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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by PantherPaul, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    The only thing I don't realize is why you think it's a good idea to argue with me when you know what always happens. Regardless, I bolded the most important part of your statement. Before his prison stint Vick's completion percentages were 44.2%, 54.9%, 50.0%, 56.4%, 55.3%, and 52.6%. Young's completion percentages were a little higher, but that's due to Tennessee using a lot of dump-off crap. Tebow averaged several more yards per completion, which is why his average yards per attempt with Denver and Young's average yards per attempt with Tennessee were an identical 6.8.

    Yes, I think I realize that he was "a pretty accurate passer" given that I just pointed out he is the most accurate passer in league history. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what points you were trying to make, much less correct them.

    Anyone who thinks completion percentage is the most important element of playing quarterback doesn't understand football. And that's fine as long as those people don't try to argue with people who actually do know football.

    The Jets played Greg McElroy instead of Tebow. Greg McElroy. They played Greg McElroy instead of a guy who took a 1-4 team to the playoffs and then beat the #1 defense in a first round playoff game. This would be a very different argument if Tim Tebow got to play and caused his team to lose more games than they won. But he hasn't. People like you bash the shit out of him as if he was a failure without him actually failing. Ask yourself why you do that and see if you can come up with an honest answer.

    Yeah, that was the next season with a new GM after the one who gave Sanchez the contract extension got fired. Rex was supposedly against drafting Geno and probably wouldn't have used him either if Sanchez had been able to play. Given that Smith then completed 55.8% of his passes while ranking second behind Eli Manning in turnovers, it's pretty easy to argue that the Jets would have won more games this season with that defense had Tebow been the quarterback.
  2. CelticCat


    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2006

    Good God you're delusional.

    You're the one who brought up Vick starting 42 games after jailtime. He actually showed improvement as a passer when he came back and earned it.

    Tebow went to the Jets and Pats and got cut.

    So almost 15% is a "little higher".

    Why are you now crapping on about Tims yards per completion. You realize that's a higher number than Peyton Mannings. You aren't trying to suggest Tim is a more accurate downfield passer than Peyton is are you. You do know why Tims yards per completion is so high, right?

    I was just as confused as to the point you were making when you brought up Chad. You admit he was an accurate passer but then you seem to dismiss it by calling it not the greatest statistic. Like trying to belittle Chads abilities as an accurate passer somehow makes Tebow a more accurate passer than he is. Seriously, 46.5%.

    Seriously? stop it. What's the primary function of the QB? Winning is generally a product of executing correctly. 46.5%

    Anyone that wants to attribute wins and loses solely to the QB doesn't understand football. Especially when that person obviously didn't watch the Broncos that year as half his wins were decided by the boot of the kicker.

    And Greg McElroy proved to be a more accurate passer too. Look, I get that you think the sun shines out of Tebows butt and want to attribute him with all the glory. And for all the bias you think I have towards him I actually like the guy, as a person. I said before id be fine with the Panthers giving him a shot if he would change positions. But he sucks as a passer, how on earth can you build around a guy with so many glaring deficiencies as a passer. They pulled out some miraculous wins that year and I don't want to take away what Tebow did do. I enjoyed Tim beating the Stealers that day but lets not pretend like they played like the #1 D that day. Lets also not pretend that other teams didn't give him a shot to continue playing either. Lets also not pretend that teams don't adapt from season to season. How long do you think Denver could keep running that O under Tebow and keep winning?

    As a rookie Smith had a very Jekyll and Hyde year, sure. But I wouldn't be assuming anything with regards to turnovers or do you forget Tebow also led the league in fumbles in 2011 with 14.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    There's a reason why people care what I have to say and think I know a lot about football. There's also a reason why no one ever asks you what you think. Look man, you've repeatedly picked fights with me, and whether or not it's because that's the best way you can think of to get attention, it's not doing anyone any favors. You don't possess enough football knowledge or make good enough points for anyone to learn things from our fights. The only thing they do is shit up the board.

    Yes, I brought up that Vick was given a chance to start again even after his heinous acts of criminality. Tim Tebow took a 1-4 team to the playoffs and beat the #1 defense in a playoff game, but has not been given even a chance to start games in the NFL since then.

    Because Denver attempted a lot of low percentage, high reward passes down the sideline with him as their quarterback. Also, please try as hard as you can to follow along. I'm not holding up yards per completion as the important statistic here. I'm pointing to yards per attempt.

