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Hey Plavich... part 2

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by YINZER, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    HardNAHarry, I'm not going to get in another one of your gay pissing contests again. But if one of you guys brings up the fucking syracuse game again I am goint to puke. The only game planning Marquette did on Plavich was too isolate against him everytime they had the ball. They made it clear that they were going to pick on him defensively all night. If you don't think his defense is any worse than any other player than I really don't want to debate at all with you. He is so bad defensively that I cannot come up with words to describe it.

    At least you agree that he is too slow to get open in our half court sets and that he is taking bad shots. That is half the battle. If you would agree that he cant defend anyone, then we would have no reason to argue.

    You guys had to notice how easy Demon was able to get shots in our half court when he switched to the 2 guard. He got a good look every time he ran the baseline. As soon as he took over for Plav, we ran him through a double baseline screen and he burried a 3 in front of our bench. The next three sets, we ran two baseline curls and another double screen and he got good looks at all of them. Plavich just can't get those looks. He is too slow and has to take a fall away when he has guys running out at him. Demon, on the other hand, takes a true jump shot and is able to get his shot off easier.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  2. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    ...and I won't give you any shit about being a soccer fag. I only debate real sports.
  3. hootie

    hootie Full Access Member

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    Jul 16, 2003
    Plavich's main problem offensively is his shot selection. He has to let the game come to him and quit forcing 25' fade aways (Demon does his share of this BTW, his shot selection isn't much better, he's just canning some right now). I think Plavich being on the court frees up other players some just because of the threat of him heating up. Defensively, the glove he ain't.

    Baldwin, on the other hand, is the glove. But as bad as Plavich can be on D, Baldwin is every bit as bad on O. In the half court set, they ignore him, it's 5 guarding 4 more often than not, which hurts the interior guys.

    I'm not a Plavich guy or a Baldwin guy, I'd like to see them both mend their respective shortcomings. Unfortunately, I've never seen a major college soph magically develop a J or a slow white gunner turn into a defensive stalwart. It's kind of pick your poison, no O or no D.
  4. hootie

    hootie Full Access Member

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    Jul 16, 2003
    And another thing. Please, Please, Please don't anyone metion Sager in this conversation, he simply can't play at this level and should have stayed at Wis-GB. Hope he's good for th eteam GPA.
  5. TheGraduate

    TheGraduate Full Access Member

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    Jun 17, 2003
    Pi, that's a plain and completey inaccurate statement on your part. I must now ask you what game you watched. Their game plan, as Crean stated pre-game and post-game to various reporters was to get Diener and Novak going, neither of which Plavich guarded. I am under the assumption that to isolate for a player every time they had the ball would be to put someone in a situation where they had to defend one on one, as you are stating for the case in this argument... whoever Plavich is guarding. That did not happen much and certainly was not part of the "game planning". That was our best perimeter defense in a long time, primarily because of Demon and Eddie, but Brendan played well on D last night too. You have a lot of legitimate points in most of your posts, so don't invent shit.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    >>Yes but Magnus, some people just have to blame the player and not the fact that the other team is gameplanning against him.

    >>Here come the soccer fag rants from PI's crew

    This is a good example of the pissiness. No offense, I see it some from both sides and I'm for fucking sure not going to get in the middle of it. I'm sure both of you have your special reasons for disliking each other, I just don't care. I've read it enough that I don't really read here that much.

    Plavich is in fact responsible for his own play. Part of being a starter on a team that's getting some attention is adjusting play for what's being stopped and stepping up to the attention he's getting.

    And he's not. Doesn't mean he can't start, or shouldn't, just right now he's not getting us as far as he could.

    If that means that the coaches must alter the offense for him, just as they would need to do a better job of for Mitch, then part of it's on the coaches as well.

    But an offensive-geared player must bring some offense or be willng to sit more for a defender. That's just part of the game. I hope the man pulls up some huge shots soon, and it'd be crazy not to think we all want that.
    'course, I never had a sentimental attachment to Jobey. I always fought more for a guy like Tremaine, because I watched him rehab and he used to throw a pass or two when he'd be out back Poplar fucking up white kids who thought they could do what Jobey does :D
  7. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    When you said "Plavich v/s Mitch," did you actually mean "every freaking subject under the sun?"
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  8. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003

    Who the fuck do you think you are anyway grad? Mine is an absolutley accurate statement. They tried all night to get Plavich isolated. They ran high screens to get Plavich swiched up guarding Diener every chance they had. And when they had their freshman guard in the game (name escapes me right now) they did the same thing to get Plavich switched up on him so he could blow by Plav and look to dish to Diener and Novak.

    Just becuase you claim to be involved in a television broadcast doesnt mean you know shit abou x's and o's. Just because Plavich wasn't matched up against Diener or Novak doesnt mean they can't exploit him to get those two looks. It's basketball 101. Every basketball team in the world uses screens to set up mismatches and Plavich was the one guy that Marquette chose to pick on last night. Learn the game before you insult me.
  9. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Well, yeah.
  10. MKNiner

    MKNiner Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    What makes you more qualified to assess x's and o's than him?

    Plav's strength is not defense, that much is certain, but he's an adequate defender just as Jobey was. They're not going to lock anyone down but they're going to work their butts off to try.

    I agree with HH, Plav is frustrated right now. Teams are game planning against him and it shows. Jobey went through a period of the same stuff and we just had to find a way to get him open.

    I swear I've never seen so much crap hurled at a kid after a WIN, you all do remember we won right? To say Plav can't play at this level is ignorant. Lutz isnt' stupid, he knows who can and can't play. If Plav couldn't play, he wouldn't be here.

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