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Hey Plavich... part 2

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by YINZER, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Don't make me list the guys that Lutz thought could play here but could not.

    I think Plavich can play at this level. My only point is that most of us understand that he can't play any defense, so if he can't make better decisions regarding his shot selection, then he is useless. He has shown he can score when he takes good shots but the bombs he is throwing up early in the shot clock are killing us. They are not good shots for any player on any level.
  2. TheGraduate

    TheGraduate Full Access Member

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    Jun 17, 2003

    What I do or don't do has nothing to do with what I do or don't know about the game and never said it did, same goes for you. What you stated was incorrect and you used it to try to enhance your position and I will take what coaches on both sides of the ball say before I listen to someone who constantly arm-chair quarterbacks, is never wrong and who doesn't X and O for a living. And since both coaches in that game have proved to be pretty good at that very thing over time, I'll listen to them over you any day.
  3. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Whatever, that post doesnt address anything I posted. It was clear that when Plavich was in the game, they worked at getting him switched up into a mismatch to exploit him. Get used to it, it will happen in almost every conference game we play. I am not "arm-chair quarterbacking", but just stating what I watched Marquette do on offense last night.
  4. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

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    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    This describes what yout do to a T, and why I detest you PI. Plain and simple. No bones.

    I swear the guy who wrote that knew you personally.

    Magnus, touche, but true. I try to ignor ethis guy, but it's hard cause he gets so personal with anyone who defies his hoops omniscience. Most of us are willing to give here and there.

    And PI, to address your point, I am not a coach and have never claimed to play one on TV, but I've seen enough basketball to know what you're suggesting isn't what happened. Marquette ran screens to get Novak and Diener looks - they weren't picking on anyone in particular, just whoever our guards happened to be. Mitch is faster and more lithe and fought through them better. On defense, Marquette used some of the same "junk" defenses that we employ to smother our 3 primary scorers. My problem is that when you take one of them out of the game for more than just a breather, we're that much easier to guard. We have to work smarter to get Plav & Demon some cleaner looks. They're both jacking it up too much right now. And Eddie is showing some ability to finish - maybe it's time to run some more offense through him now that the Butter experiment failed. See how he handles it. Curtis needs help, that's for certain.

    And oh yeah, like MK said, we did win, in case you missed it. Before Diener got hurt, we were beating a team that had Arizona on the ropes as badly as Cincy did through that point in the game. We've got a lot of weaknesses and room for improvement, but how about some love for what things we do right?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  5. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    You know, Magus I agree. If Plav would start scoring 15 points a night and only taking one bad shot, I wouldn't give a fuck what he does. But he's a fuck up right now, whether his shot drops or not. When we get him the ball, he will take us out of our offensive set to get his shot.

    We already run a screen to get him a look on almost every half court set, we don't need him trying to create a shot that isn't there and still firing it up when it isn't there.

    There's a reason Plav is getting criticized, because he isn't getting it done. There were a few people set to boo him like butter last night. Whether you Plav fans like it or not, a LOT of fans are tired of his bullshit. He needs to get his head in the fucking game or lutz needs to sit him down. He's a sniper without bullets. Maybe he's just an idiot. That's why he takes so many bad shots, why his decision making is so poor. It took lutz a long time to realize Butter was stupid, let's hope he doesn't have to make the same mistake.

    And for the guy who said Demon's shot selection was just as bad, I don't agree. Demon shoot less, shoots inside the three point line and a lot more recently has only taken the really long shot at the end of the shot clock. It's one thing when there is 5 seconds left on the clock, it's another thing entirely when there are 30 seconds left. Plav takes at least 2 of those a game.

    I don't think Demon has the best shot selection, but he does a lot to help us win. I have always been a Demon Brown fan, and I think he really has a lot of heart and does everything he can to help us win. Sometimes he doesn't play smart, but he almost always puts his heart on the floor. Plav isn't half the player Demon has been for us. Demon has been a lot of things in his time here, but he is one of the greatest niners in my opinion. We are really going to miss him next year.
  6. MKNiner

    MKNiner Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    I think Plav does need to take better shots. He's frustrated right now and needs to get back on his feet. His shot just isn't dropping.
  7. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003

    I was not "suggesting" anything, I was stating facts that I watched unfold with my own eyes. Big difference. None of your make-believe-world scenarios are going to change what I saw.

    And, BTW, a soccer fag attorney should not be busting on anyone.
  8. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

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    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Calling our players fuckups PB is where your point loses credibility with me. This kid is just doing what he can to help us win. I dont think he's as good as Demon, but neither are most of our players.

    I just have one question for everyone that wants to nail Brendan Plavich to the cross and label him the bane of our team. When he's outt here taking all these bad shots (and we all agree, he has been forcing it lately), excatly who is he taking shots from?

    I expect your answer to be something like "withers" or :basden" or "from our normal offense". None of those answers is right. Most nights, Curtis gets his touches and his points, despite the fact that opposing teams know he is our only consistent interior threat. The point being that Plavich (and Demon) take bad shots, but its because our offense is still limited. We have 3 guys that can score, and unfortunately only about 2 ways between them to do it. All of you that want to see us slash to the basket or run more plays for slashers I would hope are smart enough to realize that the only reason we dont is because we dont have anyone who can do that as competently as Withers, Plavich and Brown do their thing. If we did, Lutz would be calling their number frequently. Same with Iti and a true, back to the basket post presence. Lutz will go inside to Iti a couple times each game and see how he does. As he gets more consistent, he'll see more touches. But not until then. Same with Eddie, even though he's progressing too. I hope like crazy one or both of those guys breaks through (I already love Eddie's game), cause we'll be that much harder to beat and defend.
  9. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I can't speak for the rest, cause I didn't see the game, but seriously - you have no fucking clue what you are talking about with this one.
  10. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Let's get something straight ass-lick. I have two user names, one of which I gave up the way DaveW gave up his Bama name. I'm sorry if you cant keep up. Your conspiracy theories that I'm all these other people are as wrong as your other opinions. Trying to spin that same tired line to inavlidate me every time is retarded.

    I knew you couldn't resist the soccer jab. Funny though, I used to fuck up blowhards like you on the field constantly. You're one of the idiots that dont realize just how physical that sport is. You should watch a season of English Premier League and get some perspective. Those guys are fierce.

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