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Door to Door *******

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by kshead, Jul 16, 2002.

  1. kshead

    kshead Guest

    Door to Door

    Did anyone catch this movie on TNT last Sunday? If not, you should. It is nothing spectacular - just a good life lesson about patience and persistance. It's about Bill Porter. For those not familiar with Mr. Porter, check here: www.billporter.com

    Again, this movie is good stuff if you like inspirational stories.
  2. voyergirl

    voyergirl Guest

    i liked it:)
  3. kshead

    kshead Guest

    Thanks VG.

    NO one else saw this movie? TNT showed it a couple of times.
  4. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    My wife watched part of it, I think. I was reading. Or maybe Jen had me hooked in on IM again. It's all running together now.
  5. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    I watched part of it and would like to see the rest, it seemed like a real good movie.
  6. Puttingood

    Puttingood Guest

    last night on TV was a good ole tear-jerker. Best TV movie I seen in a long time.:xyzthumbs
  7. voyergirl

    voyergirl Guest

    i am sure it will be on again, watch for it on lifetime.
  8. Puttingood

    Puttingood Guest

    I just went to his web-site and ordered a Chocaholic Gift Basket.:) I don't eat chocalate but it looked nice for 29.99

  9. kshead

    kshead Guest

    Hey Putt. Thanks for bumping this thread again today.

    Y'all can feel free to call me a sap or corny or whatever, but I have been a HUGE fan of Mr. Porter since I saw his story on 20/20 a few years back. We could use a few more people like him in the USA. The outpouring of support from people across the country since his story has hit "the big time" has been remarkable as well.
  10. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    You're welcome.:)

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