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Anna Nicole Smith Show

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by Kakia, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    not me qch - maybe about ten years ago when here boobs were bigger than her ass.
  2. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South

    What, go hoggin? But then again, she will have 50-100 million lined up in the bank as soon as the estate case of her late husband gets settled . . . . Hmmmmmm (sds is now thinking that he's found his meal ticket out of Charlotte :D :D . . . . )

    Hey, she could keep her last name and I would have an instant family (16 year old kid from her first marriage). Live in Beverly Hills and be a house husband all day watching SPORTSCENTER. I could handle that I think :) :cool: ;) . . . .
  3. wolverine

    wolverine Guest

    She talked like she stoned out of her mind!
  4. you are a sick sick man...have you seen her lately?
  5. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    A picture is worth a 1000 words Is ity me or is she a reincarnantion of Jenny McCarthy after eating 10,000 twinkies?

    Attached Files:

  6. CosmikCatNip

    CosmikCatNip Guest

    watched it the other night...for the first time.

    it was bad. something about an eating contest and her flamboyantly gay furniture designer...not exactly the height of television here.

    the worst thing about it though is it's almost like a car wreck. you know you shouldn't stop to take a look, that it doesn't really concern you, but it's just so awful that you have to take it in.

    the cartoon version of her isn't half bad at all. maybe they'll drop her and just make it an animated series.
  7. Shocker

    Shocker Guest

    I didn't mind seeing her getting banged in the Cafe Risque. I would put her on Slim Fast for a couple of months then teach da bitch some manners. Din, I'd have a pretty nice piece.
  8. Clearly her handlers saw the success of a Brain-Fried Ozzy Osbourn and thought "Hey, Anna's brain is worse off than Ozzy's, maybe people will watch her too!"

    This show is a total train wreck. I'm affraid to watch it cuz I don't really want to see how f'd up she is. I think maybe some of it is an act... or at least hammed up (heh, ham). She probably got far in life by acting like a dumb blond and it's probably hard for her to turn it off.

    From the little bits I've seen, she looks a LOT better when she's not squeezing into tight clothes and wearing tons of make-up.
  9. kshead

    kshead Guest

    It's kinda funny you should mention this Nut. I was thinking of posting a poll a while back with the question "Who is the least coherent - Anna or Ozzy?"

    I wasted several minutes (15 or so) of my life with Ozzy's show. I couldn't even make it to 10 minutes with Anna's.
  10. smashmouth5

    smashmouth5 Guest

    :jawomg: :barf: :behead:

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