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All you "experts" who wanted to start Moore

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Thelt, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    I couldn't have put it better myself. You repeat yourself no matter who you are arguing with, it's the same shit. If you're so worried about causing needless disruption to the board then just shut the fuck up. :13:

    I wasn't wrong, you need to accept it and move on.

    Actually I was thinking you were like the little towel boys on the team, couldn't play so you tried to learn as much about football as possible so they would accept you. Too bad it failed. You just look like a geek who has no life other than a football forum on a message board. You don't quite get it, it's not my purpose in life to annoy you, it's just entertaining to pull your strings and see you implode.

    Ding ding ding.. I have really got to you. Should we meet at the OK Corral? LOL!!! You are a sad man. It's pathetic that you let a person on a message board get you all worked up. Thanks for validating how much I have gotten under your skin, you message board geek. :gun_bandana: I now am refreshed in my mission.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2007
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    There are certainly times when I disrupt the board by being an asshole unnecessarily. In this case, however, you're the one making a scene because you want this attention so badly. You, of course, know that I'll respond. But again, I also contribute things like this and this. Meanwhile you have no ability to contribute anything because you're both unintelligent and ignorant.
    You claimed that we didn't know what Jake's injury was and you were wrong. This whole nonsense could have been avoided if you were simply man enough to admit that, but we're still arguing precisely because you're desperate for attention.
    Considering that it's all you do, it's pretty obvious that it is your current purpose in life. You're just that useless otherwise. You're essentially a miniature, impotent version of 49erpi.
    Says the guy who has intentionally caused all this disruption because you weren't man enough to admit that you were wrong. But really, you shouldn't say anything you're not prepared to back up. I don't, but apparently you're as much of a coward on that count as you are when it comes to acknowledging your errors.
  3. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    Times??? You mean like when anyone disagrees with you?

    And exactly what are you adding in all these posts genius?

    Wrong again CHIEF. I made NO claims at all.

    Press play on the recording. “I wasn’t wrong CHIEF”

    I would be willing to bet we don’t have that many Doctors if any on this board. Since that’s what I said it would be hard to back up without everyone’s cooperation. And again Colon, they don’t care that much about our little squabble, just accept that. Your rantings don’t mean shit to anyone.

    QC REPRESENT Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    jesus harold christ. like a mans hand on a dick, let it go
  5. DaveW

    DaveW Super Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    wow..anytime a thread gets more than a page or two you know it's a collin vs someone agrument
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Naw, just when someone's being an idiot or a dick. I rarely let fly with the invectives right away just because I disagree with someone. It's only when I get frustrated or feel that they're being unreasonable that I start punching away.
    Nothing whatsoever besides giving you the rope to hang yourself. I already have this reputation, but you're doing a good job of creating a lasting memory as "that guy who knows nothing but is obsessed with Collin."
    Sure you weren't, that's why you've been taking this all so personally. Look, I've posted the quote. You clearly were saying that we (you didn't single me out specifically) could not know Jake's injury and were making fun of us for even speculating. Yet, it turns out, I did know exactly what it was. And instead of acting like an adult and acknowledging that you were wrong, you've made a joke of yourself. Congratulations.
  7. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    You're so full of shit. You get this way anytime anyone disagrees with you, difference is most people just let it go. I won't.

    You mean hang myself with posts like this...
    LOL!!! I'm taking this personally??? No Colon, you wish I were taking it personally. You can't get me riled up, you don't matter that much. You're the one that gets all wound up on the board. I just enjoy pulling your strings. It's really no challenge at all and you are mildly entertaining.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2007
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    You aren't remotely capable of tangling with someone like me. As noted, I'm far more intelligent than you've ever dreamed of being, but I'm also meaner and a bigger asshole. You are way, way out of your league on this one. And no, I don't get this way any time anyone disagrees with me. People disagree with me all the time and they're fine either because their opinion is valid or because they aren't being an ass. You brought this on yourself by being a smartass to me of all people.
    Sure, because stalking someone and creating a big stink because they hurt your feelings is something you do with lots of people besides me. This has nothing whatsoever to do with you feeling humiliated for being exposed as the ass you are.
    Again, try something original. Every two-bit loser who I end up crushing inevitably insists that they're just stringing it along because they're enjoying it. The fact of the matter is that you can't think of any other way to get back at me except by being the biggest ass you can be. Annoying me with the internet idiot equivalent of Chinese water torture is the only method you can think of for getting even, but the only thing you accomplish is highlighting what a moron you are.
  9. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    Only in your mind Colon are you more intelligent. I will agree that you are a bigger asshole though, congratulations on that. That should make you feel special.

    You out of no one’s league Colon. And you do get this way when you constant badgering to get someone to pat you on the back doesn’t work. I have no problem bringing your poor attempts at insults on myself. Like I said, it’s entertaining to get you all worked up.

    You have exposed nothing other than you’re an idiot who can easily be manipulated by anyone who wants to take the time to participate.

    REALLY??? You’re saying this. You say the same stupid shit to everyone who disagrees with you. AND you actually think you have the power to embarrass people. How pathetic you are.
  10. monstercat

    monstercat Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Is anybody besides SemperFi and Collin reading this stuff? :huh2:

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