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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Black&Blue_, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    our defense sucks... combination of a lot of things, but injuries is a big factor

    I'm not sure the scheme fits the personnel as well... it's backwards season, even Gamble is having a decent season

    I would love to field last years Defense with this years Offense... and any ST's from any other season (well... all but one other)
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Dude, you're a laughingstock on these boards. Ask around, please. Everyone has always thought of you as the loudmouth clown who challenges people to fights and loses his mind every time the team loses, while no one has ever thought that you know anything about football. And that's fine, as long as you're aware of how stupid you actually are and don't act like you're any kind of authority on football. You have PASSION! for the Panthers, which is cool when it doesn't go overboard, but you're well below average when it comes to football knowledge. You just don't have it. Insisting that the 4-3 was a better run defense when every single person who commented said that you were wrong illustrates that perfectly. Not only did you say something stupid, but you were so convinced that you weren't stupid that you kept arguing when many people showed you why you were wrong.

    It's amusing to see you talk about lying and then blatantly lie like this. I haven't said anything of the sort, but because you're a dumbass who doesn't have any legitimate points to make, you have to lie. You've consistently and repeatedly lied about my opinion of Cam Newton. Notice how I quote you when I talk about the things you've said? Start quoting my actual posts. You won't because you can't, since that would undermine your own lies.

    Multiple articles by national outlets and analysts have been posted on this board which said that Chudzinski has been the best coordinator in the NFL this season. You don't know that or agree with that because you're a dumbass who knows nothing about football.

    I said that they were "pretty dog gone good" against Atlanta, and the statistics back that up. I haven't said that they're good overall. I don't think they've been "horrendous" by any means, but they've certainly been below average.

    It's retarded that you think it wouldn't affect the defense. Edwards was expected to be a key starter. He was supposed to play the majority of the time at nose tackle, Purr. Maybe you're actually so stupid that you didn't realize that, but now you should. Losing your starting nose tackle and being forced to play a third round rookie is a big reason why the defense has been so soft up the middle. There's just not enough experience or depth at defensive tackle. Meanwhile let's not overlook the fact that you insisted that the effect of losing Beason and Thomas Davis was "really overstated" as well. That's just idiotic. You're an idiot, Purr.

    Actually, B&B also posted links showing that 3-4 schemes have made up the vast majority of the top 10 run defenses over the last couple of seasons, but you ignored that. And Pitch posted several different articles where NFL writers said that the 3-4 was the superior run defense, which anyone with even moderate football knowledge should already know. You embarrassed yourself not just because you're stupid, but because you're so stubborn about that stupidity. If you just made a mistake and corrected yourself then no one would care, but you make yourself look bad by saying something stupid and then sticking to it when everyone else points out how wrong you are.

    Again, anyone who knows anything about football realizes that's true. You don't agree because you're stupid and you know nothing. Multiple national outlets already posted articles promoting Chudzinski for coordinator of the year.

    "Most of them"? See, you're so dumb that you can't even realize that if you tell lies they should be small ones and not blindingly obvious deceptions. To say that I've been "wrong about most" quarterbacks puts up a giant neon sign showing that you've lost control of your mind and are so angry towards me that you will make up the most ridiculous lies because you're that set on lashing out and me. And while we're on the subject, I actually said that Newton was the best QB prospect in this class, I just said he wasn't worth the #1 overall pick and will never become an elite quarterback. Maybe I'll be wrong about that someday, but it certainly hasn't happened yet.

    You are. Remember that when I pointed out how no one on this board ever asks for your opinion about football, you made the lame excuse that it's because you're not around much. You're around plenty. People don't ask your opinion because everyone here thinks you're a dumbass. Deep down you know that you're a dumbass too, so start acting like it. Nobody minds if you say something wrong, but don't fuck up the board by acting as if you didn't. You're a moron, and when someone who isn't a moron corrects you, you should shut your mouth and learn from it.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I agree that they've been awful on third downs. I've speculated as to why they're so much worse on third downs than first or second, but no one thing jumps out as a plausible explanation.
  4. Coach Micool

    Coach Micool Let's Go Brandon!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 13, 2003
    Sometimes here, sometimes there

