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2023 QB's

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by stirs, Feb 5, 2023.

  1. stirs

    stirs Full Access Member

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    Feb 22, 2021

    I read some article that stated that Young had a very deep drop back, obviously to be able to throw across the line, but in the pros, he would end up out the back of the pocket and tackles would have a hard time keeping DE's from getting to the QB. Thus my Stroud it is statement above. I am certain our guys have all the analytics gone over by now.
  2. rake

    rake Need one of these

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    Jan 9, 2003

    Been looking at all the clips I can find of Bryce and I really haven't seen that "very deep drop back". Also have not seen batted down balls or sacks where he can't make a decision. Damn if I'm not starting to change my mind /:-? If you listen to McCown then you feel like Young is the favorite.
    EXCEPT FOR HIS LACK OF SIZE he is already a solid starter quality NFL QB. There is not another QB in this class that does all he can already do. He makes 5 reads, he protects the ball - he has off the charts pose and pocket presences - he has natural evasive ability - he can make precise hot route timing throws with surgical placement, AND create when there is not much there. He's probably a once every decade talent (conservatively) as a processor.
    Young's decision making and intuition already looks superior to any panther QB that I can recall. Can any of you recall a panther QB who consistently made solid decisions for more than a few series? "But he hasn't done it against pro defenses and coaching you say?" The likes of LSU and GA are close enough comparisons for me to acknowledge that Bryce Young is ready to start and succeed in the NFL. With any of the other rooks there would be a longer learning curve . .. and some of the shit Young can do already is likely to be shit that the others will never be able to do consistently.
  3. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    I haven't seen a whole game from any of the QBs in the draft. You really need to see every offensive play from the huddle on for a whole game. Then do that for every game you can get your hand on to get a feel for a real world display. That includes every handoff and dump pass.
    Clips and highlights will never give you a complete picture.
    I want to see how many times they have to move out of the pocket to pass. How they react when under pressure. To see how many passes are just dump offs or short passes with RAC/YAC added on to pump up total yard stats for the QB.
    So far the vast majority of opinions are third and fourth person facts. When it comes to football player's talent I believe what my eyes tell me.
    I've never seen a small QB that didn't run around to complete passes except one.
    Flutie did it, Tarkenton did it, Wilson does it, and for all those people it's not something they want to do. They have to do it. I'm not a fan of it regardless if they're successful at it or not.
  4. rake

    rake Need one of these

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    Jan 9, 2003
    Valid points. However, in addition to highlights I did see plenty of SEC football last season and in 2021 and was always impressed with Young. . .even in a few loses. They never lost because of Young (possible exception of LSU pick in the endzone). Frankly I am not a Bama/Saban fan and always root against them. I saw him perform in whole games (probably at least 7 over the last couple of years and as I remember, until people discovered he was not 6 feet tall Young was the overwhelming favorite to be the #1 overall pick. If not for his lack of size i doubt there would even be a legit debate.
  5. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    That's what I always hear, but that's a mighty big(pardon the pun) "if" and it will never change.
    As for a legit debate, with Stroud's accuracy and gaudy TD/INT numbers there will always be a certain chance that his pro career will outshine Young's.
    It also depends on the team and coaching staff on where each lands.
    Whoever goes to Huston will, I think, have more pressure to start sooner.
    I have more confidence in what Dalton can do as opposed to any QB on the Texans.
  6. Cyberjag

    Cyberjag RAMFB

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    Mar 19, 2006
    Concord, NC
    No one would hesitate with Young if it wasn't for his size. And if you look at his body of work, he's proven to be able to avoid sacks and keep himself safe. So the question really should be if you think he can do it at the pro level. SEC linemen hit as hard as NFL linemen, and he managed to navigate that fairly well.

    If he was 10 pounds heavier, would it make a difference? 20? If it would, well I think you just have to pull the trigger on him because that extra weight is really not going to make a ton of difference. They killed Cam, and he's built like a tank. Stroud isn't that much bigger--20 pounds but five inches. That weight/height ratio is as likely to get him killed as Young's.

    So give me the elite processor over the elite arm. The separation between the two on the first is a lot higher than it is on the second.
  7. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    Let's not pretend that what holds true for Young can't also be said of Stroud.
    If weight and muscle can be added to one then it can be true for the other one.
    I also don't want to belittle Stroud's in game processing skills.
    I've said it more than once that I haven't watched any of the QBs in full games.
    I also don't know if I'd trust a test to determine a starting QB.
    You mention Cam getting killed. Cam was a runner and chose to get killed.
    As far as the SEC hitting as hard as the average NFL D player, some things can be claimed without any proof.
    I guess we'll see in a couple of years how it all pans out.
    Settling any debate will take years.
    I'm a Panthers' fan and I think Young or Stroud can be successful for the team.
    I just wonder how many times I'll end up shaking my head in QB disappointment play during the season.
    I've been doing that quite a bit the last few years.
  8. stirs

    stirs Full Access Member

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    Feb 22, 2021
    Nobody know, but we will suck it up after the pick and if Young is the pick, we will extol his virtues while trashing Stroud, and vice versa if Stroud is the pick. It is football fandom, and that is the way the game is played
  9. rake

    rake Need one of these

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    Jan 9, 2003
    The input from both you guys is good stuff and I am positive that the new carolina staff has been debating ad nauseam. I am now on the Young side of the fence. I believe that the rarest tool for a QB is a Brady, Brees, Manning level of instincts and processor. Not saying Young is at the level of those HOFers but they all had the experienced/developed version of the fledgling talent that Young has consistently proven he possess. Will he always make the best decisions in the NFL? No, and neither did the HOFers above. . . Will he make better decisions than any other panther QB in recent memory?? Will his decisions and choices in games cost carolina many wins like Darnold, Mayfield, Bridgewater, etc, etc.??? To me (and many others) Young is more likely to be like the previously mentioned HOFQB trio than the latter BUQB trio. Not saying that Stroud won't EVENTUALLY be an effective decision maker, just saying Young is widely considered better in that area. Even if that is only worth ONE more win a year I will take that single additional W and be thrilled about it!
  10. stirs

    stirs Full Access Member

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    Feb 22, 2021
    I agree.

    Once I watch film on Young, I don't often see him get hammered because the ball is out before then. Same with Manning and a lot of times Brady. If the throws are not there, you move, if not there, you throw it away. The processing and hearing Saban, who I generally don't care for, say that he has never had a guy like Young who disects and helps plan offensive game plans. If doing it in the Ivy League, that is one thing, but to do it in the SEC, is as close to NFL as you get. Luke was a processor like that, so if Young can do for the offense what Luke did for the defense, then I am good.

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