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to Captain Plavich...

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by MikeNinerHunt, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. MikeNinerHunt

    MikeNinerHunt Fast white guy

    Likes Received:
    Jun 11, 2003
    We're down one. you launch a goddamn three five seconds into the shot clock.

    this kid needs to be reeled in.Take away Cuse, he hasn't been anything but a 2003 Demon Brown clone. I don't count the a and T game.

    UNCCTF RIP Danielle

    Likes Received:
    Jun 10, 2003
    Charlotte, N.C.
    Amen. Between me and my dad yelling at the car radio going down 85, I thought we were gonna run off the goddamn road. Unreal.
  3. barry49s

    barry49s Ain’t good for nothing

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    When you shoot 59% from the FT line on the road, you don't win many.

    Besides the missed FTs, the stat sheet shows good #s for Withers, Iti and Baldwin.
  4. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Amen. I am so sick of hearing about this guys "ability". He has no business taking that shot 5 seconds into the shot clock after we had battled through two possessions to get the ball back.

    Hey Plavich, QUIT SHOOTING. You're no Jobey Thomas and once again you're bad shot selection and poor shooting percentage delivered a nail in our coffin.

    And somone answer this for me, how come we can never run anything out of a time out successfully, ever? Lets forget about what a joke it is that we blew the lead, what about the final :27 of regulatuion, lets review...

    We got the ball with :27, game tied and called timeout. WFNZ then proceeded to rob us of another :20 seconds of game time by pulling what can only be described as a broadcasting abortion. We apparently called another timeout with 7.8 seconds left without getting a shot off, but I cant be sure because nobody could hear anything. Then, after :27 second and 2 timeouts to think about it, all we could come up with was a Demon Brown leaning heave from 30'.

    My question is, what the hell does Lutz draw on that clipboard during these timeouts? Either he is the most over rated Coach in the country or we have the stupidest players in the world, because I have never seen us run anything sucessfully out of a time out late in a game.

    And Barry is right, if you shoot 16-27 from the free throw line on the road you will lose a lot of games.
  5. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    And, BTW, we are a very bad defensive team, in case anyone has yet to figure that one out.
  6. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    there seems to be no "in between" with Plav. The guy is either insanely hot or cold. When he is cold after 5 threes, he needs to quit shooting.

    the three he took at the end of regulation was catosrophic. Why was there no set post play or screen? The three should of been last resort, not first option. I have said it before, we play hard, but we never have had, nor ever will have, discipline with Lutz. A disciplined team makes a reasonable amount of free throws, doesn't turn the ball over with a big man dribbling upcourt in the final seconds, and doesn't launch 3s with plenty of time left (25 sec) down only 1 or 2. It sounds liked we played very hard last night, we just play stupid too much of the time.
  7. bobblinlutz

    bobblinlutz Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2003
    I've said since day 1 of this season that we have the dumbest team in the world. Here's my case:

    Game 1 - Demon's idiotic technical foul late in the game that gave GW the win.
    Game 2 - A&T
    Game 3 - The blown lead was horrible enough, but the one play I distinctly remember was when Eddie inbounded the ball under our basket all the way out of the picture on my TV to Demon who I assumed, by the lackadaisical pass at a huge time in the game, was alone in the backcourt. Nope McNamara was right there, intercepted the pass and scored. STUPID.
    Game 4 - UNCA
    Game 5 - Alabama - Butter Johnson, 6 men on the court, need I say more
    Game 6 - ODU - Eddie Basden as the go to guy late in the game where he continued to back his man down on the left side of the court. Once he traveled, once he charged, ODU takes us to OT. Stupid play call, stupid execution.
    Game 7 - Davidson - Idiotic technical foul on Pigford. Could have hurt us bad.
    Game 8 - App State
    Game 9 - URI - the aforementioned shot by Plav, but also the boneheaded foul on Eddie that cut the lead to 3, then the out of bounds heave by Withers. For some reason I always thought Eddie was an intelligent player. Then I heard him talk in a post-game interview.

    Had to vent these. Yeah we're a stupid team, but I'm still not sure what the hell lutz is drawing up at the end of games, either.
  8. hootie

    hootie Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2003
    I beg to differ. I'm a Raider fan and they are the stupidest them in existance. The niners are however are closing in.

    Let me amend, I not sure if we are stupid as a whole or gutless. If you are gutless, you pass the ball to a PF instead of hanging on and going to the line when you are the point. Jacking up a three 5 seconds into the shot clock on the face does sound stupid. However (and I'm going to get crucified for this), if he was open I'm fine with it, just make the fucking thing. If he was guarded at all, I'd break his fucking arm if I was Lutz.

    I can live with Withers and Iti making young guy plays, they are. But, Butter and Brown have been around long enough to be smart at the end of the game (ie, GW).

    Also, at the end of the game when you know they are going to foul because we're up by three, get Sager, Plavich, Brown, Baldwin and Basden in the game, they are all good for one out of two. Then sub the big guys back in.
  9. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You got that right. Have you seen what Tim Brown said about Callahan losing intentionally? Tim freaking Brown.......
  10. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003

    I think Matt called the shot "ill advised" during the broadcast and referred to it as a "long" 3 pointer. That is as critical as he gets, which tell me is was a really bad shot.

    I don't care if he was open or not. He was 2-11 on the night and we were down 1 point with less than a minute to play. Our guys had just battled through 2 URI posessions and grabbbed a defensive board. You don't run down floor and jack a long 3 five seconds into the shot clock, especially when Withers and Butter had had sucsess scoring in the paint all night.

    The honeymoon period from the Syracuse win has come and gone and his shot selection is getting real old now. It's time for Lutz to put a shorter leash on this guy.

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