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24 - Season III

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by mathmajors, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Please do.
  2. smashmouth5

    smashmouth5 Fly Eagles Fly

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Wrapped around their fingers
    24 RETURNS TONIGHT! :happy: :thumbup:
  3. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    1/6 Episode of '24': Season 3

    -Prez Palmer at a press conference announces why he had to leave the presidental debate due to 'national security' and that America is safe. He also says Sen Keller's information is false and that he will present evideance that will show that Ann, his ex-squeeze, is innocent

    -Tony & Raiul (?) are trying to figure out how to reactivate the monitor in Jack's watch. Tony asks Kim to do a 'frequency scan' to see if they can find Jack

    -The dudes with the virus call the drug brothas and let them know that the virus is here. Ramon notices that Jack is flipping out due to his junkie fix

    -Jack goes back to the house and talks to Hector's wife and explains what is going on. He tells her that the US Army is nearby to rescue them but he can't signal them because the monitor in his watch is broken. He asks her for a cell phone so he can call CTU and tell them what's going on (he promises that he will get him, her son, and her dad out of there)

    -It looks like 2 of Salazars thugs are trying to beat out of Chase where his backup is at . . . He's kinda hanging in there, but I'm not sure if he is going to make it or not :( ; Hector's wife meanwhile manages to steal his cell phone and comes back outside (not sure if she signals Jack that she made the call or not), but I'm not sure if she made the call or not (Hector tells her to go back inside and pick it up)

  4. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    -Something is wrong with Tony :( :( . . . He didn't give Kim the correct access code so they can track the rescue trooops . . . I think he came back to work too early.

    -Meanwhile, Prez Palmer is notified that they've lost Jack and they ain't sure if he has the virus or not. Allen (his Dad maybe :confused: ?) agrees to met Prez. later on, but he is told not to bring his brother with him. I wonder why :confused: ?

    -Tony & CTU are still scrambling to find out where Jack is at. The FBI guy who is overseeing CTU right now obviously ain't happy :( !!!!!!!!

    -Back in the deserts of Mexico: Jack, Hector, & Ramon go out to meet the guys who are selling the virus. They find out that another buyer is interested in buying the virus. Jack calms Hector down that he needs to still go thru with the deal. The other interested buyer turns out to be . . . Nina :D :D !!!!!!!!! The seller has to convince Nina to come back 'to the table', which she agrees to do.

  5. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    -Prez Palmer goes out to see Allen (?; who has a nice crib BTW :D :D !!!!!!). Allen says Wayne (Prez Palmer's bro, not Chapelle) should be off his team, and he brings in his wife Julie to explain why (woooohooo, she's hot :D :D !!!!!). She tells Palmer she & Wayne had an affair 3 years ago (obviously, Allen isn't his Dad . . My bad :) !!!!!). Prez Palmer tells Allen he can't because he is his Chief of Staff, but Allen says he should because he has supported him over the years. Allen threatens reprucussion for not having Wayne fired . . . Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what he has under his sleeve :confused: ? ?

    -Kim tells Michelle she's not sure if Tony can continue to handle the job.

    -Hector's wife tells one of the thugs he was working over Chase that his truck needs to be fixed. This allows her to go into the shed and tells Chase what's going on (the virus, freeing her family, etc.).

    -The Salazar's debate bidding strategy for the virus. Ramon finds out that Nina killed Jack's wife; Jack reassures him that everything is cool and that he can do the deal . . .

  6. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    -The bidders met and Nina's group won ($240M to $225M). The Salazars ain't happy about that :( :( . . They drive off and decide to cap Jack, but he pleads with them saying he can still get the virus for them via Nina.

    HIGHLIGHTS FOR NEXT WEEK: Jack starts working on Nina to get the virus (he says the Salazars will pay her more than her bidders are). Nina tries to arose Jack to see how serious he is (aka Will Jack be willing to tap that ass :D :D ? ? ? ). Prez Palmer decides to play dirty with Alllen and still refuses to fire Wayne. Hector's wife decides to jump in on the fun and torture Chase (but obviously this is to keep him alive until help comes). Bye until next Tuesday :wave: !!!!!!
  7. barry49s

    barry49s Ain’t good for nothing

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Nina's a bitch.
  8. WilliamJ

    WilliamJ SUPERMOD

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    dude shoulda passed out.
  9. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    1/13 Episode of '24'

    Crap :mad: :mad: !!!!!!!!!!! I typed in what happened during the first break of tonight's 24 epidosde, but the board went cukoo and it never got posted here!!!!!!! The recap starts from the 2nd act on . . . Was the board down for repair tonight :confused: ?


    -Prez Palmer's aide tells him that Mulligan (the guy who's wife he had an affair with) has just told him that 3 senators have revoked their support to his health care bill . .

    -Sarah goes outside and picks up her kids baby . . It seems like she has an emergency (no idea what it is though)

    -Jack is informed of Nina's whereabouts (CTU is tracking them it looks like), but Ramon insists that he follows Jack to make sure they have the virus before his man go out to capture it.

    -Maria (?) tells papa that they are ready to split and to be ready; She then knocks out one of the Salazar's brothers thugs. You go girl :banana: !!!!!!!!



