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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Black&Blue_, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I'm starting to think that you have a serious drug problem, because the degree to which you say things that have no relationship with reality reminds me so much of friends and acquaintances I've known who went through that type of issue. No one with a fully functioning brain thinks that I measure my ego based on this message board. I didn't even post here for almost two years, and only started again because multiple people asked me to do so since there was practically nothing left in the Panthers forum. I enjoy posting about sports, but this only one of several places where I do that, and I've never measured myself based on them. I've never needed to.

    It would, which you would know if you were at all knowledgeable about football. It's something most DCs don't like to do, which is why Ron Edwards has never played under that I know of.

    It's not material, though. This is who you are. Your problems aren't uncommon ones, but they're making you embarrass yourself and they're causing you to be a nuisance here.

    Sly challenged me to a fight, which I accepted. I wouldn't want to do something similar with you because you seem deranged enough to be a murderer or rapist. I promise you I'm not the only one who thinks you're capable of that.

    You say this because you wish it was true, since you know it's true about you. People seek me out and ask my opinion because they do respect me. A lot of people have problems with the way I talk down to idiots like you, and I accept that their disapproval of that behavior, but they still like and respect the other things I have to offer. Hell, I've even helped people on this board deal with personal issues that have nothing to do with football.

    You never quote it because the things you claim don't exist. Seriously, you seem like a guy who has major drug issues you're dealing with, and if that's the case please let me know, because I promise I will back off the insults.

    Do a search through your posts for the word "Chudzinski." This is the only thread where you've ever used it.

    He is, and national analysts have said the same thing. Of course Cam still has to make the throws, but Chudzinski has simplified things for him where he doesn't have to read defenses, and he's designed plays so that they maximize Newton's strengths while avoiding his weaknesses. Cam deserves credit for playing well, but Chud deserves even more. What he's done as an OC this season ranks among the best coordinator performances I've seen in years.

    True, although the turnovers and special teams are partially to blame for that. They've been awful on 3rd downs and I've said that multiple times, but you've been talking shit about the defense since before the season even started, all because you decided you hate McDermott. That's why you keep exaggerating how bad things are, or claiming that the effect of losing Beason / TDavis / Edwards is "really overstated."

    Except that I never said they were "good enough." I said they played pretty well against Atlanta, and you keep pretending I said that about the whole season because you're so deeply delusional. Look, if you do have a drug problem then please seek help, because you do not seem in your right mind at all. You've never appeared to be completely sane, but lately you've taken that to all new levels.

    I admitted to being wrong about Leftwich and Rivers. If I end up being wrong about Cam, I'll admit that too, but so far I'm definitely not. And just to hammer home the point, some people on this board insisted that I was proven wrong about Matt Ryan not being an elite quarterback. Now it's two years later and I was right all along, while they were wrong. Do you see those people admitting it or apologizing to me for the shit they gave me? No, which is fine, but just illustrates the perils of your behavior. Meanwhile you claiming that he's "close to elite now" makes you look as stupid as I keep saying you are.

    I don't think everyone here is stupid or I wouldn't post here. I think you are, and I think Thelt is. There are some others who don't immediately come to mind who are pretty stupid as well. Then there's a lot of people who say stupid stuff periodically, but it's an exception rather than the rule. Count me as one of them, since I've certainly said stupid things before.

    The difference is that I clearly do have knowledge, I back up the things I say with statistics or other evidence, and people are interested in what I think. Again, your passion is fun when you keep it under control, but if you're just going to run around saying stupid things and being all belligerent when someone corrects your stupidity, then you're dragging this place down without adding any positives. Get some professional help, dude, because you desperately need it.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2011
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I knew you were going to post something to this effect. :bigsquaregrin:
  3. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC
    While Collin can be somewhat of a douche, and I don't agree with everything he says, most people do respect him, if for nothing more than his tenacity in engaging with the intellectually challenged.

    Purrsy, you on the other hand are are a sociopathic version of Thelt, who is an idiot but not really a bad guy. I lurk here quite a bit and could really give a shit what you think. Don't waste two pages trying to insult me, just as Collin alluded to the more you post the more you embarrass yourself.
  4. Pi.

    Pi. New and improved Pi.

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2009
    I like the fact that Purrsy and Collin were going to meet for a playground fight but a legal document killed it.

    Does anyone know what Purrsy was incacerated for? That would make this thread a lot more interesting.
  5. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    I think he was trying to tell me, but I couldn't hear him very well with his face in a pillow.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Actually what killed it was that Purr started talking about how he was going to kill me. I've always enjoyed fighting, and in my experience it's a good way to settle beef, but when the guy started talking about wanting to actually kill me, that definitely ended the conversation.
  7. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Holy shit, just got home from work, and this is a lot. Well, I'll respond tomorrow, but just to clear something up:

    1.Ted Striker, just be quiet already. You're only saying that because you have a personal grudge against me because I made you look like an idiot, and you're repeating Collin's insults. You must have his name tattooed on your ass or something, you pussy little kiss ass.

    2.Collin, I never said I was going to kill you, you piece of shit liar. I still have the emails. I said I was going to make sure you couldn't drive home, you pussy. That is all. You wanted a boxing match, and I said fuck that, I wanted a fight. You were a pussy. You said hell no, it has to be a boxing match. In a fucking ring or some dumb shit. I said no, I am not a boxer. I was a shooter. (MMA before it was popular) I said I was going to break your leg so you couldn't drive home. So that you couldn't apply pressure to the accelerator. Sure, that's a dickhead thing to do and say, and I apologized for being sadistic about it, but it's a long way from saying I was going to kill you, you dumbass fucking liar. (edit- I demanded you not sue me for medical. You would not give me any guarantee you wouldn't. When the document came into play, you just stopped responding to me. I had been sued twice before for a fight, and was not about to be sued again. You struck me as a blowhard that when he got his ass kicked for real, and real hard, would sue for the bank.)

    As for what I was incarcerated for? Nothing cool. Just illegal firearm shit. I ran with a bad group who was a part of something bigger, and they associated me with it so they threw the book at me.

    You've asked several times, so there ya go. Time for bed.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
  8. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Eh, and lastly- was I a maniac before? Sure. I own that. Did I used to be out of control? Yes.

    Was I a shitass for punching opposing fans in their faces? YES. I hate that I used to do that. But peoplez...ol' Purrsecutioner has grown up. Please, stop making me out to be this monster and sociopath, please. That shit is retro.
  9. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC

    Guess it was a rough shift at the Waffle House. As to making me look like an idiot, you have a rich fantasy life. In order for me to have a grudge I'd have to give a fuck about anything you say. I'd ask you to quote it, show some sort of proof, but you're too much of a liar to do it; knowing that once again you've spouted some utter bullshit. I only posted the truth, whether Collin has said it before is irrelevant. I've gotten into it before with Collin, it's not like we're buddies. Despite that I do respect him. The point was you spouted off a bunch of shit about how no one respects him which I felt as someone who has been here a long time and really has no ties to anyone that I had to correct yet another lie of yours.
  10. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Two things.

    Get over your bizarre hatred for me. While I may be universally disliked here, I know why with most posters. I don't know who you are, but you seem to hate me personally. I guess I fucked your wife or something. But get over it.

    Take Collin's dick out of your mouth. You just humiliated yourself in front of the entire board being his faithful little servant. You're like his little dog, sniffing around his asshole behind him...that's cute. Ok, I stand corrected.

    Ted Striker luves Collin 2012.

    Say....do you know what an under is? Are you Collin's little under tackle? Betcha most fans don't know what his under tackle is. But I betcha you do.

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