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Commentary for those that were there...

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by SandMan, Sep 8, 2002.

  1. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    I paid ten bucks to sit in lower level enzone between Morg and Jerry Richardson. I was so close the Coke guy even passed by a couple of times.
  2. Y2Buddy

    Y2Buddy Guest

    I knew that was you!
  3. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    Yeah, Maverick and Ice Man waived as they flew by. I seen it with my own eyes.
  4. derek4425

    derek4425 Guest

    haha, that scared the hell out of me. believe they got there a little early.
  5. Piper

    Piper Guest

    Chris Terry's antics notwithstanding, our run game was on. Smith ran hardl, even Goings and Hoover got good runs. Stuessie and Donnaley were really blowing that side off, and Mitchell was having little trouble with their nose. I was hoping we would have just kept going weakside until they stopped it.

    With some blocking, Smith can do well for us.
  6. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Hey did anybody notice the Ikon commercial that ran on the big screen during the game? Evidentally the Panthers do not have to approve them. For like 30 seconds they showed the Fasani highlight reel from the preseason... then they had some slogan at the end that slips my mind, but it was basically using his effort as the type of effort their company puts out.

    As much as I liked Fasani's preseason performance, usually you see marketers focus on players that play...
  7. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Point showed up this morning. I got like 9 points for Morgan.

    BigMark, I'd pay $20 bucks for the same seat every home game. (Upper deck, 20-25 yard line, row 3, Panthers side) I liked my "view" better than Richardsons. I have sat right below his box before.
  8. batgrafix

    batgrafix Guest

    >>Winky - You suck dude... while you were busy burning your bald head and standing in isolation most of the game, Fasani was busy greeting offensive players when they came off the field... Winky you are a big fat baby.

    Did you notice that Weinke was the first player into the locker room, by himself, while everyone else was celebrating?

    Maybe he had to go "throw himself into the playbook" like Jeff Lewis did last year?

    but yeah, I noticed that same thing too about Weinke, SandMan...

    My face is hurting though from the fricken sunburn I got... what an idiot I am -
  9. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Yes I noticed that too... ouch on the Jeff Lewis comment, I still feel his pain :D that had to be one of the loneliest moments for a player I can recall after he was pulled from that preseason game...
  10. Cube

    Cube Guest

    I got seats 9 rows back in the Panther's endzone for $25 bucks a piece. Not much to see in the endzone's, but we had a great time.

    Here is some advice for the middle seat people...buy more than one beer and hotdog and you won't have to inconvience everyone 2-3 times a quarter. Not to mention you may actually get to see the game.

    I think I ran off Molly and Biff during the 2nd quarter. They didn't like the confrontation I started with the 2 Raven's fans, who somehow got 4th row seats???? If you own tickets and you don't plan on using them, how about selling them to a Panther's fan, PLEASE. Especially if your seats are located within 10 rows of the field! Email me. I'll buy the damn things rather than sit near the opposing team's fans.

    Sorry for the rant...I'm done.

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