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Did anyone see "Carrie" last night?

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by Sportsgirl, Nov 5, 2002.

  1. Sportsgirl

    Sportsgirl Guest

    I missed most of it but tuned in just in time for the prom scene, which was pretty incredible. What I saw was okay, but I still prefer the earlier version with Sissy Spacek.
  2. I didn't see it, but when I saw the previews, my initial thought was that they shouldn't mess with a classic. It just never works out to be better or even as good.
  3. Sportsgirl

    Sportsgirl Guest

    I totally agree. I really hate remakes, especially many of the newer ones like Rollerball, Wild Wild West, Mission Impossible, Charlie's Angels, The Shining, and so forth ( I could name many others). They are never as good as the original show or movie.
  4. some bitch

    some bitch Guest

    i watched it and it was way to modern. the graphics were cheesy for a new movie. i expected better than that. i should have know the old one would be better, but i had to watch it anyway. i have to say thought the girl who played carrie did one HELL of a job. she made the movie worth watching.
  5. jbghostrat

    jbghostrat Guest

    I watched most of it till i got a phone call from a friend and i missed the end. It was kind of stupid. like when balls of fire fell from the sky into their house. :rolleyes:

    I liked the shower scenes. They were showing almost all of the girls. I was getting wood till Carrie started bleeding. That was gross!

    I've never seen the real one.
  6. mattarific

    mattarific Guest

    man i watched five minutes of this monstosity and almost killed myself in the name of capitalism. why do tv/movie execs always think ruining a classic is such a good way to make money??????
  7. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The book was pretty good.
  8. Farmer

    Farmer Guest

    It's a good read and a good premise for a tale - but a movie of it is gonna be lame - cause nothing really happens in it until the very end of the story.... zzzzzzz.........

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