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Ball coach gets another gator.

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Piper, Apr 29, 2002.

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  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    >>No MvM, you never got the point

    My point was that you needed to know your limits and realize when you were being insultive and inflammatory, since you apparently don't seem to know when you're being defensive and causing problems.

    What was yours?

    >>which is obviously demonstrated by your insecure need to slam the hell out of someone as you close a thread...

    No, that's not done out of insecurity. that's done out of fun...see when I have to deal with you, being the problem that you are, I have to get something out of it, which is getting to say a few words and then close it. I pretty much do it because you don't like it, but that's a reaction. You start threads and make comments to make people mad without reason.

    >>I guess you('re) just seeking some kind of redemption from when threads were closed on you many times for pissing people off...

    Actually, the few threads I had closed I was usually the lesser - either by your friend Collin or your arch-rival RealPantherMike. Rarely did I ever have much trouble, save you and Riddel, otherwise. I didn't get in as much trouble as you did

    >>only in those threads you did not always get the last word...

    The moderator did, though, most every time. And I didn't whine and bitch and make extra threads to talk bad about the moderators because they did their jobs, though usually too late for my tastes.
  2. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    We all recall things differently... there were a few others on the official Panther board that I visit occasionally...

    But saying you didn't get in as much trouble as me - I dunno, trouble is trouble right? So you only have 3 speeding ticket and I have 5 - If that were true, I'd say we both have an issue.

    And I don't recall those moderators trying to get the last word and really slam someone as they closed the thread. I never got along with Collin/JHOP/HW/(I know who is now) or RPM from day one, but then again, I'm not alone in that regard...

    Edit - Come to think of it, I'm trying to think of any thread that was closed because of me or with me in it that did not include, you, JHOP, or RPM??? I'm drawing a blank here... coincedence?
  3. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I'm going to wait for you to have a point before I put thought into a reply.
  4. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

  5. meatpile

    meatpile 7-9

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    All up in Boo's mama
    I just farted and it smells kinda fruity.
  6. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    Shut the fuck up the both of you!!!

    Can ya'll do this in a PM.... it's old and really fucking played.

    Thanks guys :)
  7. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    nah, no PM. I don't feel like discoursing with someone who gets this personal over the same old shit over and over again.
  8. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    :lol2: :laugh1: :roflmao: :laugh2:
  9. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

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