    Regarding the limited relevance of completion percentage:
    QB1 completes 100% of his passes for two yards a piece. QB2 completes 50% of his passes for ten yards a piece. Which one is better? Obviously it's QB2.

    Regarding the limited relevance of yards per completion:
    QB3 averages 15 yards per completion but only completes 40% of his passes. QB4 averages 10 yards per completion but completes 70% of his passes. Which one is better? Obviously it's QB4.

    Yards per attempt gives you the best quick approximation of a quarterback's contribution in the passing game. Completing a high percentage of short dump-off passes isn't great, just like getting a lot of yards on completions but not completing that many isn't great either. YPA tells the big picture of what happens when a quarterback attempts to pass the ball, and as I noted, Tim Tebow with Denver and Vince Young with Tennessee had exactly the same YPA.

    I pity the people who have to interact with you on a day to day basis and presumably struggle to help you understand even the simplest concepts. Chad Pennington has the highest completion percentage of all-time and yet Chad Pennington is absolutely not considered a great quarterback, ergo completion percentage is clearly not the best way to evaluate a quarterback. We all realize this; the only people who pretend otherwise are those who make asses of themselves obsessing about completion percentage to trash Tim Tebow.

    46.5% while attempting a much higher than average number of deep passes, yes. And while avoiding turnovers. And while converting first downs with his legs. That's why Tim Tebow won games. Tebow's yards per attempt was below average for a starting quarterback, but hardly terrible. Add in those positive elements and you begin to understand why he was effective in spite of the low completion percentage.


    Sure, just like the guy who tells a bunch of racist jokes only to insist that he likes black people and has black friends.

    They didn't. The Jets had no intention of letting Tim Tebow ever start a a game for them. They used him for publicity. New England then signed him because Belicheck felt bad that he was being black-balled, but the Patriots obviously had no need for him not only with Brady but Mallett on the roster.

    Until it didn't? And this is exactly the part where you people like you get exposed as know-nothing bigots. Tim Tebow hadn't failed yet. If he got a chance to play and caused his team to lose more than he caused them to win, then you could bash him and say he shouldn't be playing quarterback. But you bash him when all he has been is successful. You bash him not because of his results, but because you're against him as a person.

    You arguing with me is always going to waste everyone's time, but doing so while not only being misleading but posting incorrect information is especially annoying. Lost fumbles are what matter, not total fumbles, and Tebow's 13 total fumbles during the 2011 regular season were less than both Matt Moore and Blaine Gabbert. Tebow's 6 lost fumbles that season were more than you'd like, but not that unusual a number, as Peyton had the same number this season. Combining interceptions and fumbles together, 25 quarterbacks had more turnovers than Tim Tebow in 2011. That is a big reason why he had more success than you would have expected, as turnovers are the single biggest factor in winning or losing an NFL game.

    So will you knock it off now, please? When we argue it is not informative or entertaining. You say dumb things and I end up humiliating you. It doesn't help anyone.
  4. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
  5. Kevin Costner

    Kevin Costner Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 2, 2013
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    All my lengthy arguments about Tebow can be boiled down to this:

    * I understand saying someone shouldn't play who has played and failed that you don't think will improve enough.

    * I understand saying someone shouldn't play who hasn't played when you don't think they will succeed.

    * I don't understand saying someone shouldn't play who was successful, however moderate that success was.


    Likes Received:
    Sep 2, 2011

  8. Mills51

    Mills51 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 19, 2004
    Does the public know for a fact that Tebow has not had offers from other teams, or is that just an assumption? My guess is there are probably still plenty of teams that would like to have him for his leadership and athletic ability, but maybe not as a starting QB, and he's declined.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    You would have known this answer already if you stopped to think about it instead of always looking for an excuse to justify your own argument. Tebow knew he didn't have a chance to compete for the starting job with the Jets and Patriots, so he's obviously not turning down offers. But to officially answer your question, yes, we know it for a fact: Tim Tebow still resistant to CFL; NFL teams not calling - NFL.com
  10. Mills51

    Mills51 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 19, 2004
    Hmm interesting...

    which would apparently indicate that reason Tebow is not in the NFL has to do with the position he wants to play and not his religious views, unless the conspiracy theory assumes the league varies it's religious discrimination by player position.

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