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camp thoughts

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Black&Blue, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home

    please don't miss the last five seconds
  2. Mr. Scot

    Mr. Scot The Voice of Reason

    Likes Received:
    Jul 26, 2003
    South Carolina
    That video made both my parrots laugh their asses off.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Players will naturally blame non-players for just about everything, and that's a natural response. But you and I and everyone else who actually knows anything about football is well aware that the QB calls the snap count. And for the record, this doesn't even make my top 5 complaints about Jake because I just don't this as being a big deal. There were a couple of times during the season when he got lazy and went on one too often, but only one really bad incidence, and I didn't feel like it had a huge impact on our team's success.
    I'm fine with you applying this logic if you're consistent about it, but you defend the coaches you like and pile on the ones that you don't.
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I happened to include one that players directly pointed at and that you tried to absolve. All coaches are inevitably responsible for whatever happens on the field, to a point. There is no analogous defensive example. If you're saying that I form opinions on coaches, and don't treat them all the same, of course, yes. We all do.
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Actually I didn't "try to absolve" him, as that would mean acknowledging the possibility that he was responsible. It's simply a fact that 1) we didn't always go on one, and 2) the QB calls the snap count in games anyway.
    Sure there are. How about Jenkins jumping the snap? You always blamed that on Jenkins, never Trgovac. Or how about Minter rarely wrapping up properly on his tackles? I didn't blame Trgovac for those things either, and I certainly didn't have a problem with you defending him from people who did. The problem is that you let your biases cause you to treat different players and coaches by different standards.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Jenkins jumping the snap is reactive, IMO. The closest thing example I could think is if a defensive player had a tell, for instance if Morgan always said "watch the screen" or some other gibberish, and then blitzed every time. The things you list aren't conscious choices. If Jenkins jumps, or gets fooled, sure, he can be told not to do that. Jenkins doesn't choose to jump the snap. Jake chooses the snap count, in theory, and is therefore responsible for his choice. It being something that isn't reactive, he can also be told to knock that shit out.

    I'm not acknowledging or denying an issue with the snap count. But ultimately, both Henning and Trgovac are responsible for their teams, their players, and their tendencies. If snap was always on one, and it wasn't Henning's decision, it's still his problem to fix. I'm not blaming Henning for a problem. I'm saying that if this were an issue, he would need to fix this.

    I have no idea why he wouldn't.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Heh, you realize I got you on that one, don't you? The rationale you used against Henning applies equally to Trgovac with Jenkins' snap jumping. It's certainly something Trgovac should have noticed, and by your reasoning, the responsibility is on Trgovac to have fixed it. Personally I don't hold either coach accountable in that fashion, although I do think it's fair to judge them by their play-calling.
    Of course he does. He's not simply responding to an offensive lineman flinching, as that would be a false start. He's guessing the snap count, which is a conscious decision and certainly correctable. You described it like it was a condition or something. "Oh, Kris? Yeah, he came down with snap jumping disease last year. Poor thing, he just couldn't help it."
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2007
  8. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I do believe Trgovac should fix that, if possible. But snap count is a direct choice. I don't believe jumping the snap is a choice, it's a mistake.

    Should Henning have fixed that, or not?
  9. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    >> [Thelt, I think] I did a web search and found that Wahle complained about the snap count 2 years ago after the loss to Miami.

    Wahle said that the Panthers' offensive line encountered problems in dealing with a relentless pass rush during last Sunday's 27-24 Carolina loss at Miami in large part because the Dolphins kept guessing the Panthers' snap count.

    "They knew our snap count.... (Miami linebacker) Zack Thomas got a 7-yard start on (left tackle) Travelle (Wharton) on one play," Wahle said. "He's at full speed when the ball was snapped and he's gone and that's a tough block. Now are we supposed to pick that up? Absolutely.

    "But we need to do some things to help ourselves as well."

    He left no doubt as to what he meant when he was asked how the Dolphins knew the Panthers' snap counts.

    "We didn't change it. If you always go on one, it isn't hard to figure out," he said.

    >> [Recent quote by Wahle] When asked why Henning decided to go on one for the snap count, Wahle let that question pass, saying, "I'm not going to go into that. That was the way it was and there's nothing you can do about it."

    >> [Collin] he wasn't telling the truth. As I said, anyone can go back and watch the games to see what the snap count was on any particular play. You can always hear it, and only an idiot like yourself would actually think that we always snapped on one. Do you not even realize what a fool you made of yourself by taking that quote and then running with it to not only say that we do always snap on one, but that it was Henning's philosophy?

    I’m sorry my man but I’m taking Wahle’s word over you. You’ve been proven to be an idiot too many times to think that you would know more about the Panther’s snap count and who was responsible for it than he was.

    I seriously doubt the man is a liar and just making this shit up. He had a ton of valid things he could complain about if he was just out to burn Henning, so why would he just make up something stupid, especially if it was easily disproved? Why would he set himself up to be easily shown up as a liar by an idiot like you?

    Fact is that he had no reason to say something like this if it wasn’t true. And since it was something he complained publicly about two years ago too, I’m sure that if it weren’t a philosophy then it would have been fixed immediately then if Henning hadn’t already noticed it during the game. As you would say even in peewee football it would have been fixed within the same game.

    QBs grow up changing the snap-count all the time. It’s not a hard thing. If they don’t do it, someone on the offense will say something to you on the sidelines particularly if they feel the D is jumping the count. Having played QB I know though I never needed to be told that I was always going on the same snap count. The natural inclination is to change the snap count on almost every down.

    I know you are completely devoid of it, but common sense therefore says that if Wahle was even close to telling the truth then it had to be a philosophy and that it came from the OC (which is what he said). If a QB had come up with this shit he would have been overruled. And I think we can rule out any other candidates as being completely improbable.

    The sense I get from his quote is that Wahle was very frustrated with this aspect of the offense since he came here and did try to discuss the snap count only to be told by Henning that he believed such and such and he wasn’t open to change.

    Of course, if we are going to stick to your argument that Wahle was lying on both occasions and misdirecting blame then I’ll stand corrected. But since I don’t have a way to disprove him, I gonna believe him over an idiot all day long.
  10. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Of course you are. You'd take Osama's word over mine because you are so consumed with hatred for all the humiliation you've experienced at my hands over the years. Look at your own recent post history. You hardly ever say anything except to insult me. It's just sad, dude.

    And regarding the issue, once again:

    • Absolutely anyone can watch a game and keep track of the snap counts. I have them on DVD and we absolutely did not "always" go on one or even do so the vast majority of times. That is simply not true and anyone can confirm that it wasn't true. There is zero debate about that because it's an easily verifiable fact.
    • QBs call the snap count. If you want to bitch at Henning then I guess you could imitate magnus and blame him for not getting Jake to change it up more often, but you cannot pretend that Henning is the one offensive coordinator who refused to let his QB call the snap or that he for some reason insisted that they always had to snap on one. It's simply not true.
    You need :helpsmilie:.

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