    It's inexplicable to me too to an actual point. Seems we get less pressure on 3rd for whatever reason and give the QB too much time, or there is a gaping hole for the op O the gash us. It's crazy because on 1st and 2nd downs we regularly shut down the op offenses, with little or no gains, incompletions due to pretty good coverages- many times with neg running plays resulting in 3rd and really longs- only to let an 'easy' 18 yard gain on 3rd and 15. That's especially frustrating and the only times in games this year where I fell shite toward them (team), other than the turnovers of ST fukups. The only solice is the 'exciting' O we have become after the d lets us down for a while, whether the other team scors or not- and usually ends up with shite field pos for our O if they don't score..
  5. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Yeah yeah yeah. Because you say so. Same old shit, different day. Truth is, Collin, for years, everyone has constantly pointed out what a freak you've become for holding onto this message board and everyone on here's opinions of you as a measure of your self worth. And I'm not making that up. Laughing stock? Dude, you're the resident here who clings to this shit as if it's all that you have. Please. If you're going to levy personal insults, pause for a moment before doing so and look in the mirror.

    You sit here and pretend to be smart and tough. You say random things about how most fans dont know this or that, but you do all the time, man. Take for instance, this garbage you push out about "most fans don't know what an under tackle is", without actually explaining it to the person you're talking to - so fucking transparent that you're "trying desperately to sound intelligent". Dude, pleeeease stop with your fucking 11 year old mentality. Tell him what the under is, then. Tell him, it's the smaller DT, it's the penetrator in a 43 scheme. And stop acting like to put two heavies on the field at once would require a goddamned PHILOSOPHY change ffs. You're fucking TRASH is starting to annoy me so bad, and your goddamned CHILDLIKE "I'm right and you're wrong" shit, and I can't take your dumb shit anymore. You're fucking DUMB when it comes to this shit. Really, you are. You go google some shit like an UNDER TACKLE which everyone knows what that is, and you're like....an under, an under, most fans dont know what an under is, but I do. But I do. Collin knows what an under is, do you?

    You're a fucking joke, dude. And all this, most fans dont know the difference between passing yards and success is. And yeah, I am mad. I'm frustrated. Because you've turned into a fucking goof, man. I'm disappointed in you. I used to really like you, man. I think I still do, but you've become a monumental retard. And you're regressing in age, man. You've become like- the guy who says the same shit over and over and over again about how no one knows shit except for you. I mean...really!? The shit you say to me is the same shit you say to EVERYONE! Can you come up with new fucking material?

    Do you know what an under is? Most fans dont, but I do. But I do. Collin knows.

    You're a fuckin' KID, man. You have the audacity to talk about me wanting to fight people? Are you KIDDING!? Everyone here on this board has the right to call me out for being an asshole about that...except for YOU AND SLY. Because YOU two did it. And YOU tried to line it up with me, but backed out when I tried to get you to sign something saying you wouldn't fucking SUE me for breaking you into pieces.

    You're a child, Collin. You have no right to EVER tell anyone...thelt, magnus, brain, poontangler, me or OTHERWISE, that they are a laughing stock. It's the same insult you use on everyone. Because Collin....while some do respect your fantasy football knowledge. No one respects you. Absolutely no one.

    I don't have to go quote your old posts. It's common knowledge that in the beginning you blamed Cam. You said our defense was playing pretty darned good. Why do I have to quote it when you keep saying it? I've quoted it before. I've quoted it all before, when I contested that before.

    Chud's the shit and I said so in the beginning of the year. I've always loved the guy.

    You missed my point because you're all angry frantically smashing the keyboard as you type, and you're not comprehending. I said you're using Chud's success to transparently knock Cam Newton again, insinuating that Cam is a product of Chud.

    IN fact, Collin, they are a product of each other. Cam Newton is playing lights out, and that's not just the result of our offensive coordinator.

    Every time someone says the defense is playing bad, you cut and paste your cute little palm face because you think it's funny, and you say it isn't true just because people say it is. When in fact, our defense ranks toward the bottom in points scored. When in fact, our defense cannot tackle very well. When in fact, our own coaches and players are saying we have to figure out how to get our defense playing well. I think you're the only asshole around here who thinks they're good enough.
    It's predictably retarded that you think I ever said I wouldn't affect it. I said it was overstated. Not invalid.

