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changing religions

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality Forum' started by ECILAM, Jun 28, 2004.


    ECILAM Celebrate Diversity

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2003
    Who here, if anyone, has changed from one faith to another? I'm not talking about going from being religious to non-religious; that's the loss of faith, not the changing of faith - and a completely different subject. And I don't mean changing sects or denominations within the same religion either. Catholic-to-Methodist and the like don't count.

    I'm talking about a true conversion from one religion to a completely different one. For example, one of my Air Force supervisors grew up Protestant, but became a Muslim. I also know a girl who grew up Catholic but became a Wiccan. A Buddhist who became a Christian would also fall under this category.

    When did you feel the need to change, and why? Was the transition difficult? And did it cause problems with your family?

    I was raised as a Baptist, and fervently religious... I would go so far as to say moreso than most of the rest of my family. I was what you would call a Christian apologist... very much interested in spreading the religion to others, and learning about other beliefs so they could be compared to Christianity, and the faith of Christ could be shown as the best.

    Over time I learned about other beliefs, including certain mystical and nontraditional belief systems. Although I looked at them from an intellectual, just-learning-about-them point of view, I began to see small bits of truth in each of them. My own beliefs became less dogmatic and more individualized, and the questions in my own mind became more pronounced.

    The truth of it was I had some real problems with my original faith. It was too self-suppressive, and I had a real problem justifying one faith - or any faith - claiming sole moral authority and indirectly condemning all others. Religious propaganda against other belief systems turned out to be completely false as I learned more.

    In time I lost my original faith. I lost my belief in the traditional concepts of Heaven and Hell first. In time, my belief in the Bible as divine went caput as well. This was a major change for me, and I let myself be open to other ideas I never would have dared before, including Satanism.

    I studied the texts of LeVeyan Satanism and at first adopted their ideas as my own. It was nothing like the urban-legend Jack Chick versions, with its blind hatred and acts of cruelty to others. I saw it as a life-affirming path for defiant individualists.

    But I held off on joining any groups or making any radical changes. I wanted to see if it was all a "phase" or not. In time I realized I didn't agree wholeheartedly with Satanism's disregard for "the weak" and its Machievellian mindset. I decided I couldn't truly call myself a full-blown Satanist, although I still found its imagery and certain aspects of it appealing; and I still love the music.

    For a while I drifted in a nebulous period somewhere between agnosticism and atheism. But that was ultimately dissatisfying and unfulfilling. It was untrue to my lifelong affinity for the forces of the unknown that exist in the world. Not long ago I started a half-joking thread about Asatru/Odinism, the worship of the Norse/Germanic gods of pre-Christian Northern Europe. But the funny thing is, its values are so close to my own it was spooky. As far as values go, I thihk it's more true to "American" values as they are actually lived than Christianity.

    So I'll be pursuing more knowledge of this path as soon as I'm able to find some resources.

    I'm interested in hearing if any of you have had a similar change of heart.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2004
  2. slydevl

    slydevl Asshole for the People!

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    I switched from Methodist to Presbyterian. Does that count?

    ECILAM Celebrate Diversity

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2003
    That's just changing denominations. It's still based on the same sacred book.
  4. Rob

    Rob Caught One

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I know a real nice family who are very active in my church's elementary school age ministry. The Husband grew up in the Eastern religions prevalent in Japan. His wife grew up Jewish. She converted to Christianity first and he followed a couple of years later. They are both highly educated and met at Cal Berkley.
  5. articulatekitten

    articulatekitten Feline Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    BFE, Nebraska
    I was raised Roman Catholic--went to Catholic school 1st & 2nd grade. And as I got older, I found myself constantly questioning EVERYTHING. WHY this & WHY that. Explored every other facet of Christianity I encountered, read & studied all sorts of religions & philosophies. Had a fascination with "the occult" in my teens, but, as is often the case when fooling around with powers you don't understand, I scared myself. And had the intelligence to back off until I understood more.

    Embraced paganism in my late 30s, while maintaining my interest in all other religions & philosophies. I think there's something of value to be learned from most of them, if you're open-minded.

    ECILAM Celebrate Diversity

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2003
    :) Long time no see. How you been?
  7. articulatekitten

    articulatekitten Feline Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    BFE, Nebraska
    :D Pretty good for the most part; incredibly BUSY! Good to see YOU, too! I love this forum, & you're one of my absolute faves :mushy:

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