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Preachers and the SBC

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality Forum' started by weavervegas, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. Paladin

    Paladin Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 26, 2003
    Anderson, SC
    I disagree. Pedophilia is sometimes less about sexual orientation and more about self-esteem issues and anger at feeling insufficient relating to other adults. That doesn't change the seriousness of the issue, but pedophiles can change. In the 5 or so years I worked in the child welfare field, though, I saw few who actually did change.

    On the main topic: part of the issue is that the Southern Baptist Convention is a congregational type of denominational structure/government. That is, almost all of the power lies with the local church, and the overall denominational leadership has little defined authority. Each church has the right to hire and fire whomever they want. Heck, until a decade or so ago, the Baptists did not have hardly any doctrinal statements or restrictions, until they adopted the "Baptist Faith and Message."
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2007
  2. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    And it should be noted that not all Baptist churches have anything to do with the SBC.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I'm not aware of any evidence to support that, at least as a universal cause. Certainly the fact that those abused as children have a higher predilection for abusing others is an indication that it's not simply genetic, but I don't see a lot of reason to think that pedophilia springs from low self esteem. Whatever the cause, I doubt that it's something many people choose, and it certainly doesn't appear to be something they can choose to turn their back on once developed.
    I haven't seen any evidence of this either. Various "cures" have been proposed over the years, but I haven't seen any studies that demonstrate an acceptable level of effectiveness, while many have shown that those inclinations persist beyond some of the attempted treatments. I doubt that you can actually make someone stop being aroused by children, you can only hope to suppress it. That's why I personally favor amending sentencing to include mandatory detention in treatment facilities following prison terms until that offender is deemed to be a minimal threat, and preferably with permanent probation as well so that officials can keep track of their situation.

    And while fraught with eighth amendment issues, at some point I think we have to consider castration (although there might also be medications to suppress sexual urges, I don't know). At minimum it should be offered for offenders who don't want to keep being attracted to children but feel that they can't help themselves.


    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2005
    Sea Level
    I have a cheaper solution. A bullet.

    ECILAM Celebrate Diversity

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2003
    Couldn't have put it better myself.
  6. Galethog

    Galethog Arrogant SumBitch

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2005
    I looked it up. yes, there is medications to suppress male hormones. Or you could just cut it off.

    However, please heed the warning I found on one of the medical sites.

    "" Castration is never recommended by medical doctors as a way to prevent or treat hair loss. ""
  7. WolfTiger1968

    WolfTiger1968 WolfWithSoftPaws

    Likes Received:
    Dec 4, 2007
    A Christian is SUPPOSED to judge another's ACTIONS, not heart. There's nowhere in the Bible that says God's children are supposed to turn a blind eye to sin. Resist and repent of it, yes. Let it slide, absolutely NOT. Were I a leader in a church, there would be NO WAY I'd allow someone that has been convicted of being a child predator or molester to be anywhere NEAR ANY children.

    The pastors who are being diligent about issues like these ought to have our support. Wolves have been slipping in unnoticed for Lord knows how long, and they're waiting for thier chance to lunge in and attack.

    Would you, pastor, allow a convicted thief to manage the church funds? There's forgiveness, yes, but that does NOT mean to facilitate the temptation. Sure, the person MAY have turned around in Jesus, but, unless they show PROOF that they have (and that takes time), they have no right to those kind of responsibilities, and, pardon my Spanish, but, such a person is not entitled to be trusted UNLESS and UNTIL they PROVE themselves "turned".

    A pastor who knowingly allows a criminal to be in a position of authority, no matter WHAT group or office he or she holds, is a shame to God's church. There are these wonderful things called computers. There are also criminal databases that can be checked to KEEP out unsavory individuals who have committed crimes against others. There are some pastors out there that whine and complain that it's too expensive, or takes too long to do background checks. Well, if you're NOT willing to PROTECT your flock from thieves and "snakes", you have NO BUSINESS being seen or thought of as a leader.

    I CERTAINLY don't need a child molester teaching my children about living a clean life, or teaching them (the children) about Jesus.

