people that made them... They would have to have made a leap of faith in the self help category to say anything but.... :D
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Of course. It's a posse. There's no way 4-5, or ten or more, would ever come to the conclusion you're just trying to piss people off.

    There's no way you'd ever try to actually do anything other than cause a huge mess and then blame it on somebody else.

    >>You can't accept it dude... I do not feel conspired against.

    And yet you act like everybody's just following some plan, like they really don't feel the way they do? Anybody that doesn't like you must have something wrong with them? Kinda like that comment you made about Larry being drunk to have said anything about you. You can't accept that these aren't anomalies - your online personality, that you yourself have said you don't take seriously and find ways to annoy people with - is working. People don't like you. Deal with it or act better, it's nobody's fault but yours and trying to deflect your problems onto me or anybody else that might not care for your tactics and namecalling won't work.
  3. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    No you don't get it... 10 is probably a modest number on this message board. - I never denied people don't like me here in cyber world. Its not a big deal. I don't try to piss people off no more than you do, it just happens for both of us. I understand that... you still think your mistake free.

    Again, please stop. You know the list is large for your "hate club" yet you focus on mine... I don't give a fuck, you do. Your in denial.

    Yep, only 1 person on the whole board can tolerate me. Your right MvM, I must be crazy.... :rolleyes:
  4. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Word to the wise... go back to school, your that close to a psych Dr. degree... you are the tactic queen... as several people have posted... a wordsmith... yep Law or physc for you... my guess is Law, you fit the profile a little better...
  5. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

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    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I'm not in denial. I address anything anybody comes to me with legitimately, and you sidestep most everything that doesn't give you a chance to be a smartass. I never said I was msitake free, but I don't set out to piss people off. I've pissed people off - mostly for saying exactly what I feel and having others be unable to deal with it. You? You set out to piss people off because they don't buy into your lies. There's a difference. Stop trolling. It's that easy.

    I guess this is where you're not being a vengeful troll? That's quite typical of you Sandy. You always find a way to accuse someone of something someone else has already accused you of. "I know you are but what am I?"
    Always shirking anything negative about you - it must be some sort of mistake, or the other person must have some problem, right? It's never you. 200 fucking posts all about your inability to deal and they all just happen to be somebody else's fault. *sniff sniff*
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2002
  6. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Your calling me a liar. I'm calling you ignorant. You need help. You have said things in almost the exact same wording as JHOP/Collin. I really think you are the same person.

    Listen to yourself kid. You admit pissing people off but for reasons that are their fault - your sick, get help soon...

    I don't lie, again, you'd make a great lawyer... I can think of a few jokes that fit you well... :D
  7. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    I'm tired of playing word games with a boy. You win the war of words. Let me know how your personal life is when your 39...

    I accept that I have been wrong with people in life. I accept I am not always right.

    The only think you accept is that anytime someone is pissed, angry, sad or mad at you, its because of some weakness they have. I don't feel that way... at all.

    Grow up kid and seek help.
  8. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    Good way to achieve respect there. That coming froma 42 year old
  9. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    More namecalling, of course.

    Then again, we have the same problems with you. You're full of shit, you lie to make up for your lack of knowledge, and we both got tired of your little conventions used to passive-agressively piss somebody off without trying to take blame for it. But hey, I can count a load of people who feel the same way, they just tell you to fuck off and be done with it. That doesn't sate your needs for attention enough, which is why I'm your favorite :D

    You don't lie? Of course you don't. You don't insult people either - "kid", "son", "ignorant". At least I have backing for calling you a liar and decorum prevents me from calling you other things you've earned as well.

    Yes, I've pissed people off. I've said I didn't get the rebel flag thing. I said I didn't think something happened the way somebody said it did. I told somebody not to post links to their board, I made my opinion known and I supported it with facts. That's who I am - I'm more in tune to finding a way to support what I'm saying than worrying about any clique or popularity contest. I'm not here to be popular. And I'm not here to piss anybody off, but it happens. And I damn sure ain't the only one here who makes somebody mad. The difference? Most of us don't set out to do it out of spite.

    Your problems have nothing to do with me, Sandy. This whole act of saying somebody else is to blame for your intent to piss somebody off is old.
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    >>I'm tired of playing word games with a boy.

    A boy? Whatever it takes to get you to sleep at night. I'm many, many years removed from being a boy, and yet I don't act like one as much as you. Condescention has never worked, and yet you constantly try it. Insecurities? Hell, at 19 I was smarter and more talented than you and at 39 I still will be. Tough shit. Deal with it and get some of that growing up you've been talking about so I don't have to deal with your fuckups and lies.

    >>I accept that I have been wrong with people in life. I accept I am not always right.

    As if to say "But he's never accepted he's ever wrong, and therefore is wrong so much." No, I jsut don't make 50 page posts about being wrong and then pout and walk away.

    >>The only think you accept is that anytime someone is pissed, angry, sad or mad at you, its because of some weakness they have. I don't feel that way... at all.

    And yet you say things like "Man, Larry must be on drugs to think that about me." You say "and your posse" as if I'm trying to get support against you. You say "it's all your fault because you had someone mad at you". You don't feel that way at all? Nice lie.

    Oh well. Now that you've pouted and taken your ball home, closing this thread shouldn't be a problem. Behave yourself.
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