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Does Sorensen even read the Observer??

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by CPA_Niner, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. CPA_Niner

    CPA_Niner Hulk Smash

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    I read Sorensen's column on Wednesday about the Bucs and Colts game. He stated that he went to bed early Monday with the Bucs winning assuming they would win. He then stated that around 6:00 a.m or so he went and got his paper only to be surprised to read that the Colts had comeback and won. He even mentioned the stats of Marvin Harrison. Now I began to wonder, what was Tom reading? I went and looked at my Tuesday edition of the Observer and saw a picture of Brad Johnson and a note saying the Bucs were winning when the Observer went to print yet Sorensen said his paper had the score and stats. Now I live in south Charlotte so I can only assume I get the latest printed edition. So I came up with the following scenerios:

    A) Tom gets a super late print edition that's only allowed for Observer writers.


    B) Tom is reading a different paper, i.e, USA Today.

    I'm going to go with B on this one!!:D
  2. MikeNinerHunt

    MikeNinerHunt Fast white guy

    Likes Received:
    Jun 11, 2003
    Nice work O'reilly!!!!

    I guess you can get away with stuff like that when you are the only writer on a staff who has any kind of talent.
  3. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    i'll bet they "flew" the results in.

    newspapers have scheduled stoppings of the press each night where they swap pages out -- mostly for updated coverage, but sometimes to regionalize coverage.

    for example, the observer that goes to york county on a saturday morning isn't the same one that goes to gaston county. they swap out a few pages of the sports section so that south carolina coverage is in the york papers and gaston county school coverages makes it into the gaston homes.

    there are a bunch of swaps during the night -- football friday nights are crazy at sports sections all across the country.

    anyway, when you "fly in" the results of something (election, monday night football, etc.), you get the page ready, make a plate of it and ship it off to the press room. the then stop the press and replace the old page plate with the new one "on the fly" -- that is to say, there was no scheduled stoppage of the press.

    it costs money (and time) to bring the press down to fly in a page, so it had better be worth it to do. getting the MNF game result in (being a division opponent for the panthers and a hell of a game, to boot) was worth it.

    there's usually a minimum percentage of newspapers that the update needs to get in to make it worthwhile. so, even if it makes it into 10,000 papers -- well, that's 10,000 folks that got to see the results. there's no real way to tell who is going to get those papers though -- it's just the latest ones off the press.

    so, i'm betting that's what happened.
  4. mediafreak

    mediafreak Freak me

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003

    Larry, you sure you don't want to come back here? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS!!!

    I'm in Dilworth and didn't get what's called the replate.

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