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Who needs 3?

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by YINZER, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    The omniscient one has spoken, all bow down to his royal dickheadedness. :bird5:

    PI, he called you on your bullshit. Deal.
  2. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
  3. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    No he didn't shitforbrains.
  4. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    The hell I do. Plavich is in there because he is a threat to score everytime he touches the ball, not because he does or doesnt. Do you not get that or are you ignoring it? He makes the defense extend which gives Curtis, Iti and our small forwards more room to operate. Defenses laugh at mitch, especially in a zone because he doesnt know how to drive the lanes when we use motion/screens, perimeter passing or passing to the high post to open them. Most of the time, he dribbles, to his right, runs smack into the zone shoft and then looks to bail himself out. He cannot score in traffic or get to the hoop. He doesnt know the offense well enough or see teh floor well enough to pass to the open man when the inevitable shift occcurs, that is IF he dribbled to the right spot in the first place to break down the zone. Not being a serious perimeter threat allows the guard on him to play off and pack in the zone. I'm not giving a damn hoops 101 lecture here, you know what that does to hurt our offense. Plavich creates space to do lots of things and can drill an open three if we pass it around the arc and catch the zone not shifting properly.

    No, but you have to be able to score reliably in set plays which mitch has never done. He has shown some occassional ability but never from game to game.

    Based on what? The SIU game where he scored so many transition points? What the F ever. You're being biased. Plav is a MUCH better offensive player who can also drive to the basket though he seems to only do it on the baseline.

    Score in transition.. umm DUH all of our guys can. Mitch is one dimensional - catch rebound and fly down the court to score in transition. Problem is, he rarely gets that opportunity in games. And y ou knock plav for being one dimensional. Hypocrite. Oh, and Plav has scored as many points in transition as Mitch has in the halfcourt. Hit just an occasional jumper? Plav hits LOTS of jumpers. Good FT shooter? Did you not even look at your numbers? Plav's shooting over 80% and hit 4 of 4 at depaul despite whatever rustiness he had from not playing.

    No asshole, I just want us to win. I dont play favorites like you're doing. And Im glad that Lutz is the same way and not an arrogant dickhead like you. I cant tell you how much satisfaction Im getting from knowing how much Bobby's decision is rankling you. I dont even feel bad for Mitch cause he's just a sophomore and will get better & play more as a result.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2004
  5. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    You're a motherfucking waste of skin 49erPimple. God could have made a perfectly good family of disease-spreading rodents with the flesh he wasted on your negative, self righteous megalomaniac self, and it would have been an improvement.
  6. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    1) Your assessment of the zone is so bad that I am embarrassed for you.

    2) You are ripping Baldwins play at SIU where he went 5-8 from the field for 14 points with 2 assists and 1 ( that's ONE, radio boy) turnover in 22 minutes.

    3) All our players can score in transition?? Thats's brilliant.

    4) If you think Baldwin is one dimensional, what does that make Plavich?

    5) Sorry to disappoint you but Bobby's decision isn't "rankling" me. I like Plavich but I hate his shot selection. I also can't stand guys like you that think he is Jobey Thomas.

    6) In all your blind loyalty, you were probably in favor of Nash getting 30 minutes at the point last year.

    The horse is dead now, let it rest in peace Mr. Basketball.
  7. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Every GODDAMNED time you post a "counterpoint" when you cant argue the points, it consists of some conjecture about what your opponent supposedly thinks and it's usually 100% wrong as it is in this case. You have nowhere to go with your main argument so you make shit up to try to stay on the offensive. Guys like you are a fucking dime a dozen.

    How about actually Arguing my points? Oh yeah, you cant, cause there's nowhere to go moron. I slammed the door in your face with brutal logic. You losta nd you know it so you tried this 1-6 crap:

    1. I didnt assess the zone dumbfuck. You're the coach. Go fucking lecture on it yourself. And since when is it "the zone". There's a big fucking difference between the operation of a 1-3-1 and a 2-3 zone.

    2. I never ripped his play in that game. I just stated thats the only time he's done it this season and you offered ZIP to contradict it. Point won and made by ME.

    3. Your stupidity escalates exponentially the more you speak.

    4. Again, you've made no point other than you're a hypocrite. I've gone on record before anguishing over our dearth of complete players.

    5. Again, when in danger, stick words in my mouth. Plavich isnt Jobey. He has better range, is even more clutch, and plays differently. The only similarities are that they are/were white 49er 2 guards. try again douchebag.

    6. Another desparate attempt at sticking words in my mouth cause you cant assail my breakdown of mitch's game which is dead on target and why Bobby doesnt play him more. Fucking deal dimbwit. You just got toasted by me, your supposed inferior. I'm laughing AT you right now.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2004
  8. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    You "toasted" me? When and where?

    I'm just sick of arguing with basketball ignorant dumbasses like yourself.

    You said, and I quote: "guys like you are a fucking dime a dozen." Hey shit head...YOU'RE AN ATTORNEY! Talk about dime a dozen, hypocrite. And, keeping right in line with tradition, you are an arrogant, asshole attorney.

    If you are such a fan of Lutz, how come you deface him and denounce our program once a year in your gay litte tirade on cusa-talk?

    I'm not going to go back and forth with a loser like you all night (because I know you would). I now invite you, the king of the last word, to have at it.

    One last thing, if you hate me so much, why don't you come tell me about it sometime?
  9. grendel

    grendel Member

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    Jun 14, 2003
    Easy man, it's just the pisspot

    There's about 290,000,000 people in the US. All but 10 think pisspot is the world's biggest, baldest, pile of shit (including everyone who sits or sat near him at Halton). Only one (himself) thinks he really impresses anybody with his bullying, half-witted, half-assed "analysis" of basketball. Or anything else for that matter. If the second coming of Cornbread Maxwell suddenly appeared in a Niner uni, the badass baldboy could give you chapter and verse on why the guy sucked, lacked fundamentals, and would never amount to anything.

    Pisspot is a know-nothing, argumentative, unpleasent asshole who, for some weird and creepy reason seems to derive pleasure from demonstrating that reality to 289,999,990 people. I salute you for assisting him in that important task. If we forget his exalted state of bullying badass baldy blowhard, he'll have to start all over again and that would be harsh for the next generation of Niner fans. :chair: :bird5: :roflmao:
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2004
  10. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Damn, it's hard to follow Grendel's post so I won't.

    What really creases me is that braniac here is, and has been harping about playing Mitch instead of Plavich. Since Mitch is a shooting guard who cannot shoot (aka a PG by default), that means to do so, we'd have to shift Demon out of the PG position, and more importantly, the mindset of a PG, just to get Mitch on the floor. Forget the Mitch versus Plav comparisons, doing that to Demon for mor ethan a few minutes per game is pure fucking idiocy. I'm happy that Demon put the team on his back at Depaul and scored 34 but I'll be damned if I wanna see that every game from him (a repeat of last season). We are a much better team when Demon is in a passing mindset. He makes our somewhat (I'm being nice) offensively challenged centers look incredible with some of the looks he feeds to them. It's pretty hard to mess up a dunk when Demon drives, pulls your (help) defender off you, and then feeds you the ball wide open under the rim with a sick little no-look skip or bullet pass through the lane. I've never ever seen Mitch do that.

    Case closed.

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