    Understood. But do you think that because of that, Fua wasn't going to be on the field? That if he did, we needed a philosophy change on defense? You don't take down and distance into consideration here?

    Pot, meet kettle. Collin, that was a beautiful description of what you've been doing with the defense and Cam Newton.

    Jesus, here's the 11 year old kid smashing the keyboard again. Yell, Collin. It'll make you feel better. Go beat up that pretty girl who won't look at you, Collin. Might calm you down.

    I never said anything bad about Chud. I was on that bandwagon before it got all TBR popularz and shit. You on the other hand, latched onto him, so you could minimize Cam Newton's contributions to the team. You transparent fuck, you.

    He's already worth the number one overall. He's close to elite now. He's close, Collin, he's not there yet, but he's close. Everyone can see that except for you. You're wrong now, and you'll be wrong when he reaches that level, but you will never admit it.

    Hey, if it's true, it's true. If everyone here thinks I'm a retard, then it's not hurting anything, is it. Great thing about a message board.

    I think you're the only dipshit who really believes that everyone on this board is so stupid except for you. And I think a lot of people on this board think you're a complete fucking clown and a dumbass. Well...they've said it enough. See, you can continue posting your garbage and continue just SAYING it's all true. Doesn't make it, Collin. It never will.

    Take your own advice, and then shut the fuck up. Period. You have something to offer, Collin. You are a good stats guy. You're mildly entertaining. But stop pretending you know anything more than that. You're a massive phony, and most realize it.
  6. Shrapnel

    Shrapnel Stinky

    Likes Received:
    Jan 13, 2003
    East Bugtussel
    :thinking: Is this the autobiographical part of your rant?
  7. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Just seems like they panic. They split our zones almost regularly. And that sucks, because a lot of time, we drop a lot of players, and only rush 3 or 4. receivers are finding the soft spots, or getting behind our corners. TEs continue to kill us, or the damn back is uncovered in a flat. Or we just miss the fucking tackles. A lot of it is just missed tackles. Where are the fundamentals??
  8. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    fucking instigator
  9. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    where are you going with this?

    losing Beason is huge. but, weren't we a bad defense last year even with Beason? losing him, Marshall and only adding rooks on the DL ... gonna be worse.

    my thoughts are that they figured this to be a development season (they expected to start and develop Cam, but didn't expect him to be nearly so good) so they didn't want go out and spend money on FAs. i'm thinking that their thinking was they'd let the new coaches get in here, work with the younguns and get to know their personnel before bringing in a "pieces" in the way of FAs. (I know there will be disagreement heard because there are those who don't think we will be able to do so becuz of the cap ... but they always manage to find a way).

    collin made a retard statement about the defense a day after us losing the game and his head was still exploding, happens to everyone from time to time. give him a pass.

    as far as Chud is concerned, i think all anyone needs to ask themselves is how good would Chud look if Clausen was still behind center. i'm a lover, so yeah, i tend to agree with those that think Cam is making Chud look like Einstein and a lot of "experts" look like fools. what's that they say? you can't make chicken salad outa chicken shit. Chud is doing a great job at using a phenomenal talent. and, i like the plan of making the development of Cam as a passer a priority over the run game at this time. can't wait to see what this offense is going to look like once they decide to start hitting on all cylinders.

  10. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007

    Losing Beason hurts. Definitely. Not having Davis around again really sucks. And not having Edwards in there is like subtraction, because we got rid of some guys to plug in two rookies for...

    Never said it didn't suck. Just said it was overstated. I've read some people say that is the reason for our defense being bad. It's not. It doesn't help, but there are so many other reasons as well....

    For your thoughts on Chud, I love the guy. I'd like to see him be more balanced, and get a rein on a few things, but he's wonderful. But he's lucky to have Cam Newton. As Cam Newton is lucky to have Chud.

    All I'm saying is...it's not just Chud, as Collin would have everyone believe, because of his personal hatred toward Newton because he's not sucking like he predicted he would.

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