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'24' starts tonight!!!

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by sds70, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC
    I wanna know what happened to that bombshell that gave Jack Audrey's name, and the German agent. I can't believe we haven't heard anything else from them. Seems like the German guy would be back for revenge after Jack burned up the list he gave him. And I just wanted to see the chick some more.
  2. bkfountain

    bkfountain Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2003
    Greenville, NC
    I used to download the episodes a few seasons ago because I always missed the time and they had stuff like janes addiction in certain parts. I'm guessing it was because it was off a network from another country...but music sucks in this show...
  3. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC

    ‘24’ has finally hit its stride
    Plot may be absurd, but fans anticipate epic showdown

    By Andy Dehnart
    MSNBC contributor
    Updated: 1:57 p.m. ET April 17, 2006
    On FOX’s “24,” the serial drama that takes place in real time over one day, characters basically walk around wearing little stickers that say, “Hi, my name is Good Guy” or “Hi, my name is Evil Terrorist.” They craft improbable escape plans in seconds and regularly defy the laws of physics and geography.

    Whether they’re counterintelligence agents or terrorists, the characters exist in a world where there’s little moral ambiguity, and the right choice is obvious if uncomfortable. The show’s hero, Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland), carries a magic bag with him that always manages to contain exactly what he needs, whether he has to disarm a certain type of security system or make a quiche.

    Even for an unabashed dramatic fantasy, FOX’s “24” has often leapt past the boundaries of plausibility, but it’s the storytelling that makes or breaks a season. Too many of “24”’s previous days have been ruined by a poor narrative arc.

    However, in this, its fifth season, the series has reached its full potential. Its tendency to be both fantastic and absurd has been overshadowed by strong, believable characters and a plot that’s kept up the momentum. It’s frequently absurd, but at least it’s going somewhere.

    More often than not, the plot of FOX’s “24” has made continual right turns, thereby treading the same ground over and over again, until the show found itself six feet underground trudging through a self-dug trench. That started in season one with Jack Bauer’s daughter, Kim, whose constant irrational behavior was designed just to complicate things for her father and allow the show to last for 24 hours. It was weak writing, and her character was little more than a deus ex moron.

    This season, however, the show’s plot twists have taken left and right turns, snaking around one another and only ending up back in the same place two hours ago, when we discovered that President Logan was actually the mastermind behind nearly all of the day’s events.

    From huge weenie to criminal mastermind
    The twist worked despite — or perhaps because of — the fact that the president is such a huge weenie. Played masterfully by Gregory Itzin, Logan is so spineless it’s shocking that he’s not just a little puddle on the floor. He looked terrified every time he had to make a decision, and was easily manipulated by whoever wanted their way.

    As it turns out, Logan’s stupidity was an act, and now he must do everything in his power to remain in power. With Jack Bauer on his trail, viewers pretty much already know how this is going to end, but watching the plot unfold should be thrilling.

    More surprising than the revelation of the president’s involvement was the way the season has not yet collapsed under the weight of its own conceit, as it has in earlier seasons. In part that’s because the writers managed to create and link three distinct arcs: the assassination of former president David Palmer, the terrorist nerve gas threat, and now the president’s involvement.

    Along the way, a number of different terrorists each seemed to be the one person guiding everything. The various characters were quickly discarded, so viewers had little emotional investment in them. But now viewers are left with characters we love and hate, and their battle in these final hours will be far more interesting than if a new villain had appeared out of nowhere.

    Among those characters are a number of women, who, defying the show's typical format, are not weak. In the past, the women of “24” have often been stereotypically feminine and existed either because they were duplicitous or because they were easy targets for violence.

    Chloe, perhaps the series’ breakout character, defines competence under extreme pressure, and Homeland Security official Karen Hayes is efficient and pragmatic, but not blindly so. Jack’s love interest from last season, Audrey Raines, has proven a strong asset to CTU and to Jack, although the writers regrettably found a lame excuse to have Jack throw her against a wall and choke her.

    The strongest female character is the president’s wife, First Lady Martha Logan. As played by Jean Smart, Martha fits snugly into her role as a wife and a woman. From within it, however, she wields power and influence, but does so selflessly. Earlier in the season, knowing her husband had conceded to terrorists and given them information about the route the Russian president’s limo would be taking, Martha bravely climbed inside.

    Now, with the revelation that her husband is the day’s real evildoer, Martha has the potential to become his biggest nemesis. Once she discovers she’s been betrayed, there will be an epic battle. As we’d expect from “24,” that showdown and the rest of the day’s events are sure to be ridiculous, but at least they’ll make sense.
  4. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    No comments from last night? Good episode. I guess this is how they lose Audrey. Bleed out in 3 minutes. No way in hell Jack would let go the evidense (voice recorder) without a backup plan. He probably has a copy on his PDA
  5. T_Schroll

    T_Schroll Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Winnsboro SC
    Chloe dealing with psycho bitch was funny. Audrey at least makes it through the next episode as she was shown holding a gun on Robocop in the previews. At least Buchanon is in the loop now. I'm betting there'll be some sort of small shadow CTU set up (to introduce new characters) to blow open the case next week also. Looks like the SecDef is gonna get waxed. Wonder what happened to Aaron? Looks like more and more people are catching on to what's going on with the Prez also.
  6. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    That's what I was thinking, too. In fact, I'd be surprised if he didn't email it to a secure account somewhere, too. It would only take about 3 minutes to copy the recording to his PDA and email it out. He could've done that on his way to the airport.
  7. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    Agreed. He's pretty much toast. Logan's gotta be sly about it, though. You just don't off the SecDef and sweep it under the rug.

    Yep -- the VP, Karen from Homeland Security, Mike (Chief of Staff). The ground commander in LA might be next. The First Lady will catch on at some point (especially since she's being "taken care of" in next week's previews), but to me, she's almost a complete non-factor.
  8. T_Schroll

    T_Schroll Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Winnsboro SC
    I think Logan is pretty much in panic mode right now as evidenced by him taking out the SecDef. He should have backed off once he got word Robocop had the tape. I think he blew it when he told the VP what he did. Now when the SecDef gets taken out, the VP and the rest won't view it as sheer coincedence or another terrorist attack. They'll have reason to rethink everything that's gone on and put everything together.
  9. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    The SecDef didn't leave him much room to maneuver. The resignation letter was on his desk when the VP walked in, and the deadline was that morning. If the veep hadn't come in, I think Logan would've backed down, or at least gave the impression he was.

    Agreed. Logan thoroughly mishandled the situation after the SecDef was escorted out -- totally closed any window of escape he might've had. He's screwed.
  10. T_Schroll

    T_Schroll Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Winnsboro SC
    SecDef takes himself out of the equasion. Didn't see that one coming, but honestly it was a hell of a move to make. Took himself out of play where he couldn't be used. If this was chess it was sacrificing a Knight (SecDef) to take the Bishop (Robocop). The jig is about up with Logan, idiot spilled everything to his wife. If I had to guess, the new guys are CIA or NSA types (wondered when they'd get involved in this shit) and are more than willing to whack Logan's ass to cover their own. The woman at CTU realizes what's going on and the other guy tracking down Chloe & Buchanon is working with Logan. Curtis & the calvary arrive in the nick of time. Wonder when the CTU chick puts the inside guy in the brig? Next week should be fun with Jack sneaking on the plane. Twist there will probably be the German Intel guy or the Chinese. Should be fun.

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