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24 - Season II

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by WilliamJ, Sep 2, 2002.

  1. lex

    lex Guest


  2. lex

    lex Guest


    i know you are back cuz i just read your reply. hehehe. cool. missed ya!
  3. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003

    3 minutes.
  4. WilliamJ

    WilliamJ SUPERMOD

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Fuck yes...this season does not suck!
  5. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    Jumping on this late . . . Hope I don't forget anything . . . . If you live outside of the East and don't want to know what happened, don't read this post (that means you lex and the other West Coast TBR crew :) !!!!!!!!!!!)


    1) Some of the terrorist who escaped the police ambush iat the Islamic Bookstore in Vaslia are heading down to LA in a delivery truck; it blows a tire and an innocent bystander helps them out (but they don't kill him . . that was nice of them :) !!). Later on though, one of them pulls over the van and says he can't do it now; Too late too pull out now buddy, one of your cohorts kills you and another guy. They are down to 2 now :35 mins. into the show

    2) Meanwhile, Kim and kung foo guy friend are arrested for having the dead body of the little girls dad in the trunk of the car. Kim pleads with the CHP* Cop to call CTU, but the lines are too loaded to receive calls

    California Highway Patrol . . . I think there was a show about this in the 70's if I'm not mistaken ;) . .

    3) Prez. Palmers ex tries to convince the reporter her ex-hubby is holding not to disclose what's really is going on (she promises exclusive access to an area no reporters are ever allowed into), but he doesn't buckled down. Prez. later on tells his wife 'Thanks for helping, but you got to go now!!' which kinda pisses her off. Perhaps she was wanting a booty call :D !!!!

    4) Kate & the PI are looking into Dad's laptop to see what secrets on there . . . Uh oh, he's booby trapped it with an auto delete feature. But the PI is able to make out a cordinate location in the file . . . Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, could this be the location of the bomb :confused: ? ?

    5) Meanwhile, back on the plane, Nina can't get her terrorist buddy to cough up the location of the bomb.

    6) Tony talks to Kate's Dad (Bob Warner . . . that's his name :D !!!!!) back at CTU . . . . Dad starts spilling the beans about his bizness dealings . . . . He says his company is used as a conduit to pass information along

    7) Kim finally gets in touch with Papa Jack and tells him what happens . . At the same time, Nina is talking to the terrorist dude and it looks like she is making progress (she gives him a BS story that his family is being rounded up back home) . .. Until she slits his throat with the card she took with the card from the bookstore :jawomg: !!!!!!! Terrorist dude dies, Kim crying for papa on the other line (Kim, just shut up :rolleyes: . . . Your dad is trying to find the bomb!!!!!!!!!). Nina gets the bomb location, but Jack tells her they won't release her in San Diego until they can confirm the information !!!!!!

    8)Coming out of the last break :)50 into the show) Mason chokes Saida when he finds out he knows the head terroist (missed exactly what was said . . . Can anyone help me out here ? ? ?)./ Back at the police station, Kim tells the CHP Cop about the nuke . . . Tony consoles the translator at CTU (she couldn't pick up what the terrorist on the plane told Nina about the bomb) that everything is going to be OK :) . .

    9) The fired NSA guy starts blabbing his mouth about the potetnial terrorist threat outside of the compound the prez. is staying at . . . Holy shit, someone just kidnapped Kate & one of the NSA boys back at the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHo are they?

    10) Jack tells Nina about him and his late wife's final day together on the Venice Boardwalk when . . . Kaboom !!!!! There is an explosion on the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . Is it a bomb, missle, major crap bomb in the bathroom ? ? ?

    That's all for this week folks . . . Hope I didn't spoil anything for you guys who live on the Left Coast . . . . See ya next week on The TBR.com 24 Recap Show :thumbup: !!!!!!!!!!!
  6. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    I'll read the recap later. All I got to say is: holy crap!
  7. HPCatFan

    HPCatFan Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    OKay. that was an AWESOME ending to that episode!!

    Terrorists with the bomb - there's only one now. Will he fulfill the mission (he seems kind of reluctant...their leader is dead now, so who knows?)

    Didn' t I see that reporter out blabbing about the threat? Who let him out?

    Nena, I KNEW you'd use that card for something, I thought maybe to escape from a room or something but oooooo you use it to axe the guy who gave you info and now you're using that to save your own ass!!!! What a fighter!!

    How long till LA is in a panic? First Kim tells people like Kung Fu boy and now the cop, next that reporter or whoever is out there blabbing.

    Bob Warner works for the CIA. I didn't catch why Mason wanted to kill Raisa, something about a name. WHo were the dudes that kidnapped the daughter Kay or Kate (who is hot by the way) and the PI? Looks like they are going to be tortured or killed next show (the clips for the next one showed them in a room covered with plastic sheeting...not a good sign for them)

    Finally, the missile that hits the plane?!?!?WTF??? Three weeks till the next show. Perfect timing for Fox IMO, I was starting to wonder about this season, now I'm stoked again.
  8. barracuda

    barracuda Provocateur Extraordinair

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Down to one, after the passange who shot the driver got out to pull him from the drivers seat, the driver terrorist shot him. only one terrorist left in the delivery truck.

    Indicated he was with the CIA, I think the CIA is involved with this some how and it maybe the CIA who kidnapped the daughter and detective at the Warner house after they broke into the computer and found all the personal records.

    Good show, I wonder how they make out with the plane crash and if everyone will survive... only Nina and jack I bet. Who shot down the plane CIA? I wonder if this whole this is to get the President out of office.
  9. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Warner is a consultant to the CIA. He passes information for them.

    Prez. Brothaman had a Secret Service guy hold that reporter, but they could find him after the reporter got out.

    Man, HP, why didn't you tell us she would use that card for something?:D
  10. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    Bump . . . There's no 24 Episode tonight folks (all Xmas programming) . . . so don't freakout if you don't see the show at 9ET, awright :D ? ? ? ?

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