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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by meatpile, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    I think Collin is being a little hyperbolic, but there is plenty of evidence to support the idea that there are QBs out there stocking grocery stores that are better than Delhomme. I think Delhomme is a solid QB, and the Panthers probably could do better, but they have a guy who fits their system so why bother spending more money on a QB who probably wouldn't do much better?

    Also, I think you're doing a disservice to Manning to say that Brady is the best in the past decade. Going 11-5 without Manning wouldn't happen. The Pats are a better team than the Colts, Manning is a better QB than Brady. They are the top of the heap though.
  2. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    Your track record and $2.00 would buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks
  3. Section B

    Section B Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2003
    Lhasa, Tibet

    I"ll be surprised if Cleveland or the Jets don't come calling for you Collin - with all your talent. :bomb2:
  4. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005

    You can't get coffee at Starbucks for $2.00.
  5. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    That's the part. That an undrafted QB could do better is possible. That a random FA could, sure. The likelihood is small, and guess what would more than likely happen? Long term contract, the same problem that Collin has with Delhomme right now. Teams don't just let quarterbacks walk for no reason, which is why the actual availability is very small (re: who can we get to replace him? questions from early 2005 to now that have never actually been answered worth a damn), and most people don't see the confidence in "would replace" that he does. I don't see it in place anywhere in the NFL on a consistent basis and I'd rather have what we have until we can realistically replace with a more sure thing than have the same fiasco that SF or KC has had.

    a compelling argument, sure. I don't actually care whether Manning or Brady is better for these circumstances, but they're 1 and 1a for any and all opinion purposes.
  6. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    Sure you can. Venti Pikes Place 1.89
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Kurt Warner, Tony Romo, Jeff Garcia, etc. Plus, as I keep saying, most of the career backups who emerge to post solid numbers aren't given big contracts to stay the starter.
    He was taken in the 7th fucking round, you retard. He was taken with the 230th pick because the Patriots thought he would be comfortable being in a backup role. If teams thought he was potentially special, someone who actually needed a quarterback would have taken him in the first 229 selections.
    Sure, because you were all over Cassel's jock, telling the world how he was talented and not just some random guy. You told everyone that he'd excel if someone just gave him a chance. In fact, here is exactly the ringing endorsement you gave of him in June of 2006: "And they gave up two scores to Matt Cassel, a QB so elite he took pitching back up to pass the time." Sure sounds to me like you thought he was hot shit. Or no, wait, maybe I'm confusing him with Jeff Lewis and Kyle Boller.
    The majority of people also know that I've forgotten more about NFL quarterbacks than they'll ever know.
    Cool, so you're back to lying. I've given numerous examples of quarterbacks who would be as good or better. Don't start making shit up again just because you're defensive about getting your ass kicked in yet another argument. No one forced you to embarrass yourself making idiotic statements in defense of Delhomme, just as no one forced you to tout Jeff Lewis or Kyle Boller.
    QB failure rates are high because most teams put them in shitty positions before they're ready. Quarterbacks peak later than any other position in football, but teams keep trying to force them to play fresh out of college. And most of them are playing on shitty teams with poor pass protection and bad receivers.
    No, I know that they're all facts. It is an unquestionable fact that Jake's completion percentage is below average. That speaks to his inaccuracy. It's also an unquestionable fact that Jake frequently throws off his back foot with an open front, textbook examples of bad mechanics. It's also an unquestionable fact that Jake has often made mind-boggling throws when he feels pressured by the opposing defense.

    Let's just review a couple of salient points for emphasis:

    #1) You are so completely clueless when it comes to quarterbacks that people routinely make fun of how many absurd statements you've made about them over the years.

    #2) I have a lengthy track record of predicting quarterback success, yes, to the point that it's better than most NFL teams or media members.
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Not in the slightest. There are generally 12+ quarterbacks drafted every year. Some of those guys can't play and are just taken because of athleticism or because they have a strong arm. Many, however, are capable of playing as well as someone like Delhomme if they were given time to develop and a favorable situation like the one Jake has had here. Most guys just don't get that chance, however. Jake lucked into it because he couldn't even make a team for years. People don't seem to realize that he finished college in '96-'97. His first season with us (and obvious his first as a full-time starter) was seven seasons later.
    My point is that the Panthers could do at least as well for less money than Jake is making.
  9. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    I agree that there are a lot of guys who could do as well as Delhomme or better, but you would either eventually have to let them go or pay them a comparable salary.

    I was a big Jay Fiedler fan, but I knew he wasn't a great QB. He did win games though, something no one else could do whenever he got injured. There were better QBs that filled in when he got hurt and Miami lost most of their games.

    That's how I look at it with Jake, he's probably not the best man for the job but he certainly gets the job done. Swapping him for someone who may be better is a crapshot.
  10. Piper

    Piper phishin member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    And yet they haven't.

    I mean he's been here 5 years, not only unseated, but never really challeged since getting the job. Not unless you consider David Fucking Carr a challenger.

    Who has been a starter for the same team as long or longer? Manning. Brady. McNabb. Bulger. Hasselbeck. And Jake.

    6 players out of 32. They could have, very easily, gotten rid of him. QBs under contract get cut every day. Perhaps continuity counts for something. As well as a 60% winning percentage.

    Like Matt Leinhart being the second coming? OK. We all make mistakes. At least you weren't being paid for that one.

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