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Hey Plavich... part 2

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by YINZER, Jan 21, 2004.


    YINZER Snooper Bowl

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2003
    Nice shootin' Tex. I am beginning to wonder if BP is a complete retard or maybe he is missing a few parts.
  2. Savio

    Savio Freelance Pimp

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Redondo Beach
    I really would like to see Mitch running our offense. Coach needs to take control of this damn team. I don't care if he's your captain. If BP has been having a streak of shitty games, you sit the bastard down.
  3. TheGraduate

    TheGraduate Full Access Member

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    Jun 17, 2003
    Would someone please show me a couple examples of Mitchell running this team that have been remotely successful... against decent teams. SIU is the only one I can really recall. What has he done to show he can run the team? He can't shoot (and while Plavich is not shooting worth a damn at least the defense has to honor him and can't sag on Withers & Co.). He doesn't penetrate in a half court set. He has little to no idea how to attack a zone. What exactly am I missing that has shown he can "run" this team? This is not a bash Mitchell post, I just don't understand the why people think he can run the team. I think what he provides us is adequate for a back up point guard, which is no more than he will ever be here, next year included. He adds some speed and defensive pressure off the bench and can go coast to coast. And he took two of the most "scared" looking FT's I've ever seen last night when it got close to nut-crunching time.
  4. Savio

    Savio Freelance Pimp

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Redondo Beach
    I would just like to see a differing styles in the back court instead of two shooters handling the rock and are quick to the trigger...
  5. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

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    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    You are asking the wrong crowd here Grad. Mitch can do no wrong and Plav can do no right. And anyone who thinks otherwise "embarasses" themselves everytime they post.

    We do need to design some more plays to attack the zone and to get Plav & Demon some better looks. Didn't matter which defense Marquette played last night, they were all over the same tired plays we've been running for Demon & Plav all season. Everyone's on to what we do thanks to the magic of videotape. Time to reinvent the wheel a bit so those guys stop forcing things.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2004
  6. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    We ran plenty of plays for Demon once Plavich got his sorry ass sat down. Demon came off some baseline screens and a few curls and burried three pointers. I dont know what game some of you watch, but we run the same baseline screens and curls for Plav and he can't get open. He is too slow, so instead he decides to pull up from the fucking logo at 30', three seconds into the shot clock and it finally got him a seat on the bench. Thank you coach Lutz, it only took 10 games or so, but he finally yanked on the leash. Enough is enough, he is just flat out killing us with his shot selection and PATHETIC defense. Marquette made him look fucking suilly last night on the defenseive end.
    And Grad, Mitch may have missed 2 at the line, but he has been solid all year late in games at the FT line. Plavich was no prize at the line either going 2-4, all late in the game.

    Here is the deal on Mitch, we don't know for sure what he can really do in the half court because he doesnt get a long enough leash. We know he is great in transition and can play defense. Plavich, on the other hand also sucks in the half court, is a shaky at best ball handler and cant guard anyone.
  7. TheGraduate

    TheGraduate Full Access Member

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    Jun 17, 2003
    I'd like to see Plavich do a little more of the pump fake and drive like he started to do last night. Since someone is so tight on him he creates an advantage if he gets a guy in the air and he made a couple nice passes out of that last night, including a three for Demon. He has to get better on shot selection, no question, at the same time you don't want to kill his confidence. Sometimes shooters are better when they don't think too much. It's a fine line Bobby has to deal with because we do need him as an offensive threat.

    As for Mitchell, it's as if he morphs at midcourt. He plays defense with confidence but it is like he has no idea on offense. He has been given the chance, maybe not 35 minutes a game, but you have to show something in the time you are given and he just hasn't. He hasn't earned more time at that position. You can't compare that to minutes earned/not earned by Plavich because they aren't the same position and are asked to do different things.

    As for the FTs, pi you are right he has been pretty good this year, and I wasn't as pissed that he missed two as I was with the way he took them. He flat out looked scared like he was hoping he wouldn't miss. Sure that is interpretive, but that is just the way it looked.
  8. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Damn you people get awful fucking political about Plavich v/s Mitch.

    It's like this. Pissy grudges against each other aside, Plavich isn't getting it done right now. Gotta see what else can be done, it's not worth wasting a few good games hoping something better will start to come from it.

    if that means that we go with a bit more of a spread, slashing style for a change of pace, then that's great. If that doesn't work, or Mitchell can't come up with more offense, then use it to draw people inside and rotate the ball to the outside. Just see what's going on. Doesn't mean this player's better than that player, or any of that silly shit. It means that what's happening is not working and there's gotta be something better.
  9. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    It really isnt a Plavich v. Mitch debate, it's just that the Plavich apologists get mad when I point out his inability to do anything well and they decide to rip on Mitch Baldwin as a defense.

    We ran much better sets when Plav got benched because Demon went to shooting guard and was able to come off baseline screens and curls aget get off good shots, which he drilled. What some of these people don't understand is that we run the same sets for Plavich and he is too slow to get open. Throw in some pathetic defense on his part and you have a worthless player. I he cant learn to get open in the half court sets and take better shots in unsettled situations, then he is useless, which he showed last night...again.
  10. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Yes but Magnus, some people just have to blame the player and not the fact that the other team is gameplanning against him.

    After that Syracuse game, did you really expect any team to allow him to shoot? They are daring us to beat them another way and he's getting frustrated because he's a shooter that's not getting looks. PI once again slipped in a tiny kerenl of truth into his usual giant turd slinging at Plav, and I'll give him creditbfor that - Plav isnt as fast running those screens as Demon is. We have to run something different for him if we're gonna get him looks. The kid can shoot, but I agree, from 30' is not a good % shot.

    On the flip side, I dont see where he's any worse than any other defender we have. He is slower, which some people equate absolutely to defensive ability, but he is also smart. He broke up some passes and had a steal or two. He can be very effective at times, if he's consistently put in the right situations. I think I identify with the guy (and Jobey and others like him) because I wasn't the fastest soccer player around, but I made a lot of guys with athleticism and speed like Mitch look stupid just cause I played smarter and tougher.

    Here come the soccer fag rants from PI's crew. :silly2:

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