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Enjoy yourselves with Marc "James" Benarzyk Charlotte and WFNZ

Discussion in 'SportsTalk' started by QC REPRESENT, May 3, 2011.

  1. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    I haven`t had a chance to listen this past week and I must say I haven`t missed it.

    So there is a cure for sports talk radio.
    Just say no.
  2. gottalaff

    gottalaff Smartass

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Right behind you
    Here is what you missed:

    "No doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there, true that, no doubt about it, the late great <insert dead person's name>, no doubt about it, true that, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, I was there....."
  3. Red Bear

    Red Bear Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2005
    I've given those guys over at 730 ESPN a fair shot in the afternoons. I think they've gotten it together with a couple of solid hosts. When I have snuck over to listen to FNZ, that caller driven format along with Marc with a C is fairly nauseating.
  4. brb0451

    brb0451 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2014
    No Afternoons for me at WFNZ

    I have come to enjoy the guys at Fox. Lannie and Al are fun for a short while discussing things related to sports, sports biz, social issues, etc. I've listened to Al since he was in Cincy way back in the day. So it is kind of fun listening to him. I like the afternoon show OK. We get some local slant with the 49's which I appreciate and I don't miss at all marc james. It is really nice to have an alternative. I've found myself sneaking over to WBT in the mornings for the news and sports so I really haven't been listening much to WFNZ at all since football is over.
  5. gottalaff

    gottalaff Smartass

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Right behind you
  6. charlesvosborne

    charlesvosborne Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2007
    WFNZ - Marc James

    WFNZ is unlistenable from 2 - 7. I never thought I would think there would be anyone more pompous, arrogant and unlikable than Packer, but somehow WFNZ managed to find someone even worse. Maybe that schtick is good for the kiddies, but it's too juvenile and obnoxious for me.
  7. chris

    chris Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte NC
    See ya!
  8. gottalaff

    gottalaff Smartass

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Right behind you
    I wonder what that clown ‘Marc with a C’ is doing now.

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