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24 - Season II

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by WilliamJ, Sep 2, 2002.

  1. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Jack spiked the guard's water. That's why Nina got all wrinkle-faced at the end.:jump:
  2. barracuda

    barracuda Provocateur Extraordinair

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    2 out of three ain't bad (i think that's how you spell ain't).
  3. barracuda

    barracuda Provocateur Extraordinair

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Jack told one of the officers at the plane that so and so will be out for a while and to take care of him... the officer said no problem as if he expected it?

    prediction two... check

    prediction three... check
    someone speculated that the father was involved... good call. I still think the groom is more apart of this though.
  4. HPCatFan

    HPCatFan Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Tonites the nite, more Elisha....
    So, Jack drugged his co-worker and now Nena's scared shitless. Cool. Ice her man, ice her.
    Kim and Kung Fu boyfriend :rolleyes: get pulled over and there's something in the trunk. Maybe the body of the wife?
  5. barracuda

    barracuda Provocateur Extraordinair

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    Jan 8, 2003
    I predict Nena won't survive the Day (not necessarily this hour).
    Kim and Kung Fu don't make it out of the blast area... but don't get caught yet.
    Jack kills at least two more people (not including Nena)
  6. smashmouth5

    smashmouth5 Guest

    Somebody gets popped tonight. Nena is my guess. That would throw everything back up in the air.
  7. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    OK . . . I will try to do a running commentary tonight :) . .

    1) Jack & Nina head of to Visali, CA** (?) . . . Jack drugged his fellow agent I see now for some reason (perhaps so he can handle Nina his way :confused: ? ) . . CTU Chief is starting to freak out that the radioactivity is starting to kill him now . . As they get ready to land, he has Nina change clothes in front of him/pilot . . . . Hey now :thumbup: !!!!!!!

    When they land, she finally gives up the location of the bomb/where the guy who knows where the bomb is at.
    The agents discuss how they are going to break into his holdout, but Nina nixes all of them because he gave her all of their attack plans. Jack decides to let Nina walk thru the front door first

    Nina, Jack & the Feds go down to the store where the Bombguy works at. Nina walks in with a spycam in her necklace; she eventually gets his 'wife' who works at the store to let him see him. Nina talks in Arabic with him and eventually after some static from her mike/spycam, Jack & the Feds go in after them. Somehow, Bombguy and Nina escape the store . . But Jack eventually catches Nina trying to escape. But where is the Bombguy at :confused: ? ?

    Damn, I thought they were heading to the foreign country vs. someplace in the US . . . My bad :D !!!

    2) Prez. Palmer & Co. are trying to figure out how to spin the helicopter crash . . . Wife reappeared last episode and already, his advisors fear that he is trying to influence her hubby . . BTW, where are the kids at :confused: ? ? Prez. Palmer later on holds a meeting with his ex, the lady advisor, the bald guy over who's trying to mess up his agenda. Lady advisor give him the low down on what's going on (Roger Stanton is involved with some defense funding issues). Former ex & the lady advisor have a minor confrotation over her taking control of some of her normal duties . . . .

    3)Kate her sister and the future brother in law get in a spat at the start of the show on who leaked the feds the information on his background. Later on, TOny tells Reisa (?) that he has to come down to CTU . . After everybody leaves, Kate calls back the PI and ask him how she can get into her dad's private records on his PC

    4)CTU Chief talks to his kid who's working at a Hot Dog Stand on the beach . . . . He's brought in later on to CTU HQ and drops the bomb on him . .

    5) Kate & Kungfu Guy friend get pulled over on the Highway in the stolen car; The office eventually coms back and lets them off with a warning and lets them go . . . CURVE BALL, he sees something leaking out of the car and orders them to open the trunk, the dead mom :jawomg: :jawomg: !!!!! They are in deep trouble now, aren't they :) ? ? ?

    BTW: Heard the FOX CHARLOTTE NEWS REMIX again :25 mins. into the show . . . . Man, they ought to release it as a single :) !!!!!

    That's it til next week kids . . . . Same time, same channel . . . Time to get ready for work . . . Goodnight everybody :D :D !!!!!!!
  8. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Your wife is full of great theories, HP!
  9. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    That advisor sure layed the smackdown on Sherrie tonight. Woo hoo!!
  10. Y2Buddy

    Y2Buddy Guest

    Anybody got a tape of tonights show? My wife missed and she's freaking out. My daughter, 13 months old, got the remote and screwed it all up. I guess she was trying to find Big Bird or Elmo or something.

    Please help!

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