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Making the push

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Purrsy, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007

    I said "getting caught up in absolutes is dangerous".

    He then says agrees. It's in the link you provided. Lol. Either way, we're all guilty of speaking in absolutes a lot. Lord knows I've been responsible for losing it and saying some pretty crazy shit during a loss.

    Anyway, on a different note, if you look at a lot of the comments here towards the end, posters are expressing dissatisfaction about how you make it so difficult for anyone who disagrees with your opinions. It's a good place to be when football discussion can take place without all the personal shit.

    I hope it stays this way for a while. It's so much more enjoyable this way. And it's nice to see some of the posters coming back out of the woodwork to start discussing things too.

    This is what this is supposed to be. It shouldn't be the Treehouse Club show, where you three or four clowns just agree with one another and crack the same jokes for years. I wouldn't - I can't imagine what you guys find enjoyable about that kind of dynamic anyway.

    So I hope the chat room tomorrow night is live, and everyone is having fun. I hope that more people can come back on and talk about Carolina's amazing run so far...
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    The magnus alt complained about me saying "always" on page 3 but you were the first to use the word "absolutes" in your post on page 4.

    Yeah ... uhm ... that applies to you a lot more than it does me because personal shit is 99.999999% of what you do. That's what made this thread such a pleasant surprise because it's the first attempt you've made in a long time to discuss actual football devoid of your obsessions with other posters. I'm not like you because I don't agree or disagree with someone based on personal feelings. Nor do I generally insult someone unless they try to say that I'm wrong, as that does annoy me. If someone has a different opinion and doesn't try to challenge mine, I'm completely cool with that. But if someone tries to go after what I'm saying then I will smack them down because I know what I'm talking about. Yes, it's a double standard that I get to say someone else is wrong while they don't get to say I'm wrong without being attacked, but deal with it. That's still a pretty easy way for anyone to avoid fights with me.

    Jesus Christ, you are so painfully oblivious. You're the problem, Purrsecutioner. When you're trying to post about football and not constantly following me around the forums trying to start shit, the place runs better. I haven't changed my behavior, you have. Or at least you did for a while, as you're showing signs of going right back to your usual posts. It's exasperating that you try to blame me when you are the problem. People like you and Ted Striker go out of your way to try and start shit with me.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  3. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Before you lose your shit again and begin freaking out because people here may dislike you, go back and read carefully what they're saying.

    The only personal digs I take are at the ones who take them at me first. That's it.

    Read what they're saying. They're talking specifically about you.

    You've been docile lately, which is kinda nice. You've discussed football without telling everyone to fuck off and die because they disagree. That's all anyone is saying.

    That, and they're saying that you've pretty much ruined the board, which everyone agrees with, as we've seen crystal clearly lately.

    So pretty much just shut the fuck up, and keep it to football? Makes it a nicer place. I don't understand why we can't all do that.

    So I said my piece. You can go self immolate, or you can discuss football. I really don't give a shit.
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    You're the one who starts things 95% of the time. The only time anyone else brings you up is if you've been disruptive lately and they want to make fun of you for it. How do you not understand that? Jesus. I keep suggesting that maybe you have a history of hard drug abuse precisely because it would explain why your brain has such a tenuous grip on reality. You live in a fantasy world where you're the hero and everyone else is the villain. In reality you're exactly the same as Ted Striker, only he's intentionally shitting up TBR because he's bored and wants a reaction whereas you do it naturally.


    You're talking about yourself.
  5. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

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    Sep 16, 2007
    Cute pictures don't take away from the fact that you've hurt this board immeasurably.

    If you need to run your mouth to someone, run it to someone who can take it. Me. Run it to me all day long, but we lost TollBooth Willie just a week and a half or so ago who was a good poster on this board, man. We lost him because of you. We lost Magnus on this board because he was simply tired of the sheer craziness of your obsessive posts toward him. He was a good poster on this board. The minute warmachine comes and agrees with anything I say, yu begin accusing him of being someone else with no proof. Now maybe he is, maybe he's not. But no one knows for sure. Now he disappeared.

    We have people coming in saying they've been gone for a while because they were sick of the shit.

    Who's shit. My shit? I never attack anyone here unless they attack me first. Simple as that. That's been the way it's been for years. Not one single time.

    I never unloaded on thelt, and made him the board joke, because he said some things that were a little absurd from time to time. He was a passionate Carolina Panthers fan, and he has as much right to a voice as you or me. I never criticized PantherPaul the way you and the Treehouse Club does, because he's this or that. He goes to EVERY SINGLE GAME I think....he's a GREAT FAN! And he has AS MUCH RIGHT TO OPINIONS AS WE DO.

