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bush's economic team resigns; huge tax cuts coming?

Discussion in 'Money & Finance Forum' started by LarryD, Dec 7, 2002.

  1. lj4three

    lj4three Guest

    maybe we're all overreacting.. maybe, we should just wait it out- the consumer sector is still strong, the housing market is booming, and the only downfall in our economy is corporate spending and investment. after the over-buildup in the 90's, there is bound to be a period of cuts and stabilization. efficiency is being reached in many corporations- once efficiency is reached, then expansion can occur.
  2. VOR

    VOR Guest

    Tax cuts are not going to accomplish anything. Slashing executive salaries by upwards of 80 - 90 percent is the only thing that will salvage the economy. The executive salary silliness started in the 80's and got totally ridiculous ion the 90's. The real reason for moving jobs out of the country is that middlemanagement is so much cheaper, and gets by on far fewer perks. All tax cuts do is plunge the country deeper into bankruptcy, and deny government services to those who most need it at time when they need it most. If the repugnicants want a thiving economy, let them get off their asses and make things again, not suck the government and the society dry.
  3. lj4three

    lj4three Guest

    i believe exec's are making 450 times more than workers no adays. in the 80's, it was about 80 times more.
  4. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Guest

    A war will jumpstart the economy, won't it? :)
  5. VOR

    VOR Guest

    Unfortunately a war also kills the economy again when it ends.
  6. Who said it has to end?

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