    -David talks to Julia concerning their affair and the power play her hubby is playing right now. He wants her to convince her hubby to back off or she would leave him. Julia & David kiss; Obviously she wants to start their romance up again :) !!!!!! Julia continues to press hard, but David says no (Julia offered to help if David agreed to hop in the sack with her again).

    -Oh boy, the thug are pouring gas on Chase' wounds. Julia comes in, gives Chase a knife who then stabs the guy who was torturing him . . . Atta boy Chase :thumbup: :cool: !!!! He then takes a hot poker, burns the wound on his hand shut, and then escapes with Julia outside to a waiting truck where they make their escape, with Hector and company stranded because papa cut the ignition switches to their trucks :) !!!!!!!!


    -Ohhhh boy, The FBI Boss finds out that Chloe has a baby at the office. He tells her either the baby goes or shes gone . . Hmm, I thought they would have child care onsite at CTU :( :( ? I think the baby is her’s (her babysister bailed out on her . . I get it now :) !!).

    -Jack finds Nina's hideout, but Ramon doesn't want to lose track of Jack. He finally convinces him to let him go (follow him by the nightscope in the truck). While He gets ready to sneak into the house, he is discovered by a bodyguard. After a short fight for control of the gun (where he kills him and 2 other guards) he goes in and confronts Nina. He tells her that he doesn't want to shoot her, but Nina knocks him out before they can start talking. That's not good :( :( . .


    -Oh no, Julia got shot in the truck during the escape :( :( . . . Chase calls CTU and tells them that they need help now. Tony tells him their guys are 10 mins. away.

    -Jack wakes up and tells nina the Salazars are willing to pay him 10 times what her bosses are wanting to pay him to do the drug deal. After Nina grills him to make sure he surely flipped, he shoots her bodyguard (the one Jack struggled with the gun outside a few mins. earlier . . He wasn’t killed). Perhaps she thinks Jack is a bad guy now . . That’s good :) !!!

    -Prez Palmer and his brother David wonder how they can play dirty with Millikan; Prez asks for a minute. He goes outside makes a phone call to . . . Sherri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He tells her that he wants her to come downtown and talk about Millikan.

    -Nina gets confirmation via cell that Jack sprang Ramon Salazar out of jail. She wants to be convinced that Jack has flipped, so they start playing tonsil hockey . . . You go Jack :banana: :banana: !!!!!!!!!!

    NEXT WEEK: Nina is convinced Jack has flipped, tensions rise between the Salazar brothers over should they continue the deal or not, and Sherri agrees to play dirty. Sherri is such a dirty ho :D :D !!!!
  10. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    1/27 Episode of '24'

    Sorry guys, I went to see MIRACLE tonight at PARK TERRACE (great movie btw :thumbup: :thumbup: !!!!!!!) so I didn't see '24' live tonight :( :( . . .

    But I did tape it though and just watched it (got ya nervous for a second, didn't I :D :D ? ? ? )


    -Chase, papa & the kid get picked up by CTU Agents . . Chase had to persuade them they couldn't take mama with them, who got killed in the gunfight in the escape :( :( . . . .

    -Nina doesn't believe that Jack has truly flipped, but Jack is able to knock Nina out for a second and get free (Jack was tied up in a chair; THeir long kiss at the beginning of the episode didn't convince her he had flipped). Jack basically tells her she is going to work for the Salazars or else

    -Sherry Palmer comes back into the picture . . She tells her ex-hubby that she can be a Shark to get Allan Milliken off his back . . . Atta boy Sherry :D :D !!!!! She tells him that the card she is about to play will mean the end of Allan & David's relationship, which he says that's not a problem . . . .

    -Kim finds out that Nina Myers is involved in the virus sale, which obviously pisses her off. Tony has to calm her down and tell her they need her to get to the virus

    -Chloe has babysitting issues still (the baby is still at the office). She needs Kim to watch the baby while she does a couple of things on the CTU floor . . . The FBI dude (Chapelle?), Tony & Michelle find out while walking by her office later on in the show. Chapelle wants to kick Chloe out of the office, but Michelle tells him that Chloe is the best person they have onsite to track the Salazars/Bauer's whereabouts, so she still has a job for the short term . . .

    -The Salazars, Nina & Jack get the call on where to pick the virus up at . . . Jack manages to turn on his cell phone so CTU can listen in and see where they are going to pick it up at, but the Salazars are having a fight over if the deal should continue or not. At the last scene of tonight's episode while setting up there security plans, Hector & Ramon get in a nasty fight and while he is walking away, Ramon kills his brother by shooting him in the back. I guess the deal is going thru anyhow :) . . .

    NEXT WEEK: Does Sherry get hit in the parking lot by one of Milliken's hired thugs :confused: ? ? ? Something goes down at the virus pickup site; Is Chase OK (according to the audio clip, it sounds like he's been spotted). Nina again tells Ramon Salazar that Jack is still with CTU; Not sure if he is changing his mind or what (though in the clip, Jack is caught listening in on their conversation . . . Not sure if that means anything or not). Bye until next week :wave: :wave: !!!!!!!!

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