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Q&A with Steve Smith

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by PantherFanz, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. PantherFanz

    PantherFanz Go Panthers

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    Sep 17, 2003
    Section 108 Row 1A
    Posted on Fri, Jan. 06, 2006

    20 questions for Steve Smith
    Steve Smith: Most valuable Panther
    Carolina receiver shares thoughts on season, comeback, values



    After 11 years of watching and covering the Carolina Panthers, I can tell you this with certainty: No Carolina player has ever been as valuable to his team as wide receiver Steve Smith has been to these Panthers.

    On an offense that was otherwise mostly average, Smith made the Panthers special. This season he led the NFL in receiving yards (1,563) and tied for the league lead in receptions (103) and touchdown catches (12).

    On Thursday, he shared the NFL Comeback Player of the Year award with New England linebacker Tedy Bruschi.

    Dallas coach Bill Parcells is among many opponents who have immense respect for Smith.

    "I think he's one of the top 10 players in the NFL," Parcells said last month. "If I was starting a team and could pick 10 guys, he'd certainly be on it."

    But Smith is about far more than football. He's a devoted husband, a father of three and a man who has always worn his feelings on his sleeve.

    Smith answered 20 questions this week. He riffed on subjects like Fed-Exed burritos, the number he's most proud of and why Muhsin Muhammad once nicknamed him "The Butterfly."

    Controversial, creative and honest, receiver Steve Smith has already had one of the most interesting Panthers careers ever at age 26.

    He answered 20 questions this week as he prepared for Sunday's 1 p.m. playoff game against the New York Giants. Some of his answers have been edited for clarity and brevity.

    The majority of these questions came from Smith's one-on-one interview with Observer sports columnist Scott Fowler on Wednesday. Some of his answers and the accompanying questions are also taken from two interview sessions with a small group of reporters (including Fowler) on Wednesday and Thursday.

    1. Name five people, living or dead, you would invite to your ultimate dinner party.

    Michael Jordan. Steve Largent -- I like his style. I wish I could have a sit-down talk with him. Jerry Rice. Payne Stewart. Malcolm X.

    2. The number you're most proud of this season?

    I caught 103 balls and I only dropped six. Only dropping six -- that's what I'm most proud of.

    3. Your best catch of the season?

    I'd say the one-hander against (Minnesota cornerback Fred) Smoot. Right on the sideline.

    4. Your favorite food?

    I love burritos. My family sends me burritos from back home (in Los Angeles). They freeze them and FedEx them to me. They're from two stores -- this place called Ramona's and another one called Martha's. I get red beef, cheese and beans on them.

    5. Favorite drink?

    Sweet tea or ginger ale.

    6. The most important people in your life outside this locker room?

    My wife and my kids, Mike Bunkley, the team chaplain, and Mike's wife.

    7. Tell me about your tattoos.

    I have "Angie," my wife, on my left wrist. Psalm 118:8 is on my right arm ("It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man"). ... I have Angie, Peyton (his older son) and Baylee (his daughter) down my calf. I'll wait until the end of the season to put Boston (his baby son) on there. And then the big one (on Smith's left arm) is a bull. I'm a Taurus.

    8. How do you describe yourself as a parent?

    A: My wife says I'm the disciplinarian. I'm real hard on them. My older kids are 8 and 4 years old. Boston will be nine months pretty soon.

    9. What will you be doing in 15 years after your football career is over?

    Trying to make sure I'm staying on top of the kids and what they're doing. I don't want to be one of those athletes who's very respected in the community but really out of touch with his kids. I think we'll stay in Charlotte.

    10. You were named co-winner of the NFL Comeback Player of the Year on Thursday. What was the hardest part in your recovery from your serious leg injury last year?

    Just sitting around. The hardest part was when they were losing. Then the most difficult part was when they were winning. When they were losing, it was `Hey, we'd love to have Steve back.' When they're winning, they're doing it without me. That's hard. And the year Moose (Muhsin Muhammad) was having. ... And I can't be there to congratulate him and smile with him.

    11. Was there a time you had a doubt that you would return to football?

    Yeah, about week 4 into it, when you're waking up in the middle of the night because your leg is throbbing. Slip and fall on crutches, dealing with that whole ordeal. It's a roller coaster.

    12. If you hadn't been hurt in 2004, would you have had this same type of year this season?

    I don't think so. Last year when I got hurt, that was the best thing that could happen to me. Just because I was so concerned about I wasn't doing this, I wasn't getting this -- I kind of got caught up in the moment. When I got hurt, it gave me an honest opportunity to look back and keep focused on what football really is.

    13. Were you nervous before any games this season?

    I was worried about the first game, and the game against Green Bay (Oct. 3) I was real nervous also. It was Green Bay again (Smith was originally hurt against the Packers in 2004) and another Monday night game.

    14. Do you think defensive backs try to intimidate you?

    Intimidation? That's pretty comical in my book. That ain't happening. I don't see a DB intimidating me. They don't know where I'm running. I know where I'm running. They don't know what play is coming up. Like last week, if you bother me enough, I'll go down there and cut you. Then you've got to worry about your knees.

    15. Did you cut-block somebody last week in Atlanta?

    Yeah, I cut him. (Omare) Lowe. ... Just switching up the blocking, just letting him know that's in my arsenal.

    16. Of all your touchdown celebrations this season, which was your favorite?

    I like rowing the boat (against Minnesota, to tease the Vikings about their infamous cruise). As a collective receivers unit, we thought of that one. And the `baby' ones, because my kids like them (Smith once pretended the football was a baby and changed its diaper in the end zone).

    17. What other wide receivers in the NFL right now do you admire?

    I like Marvin Harrison -- I watch a lot of him. Hines Ward. Santana Moss. Torry Holt.

    18. Despite the injury, you remained the Panthers' primary punt returner this season. That's a job where it's easy to get hurt. Why do you still do it?

    I enjoy it. It's another opportunity to showcase what I can do with the ball. I'm in complete control. You're exposed to injury every time you're out there. Same thing with getting in the car -- you run the risk of getting in a car accident.

    Now a kickoff return, that's a whole different story. That's dangerous. But a punt return -- you're in control. If you don't have anything, you just don't catch it or fair-catch it.

    19. You have been lauded as a much better blocker this season. That hasn't always been a strength, has it?

    No. When Moose (Muhammad) was here, he used to call me "The Butterfly." That's because I was a little timid. I'm still a little timid. When that pile comes toward me, I'm getting out of the way.

    20. What do you want most out of this weekend and Sunday's playoff game against the Giants?

    I think it would be great for Ricky Proehl to have the winning touchdown. He's from New Jersey, born and raised. And his family has Giants season tickets
  2. Savio

    Savio Freelance Pimp

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Redondo Beach

  3. buck nasty

    buck nasty Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 28, 2004
    yep, winning touchdown in the 1st quarter, and aobut 6 more on top of it.
  4. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    Actually, I`d like to see read his whole quotes.
  5. Proprietor

    Proprietor Family feeder

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2005
    Awkward dinner.
  6. stratocatter

    stratocatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 20, 2003
    Payne: "try some of this bar-b-cue Malcom?"
  7. vaginosis

    vaginosis Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    no mention of blindsided player in locker room :wtf23:

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