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BEST concert(s) you've seen?

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by Freakshow, Feb 21, 2002.

  1. Freakshow

    Freakshow Fuck you guys.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    Gutter, I've seen Metallica 5 times. They kicked ass EVERY time. But I've seen Queensryche 3. Twice headling at Verizon. Both of those show were amazing.
  2. reb

    reb 1riot1reb

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    juicy part of the mountains
    Pink Floyd twice.
    Once in the old Omni in Atlanta and then in Death Valley. One indoors and one outdoors. I can't even begin to describe how awesome they were. They flew their Leer Jet low over the stadium when the crowed was filling up. No one will ever do that anymore.
  3. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
  4. Piper

    Piper Guest

    You know that's not a real plane.

    And you didn't try to shoot that pig, did you?

    Careful with that axe, Eugene.
  5. Ice Man

    Ice Man Guest

    Garth Brooks, awesome show, he did three encores.

    Shania Twain: I had floor seats and she came by on a little stand carried by the security guards. I was 6 inches away from giving her a high five. Only bad thing about her show was that she didn't do any encores.

    Poison: Saw these guys last year, I felt like I was back in the 80's, these guys haven't lost a step. Great show, I hope they come back this year!

    Hootie & the Blowfish: Saw them at Center City Fest, good show.

    Fuel: House of Blues in Vegas. I became a fan after seeing these guys. Great show, they don't have a bad song on either of their albums. Tickets were $20 what a steal. I highly, highly recommend seeing these guys if you have a chance. I rank them up there with Garth. Garth gets the nod since it was my first concert.

    Freakshow I can't believe there is someone other than myself that likes Queensryche. I have just about all their albums. I think their latest Q2K is a great album. Not as good as Empire but I like it.
  6. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    I have to put Garth up there too. Even if you're not into his music, they way he works the crowd is amazing. I've never been in such a huge mass of people that seemed to be on the same plane as each other. Kind of hard to explain.

    The Stones at Ericsson, Parl McCartney at Blockbuster.

    The best club show was George Clinton at Ziggy's in Winston.
  7. Freakshow

    Freakshow Fuck you guys.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    Saw Don Dokken on a solo tour at a place called Cadillacs in Hickory about 10-12 years ago. Killer show.

    Also saw Yngwie Malmsteen at a bar called Rocky's on Independence. Probably 8-10 years ago.

    I actually prefer arenas to clubs. I think I get suckered in be the light show, lasers, risers, etc...
  8. TW1GGY

    TW1GGY Do you scream??

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    The Island of Misfits Toys
    Man you guys are old!!

    I would love to have seen Iron Maiden in their prime.

    I have to agree with gutter on his shows
    Metallica at the S.S. was one of the greatest shows of all time. It was at Rockingham and rained so hard on. It even hailed. no one left. They blisterd through 2 hours of heavy metal. Wow!! freaking amazing.

    Also the first time I saw Manson @ Ziggys. He scared the shit out of me but also turned me on whole different perspective on life. Even when he was playing clubs in early '95 he knew what his influence on the world was going to be. Definate stage presence that you can't deny.

    Ozzfest!!!! All of the Ozzfests have been awsome. This past Ozzfest was probably the best
    Black Sabbath
    Marilyn Manson
    Popa Roach
    Fuck-likin park
    Fuck-crazy town
    Black Label Society (Zack rules)
    taproot(very under appreciated band)
    Union Underground
    Drowing Pool

    I can't wait for this years line. I've heard rumors of System of a Down, Tool , and the gods of thunder SLAYER!!!!!!
  9. chipshot

    chipshot Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    oh yeah..Piper is right..NOTHING compares to Phish

    Except the Dead.

    Some that stick out in my memory:

    Bela Fleck and the Flecktones - some year between 93-98 (all a blur) - Green Acres Music Hall
    Phish - 1992 or 1993 - Benton Convention Center, W-S
    Aquarium Rescue Unit - 1992- Wake Forest Spring Festival thingy
    Rolling Stones - 1998- Erricson Stadium
    Telluride Bluegrass Festival - 1997
    John Prine - Ovens Auditorium - 2000?
    Projec Object w/ Ike Willis - Visulite Theatre - Jan 2002
  10. FreddyP

    FreddyP Guest

    1- Stevie Ray Vaughan: Fox Theater, Atlanta, New Years Eve 1984-85: Simply the best show ever!
    2- Scorpions: Omni, Atlanta, 1984
    3- Kansas: Fox Theater, Atlanta, 198x
    4- John Hiatt: Spirit Square, Charlotte, 1993
    5- Jimmy Buffett: several shows, several locations
    6- Pink Floyd: Carter Finley Stadium, Raleigh, 1989, what I can remember of it, damn flying pigs!
    7- ZZTop & Sammy Hagar: Omni, Atlanta, 1983 : Met a hot nurse there and got laid after that one!!! Sammy Hagar was awesome too!!!
    8- Rolling Stones: Ericsson Stadium, Charlotte, 1998: Blues Traveler was great, Stones speak for themselves.
    9- Iron Maiden: Omni, Atlanta (3 times) all three excellent shows.
    10- REM: GSO Coliseum, 199x, one of their better live performances.
    Bonus: Van Halen, Omni, Atlanta, Both with DL Roth and Hagar. Excellent stage shows and energy. Eddie isn't bad either.

    All of these may not be in their appropriate order, but they have to be in the top 10.

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