    You say people leave because of me!? Collin, they've literally singled you out in the past few weeks. People have been coming out of the woodwork singling you out for being the single most disruptive person on this board, which is a shame, because you do discuss football, and it's enjoyable when you do, even when you're full of bluster and hot air and discuss your opinions as absolute facts.

    Where's skidmark? Where are some of the guys who came here and talked a lot, and you chased off? Why do you do that.

    That's why you're so universally made fun of about being the Board Commander and shit. Ted Striker may be a tool, but he's said some HILARIOUS SHIT about the both of us lately, and he's PRETTY MUCH ON POINT.

    He absolutely ridicules you about your obsession with being the board master and shit. You think he's the only one!?

    Listen....I just want the board to be a place where we can talk Panther football during the stretch into the PLayoffs, God willing we make it. Those are my best memories of Panther discussion. When it's funny, lewd, hard humor, and football.

    The days where the Treehouse Club sits around here with some phony intellectual monopoly on thought here are hopefully done, because truth be told, you guys are fucking clowns, and everyone knows it.
  6. stratocatter

    stratocatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 20, 2003
    I lolled. I am still lolling.
  7. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

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    Sep 16, 2007

    It's really a shame, because it's done damage to a board that's not infested with marks, dolts and fuckers who are johnny come latelys.

    Two things would make Collin a wonderful poster here for years to come.

    1. Getting his ass kicked again.
    2. Getting laid and not taking this so seriously.

    These are opinions. They are FAN OPINIONS on a board designed for us to EXPRESS THEM.


    There's such a profound insecurity there....
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    *sigh* I'll use examples since you're still not getting this.

    When I posted Focal Points for the Remainder of the Season - This Board Rocks your response was:
    When you posted this thread, which copied some of the points I made in my own thread that you mocked back then, I responded constructively.

    And again, I didn't change at all over the last week. You did. The board runs better when you're not being a raging asshole constantly trying to start fights with me or B&B or Ted Striker or pick your target. You're so irrationally angry and out of control that you attacked ss54 in chat because he asked why you were harassing me in there. ss54. You attacked presidence in the past when he did something similar. You are the problem, Purrsecutioner.

    Warmachine was indeed magnus' alt, so the notion that I drove magnus away is clearly bullshit. Magnus initiated most of our fights and if you look through the warmachine posts you can see that he was repeatedly trying to initiate more.

    Jesus H. Christ. This is what I mean. Your brain is diseased. You do this all the time. There are hundreds of examples of you trying to start shit with me or B&B, lashing out at guys like ss54 and presidence who did nothing except refuse to go along with your obsessive rants, etc. And yes, of course you have attacked PantherPaul.

    This is what I mean. You take no responsibility at all for your behavior. You are an angry disruption with very little positive value. This thread is the only attempt you've made in a long time to contribute, and even then you were recycling some of the things I said, all while you pretend I don't know what I'm talking about.

    Most of us would like that. You're the main thing standing in the way of that. Look at how the board was when you were trying to post about football, then look at how it's gone back to "normal" since yesterday when you went back to your usual posting style and starting talking shit about Kevin Costner and then me.

    You're not just a terrible poster who makes the board worse, Purr. You're a reprehensible human being. You claim to be a felon. You post constantly about rape. You show no empathy or any ability whatsoever to control your emotions. You aren't just bad for TBR, your existence is bad for the world. You are a danger and a cancer to anyone who has the misfortune to interact with you.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
  10. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

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    Sep 16, 2007
    I'll say it again.

    I don't start shit with anyone unless they start it with me first. PantherPaul engaged with me first. So I gave him shit back and we were cool with it immediately afterwards. He's a big boy, and so am I.

    As for you and B&B, you two (especially him) have had an obsession posting about me for years. I cannot tell you how many threads dedicated to my namesake are on here created by you guys. I logged on once and saw a Purr thread in another forum. Granted I never went to read it, but this is the only place I come to here minus the HOF thread because someone told me to read something funny there one time. So that's fair game. I mean, c'mon. I have a sense of humor and I can take some shots. I've absorbed countless - and I mean countless on the chat forum and on the boards, and I've never complained about it other than give it right back.

    I am sorry I called you Fatso. That was bullshit.

    If you look back, I have been one of the friendliest and kindest posters on this board for years. It's pretty hard to get me to talk shit to you, man. So I'm not sure where you're going with this.

    While it's true that I generally enjoy confrontation, I would also qualify it by saying I don't confront with no reason.

    You can quote my old posts out of context all you want...the fact is, its like a documentary edit. You can cut the interview to pretty much say whatever you want.

    Fact is, anything nasty I say, it was said to me first.

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