    Jesus EXPECTS us to be DILIGENT and protect our brothers and sisters in Christ from lying charlatans. The question to the pastors out there is this: Are YOU willing to "step up to the plate" and do what GOD expects you to do for Him to keep HIS church from being torn apart by lies? If not, you have no RIGHT to call yourselves Men Of God. The house of The Lord is sacred. We REALLY need to be keeping it SACRED..if not, we're JUST as guilty as the pastors if we TURN A BLIND EYE to these criminals that are "leading". God sees ALL that happens, and, if we are guilty of turning a blind eye, we should ALL be ashamed of ourselves for it.
  8. WolfTiger1968

    WolfTiger1968 WolfWithSoftPaws

    Likes Received:
    Dec 4, 2007
    Collin said : "I'm not aware of any evidence to support that, at least as a universal cause. Certainly the fact that those abused as children have a higher predilection for abusing others is an indication that it's not simply genetic, but I don't see a lot of reason to think that pedophilia springs from low self esteem. Whatever the cause, I doubt that it's something many people choose, and it certainly doesn't appear to be something they can choose to turn their back on once developed."

    I was molested a few times when I was a kid, by adults. I've NEVER molested any children, and, I can say with absolute certainty, that I never WILL. Why do I NOT feel the need to lash out and molest children? BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S WRONG! I CHOOSE not to molest children, or anyone for that matter.

    I do NOT, in even the SMALLEST capacity, feel ANY pity for a child molester. NONE. The person molesting has a choice: Do it, or don't. NO ONE is FORCING pedophiles to gratify themselves in such a sick, disgusting way, are they? Just as I feel NO PITY for someone who purposely kills another person. They could have chosen NOT to do it, but, they chose to go ahead and do it, therefore, they deserve no pity FROM ANYONE.

    I choose not to break the law, NOT because I'm a good person, but because it's WRONG. No, i would NOT molest a child if it were legal. No, I would NOT murder another person if it were legal. Unless everyone stops being so (expletive) relativistic and "new age" in thier idiocy when it comes to the sanctity of Life, and regains their shock and queasiness when a child is harmed by abuse, we're ALL guilty of doing it, because we're ALLOWING it to happen. We're just standing on the side of the road, shaking our heads, and turning a blind eye to the FILTH.

    "What can we do about it?". perhaps, what we can do is get our heads out of the sand, and STOP pretending that we are not responsible for being so BLIND! YOU AND I CHOOSE whether or not to DO SOMETHING to stop these horrific crimes..You say "I didn't molest, nor did I ever kill"..Well, take a look at the trash you watch on TV or in the movies.

    Didja ever, and I mean EVER, stop and think "Gee, maybe if people wouldn't crave this trash so much, it would become less and less likely that it would be glamorized..maybe if I didn't care to patronize movies, videogames, television, books, magazines, websites. maybe, JUST MAYBE, i wouldn't be so desensitized to all of the FILTH that's out there, and MAYBE I'd be astoundingly appalled at the violence that men and women do to each other."

    I don't listen to rap, of ANY kind. Booze, womanizing, killing, stealing, disrespect, GREED,...that's not me. I like none of those things, so WHY on earth would I care to listen to a form of music that glorifys it? Why should my 13 dollars go into the pocket of someone who LOVES doing those things? Why would I listen to music that glorifys satanic worship, like practically ALL metal does?

    Sure, it means I have fewer entertainment options. But, there's stuff out there that ISN'T illegal that I am not ashamed of enjoying.

    Life is about choices. A molester has a CHOICE...A murderer has a CHOICE...A thief has a CHOICE...Stop coddling these individuals and BLAMING thier disgusting actions on things that OTHERS have done to them, and, for once, MAKE these individuals ACCOUNTABLE for thier OWN ACTIONS. I am not a molester by CHOICE. I love kids, and not even THE DEVIL could make me harm one. I can no more blame my affection for my girlfriend on my parent's than I can accuse a cat of being a dog. I LOVE my girlfriend, because I CHOSE to fall in love with her. I CHOOSE to abstain from eating when I am full. I CHOOSE to never TOUCH BOOZE because I can't STAND the thought of being drunk.

    I CHOOSE to end my post here because it's really wordy, and OTHERS have thier say to post as well.
  9. WolfTiger1968

    WolfTiger1968 WolfWithSoftPaws

    Likes Received:
    Dec 4, 2007
    (The following reply is meant ENTIRELY in fun. No elves or reindeer were harmed in the making of this post. All rights reserved, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, this offer expires on the day that the internet dies and is no longer viable. See dealer for details. Exclusions, taxes, liens, linens, lionstigersandbearsohmy may apply). :ack2:

    :juggle: ECILAM, you KNOW santa is dead, right? I should know, I ran :ack2: him over with Mrs. Claus' Escalade last night, and freed the reindeer and all those cute widdle elves. :ack2: :juggle:. Hail Santa NO MORE! :glasses:

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