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Rivera's status (retained)

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by y2b, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Did you have some kind of car accident or other incident that resulted in a brain injury? You really seem pretty retarded lately, like your brain doesn't function at the level it used to. You can't comprehend basic points, you're lying constantly, and I can't remember the last time you posted something insightful. If you've had a brain accident of some kind then please tell me and I will absolutely be more sensitive to that. I say that because it's odd that your brain evidently doesn't remember this read-option TD run that was shown all over sports television:

    "Supervision" requires a bit more than saying "run more." Rivera doesn't have any offensive background at all, so the notion that he could adjust Chudzinski's complex offense is pretty absurd. You already know that, but you're so desperate to keep fighting with me over nonsense, which is bizarre since you constantly get your ass kicked.
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    you went on and on to dismiss everything instead of addressing it, and your proof is one run? Yes, the zone read still shows up. To negate scrambles and designed QB runs is intellectually dishonest :N1OopsHL:
    and didn't you bitch at someone this week for something like "you have nothing but insults and youtubes?"

    and yet it's part of supervision. I mean, no one's said that Rivera demoted Chud, or has handled all gameplanning or supervision.

    again, the idea that a career coach has no idea about the offense he's been around most of his pro coaching career, and chose to bring here, is kinda stupid. I know the scheme's terminology fairly well and it's not my team. However, it doesn't take a paragraph of nonsense to say "we need more downhill runs".
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    You made an idiotic comment disputing what I said about Cam having big runs lately out of the read-option. Magnus, you're making an ass of yourself by trying so hard to pick a fight. Once upon a time you posted useful information on this board, but for quite a bit now you only try to start conflict with me. You add nothing to TBR, which is a shame because you used to be a great poster. When is the last time you produced something like this: http://www.thisboardrocks.com/forum/f19/2-tes-1-a-185277/index2.html#post2738125

    No, but it wouldn't be a magnus post lately without you lying about something I've said.

    Supervision means overseeing the gameplan. Rivera could not do that even if he wanted to (which he's said that he doesn't), because he doesn't have the offensive knowledge to oversee Chudzinski's scheme. Note that I've documented again and again that the play-calling hasn't changed significantly, nor have the results, yet you're still trying over and over again to keep this argument going. This is all you do on TBR anymore, magnus. The only thing you do is to fight with me. That's all.
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I didn't say that he didn't have big runs out of read-option. I said that you were negating scrambles, of which he's had big runs from scrambles. You didn't even bother to discuss that, you got pissy about it and attacked me instead.

    I didn't realize I was required to "prove" myself to someone who's been telling me I'm awful (to try to win arguments and no other real reason) for a decade or more. That I put together things on my shitty blog so I can post it various places doesn't turn me into some massive troll, but nice try.

    no, you definitely said something like that. Here it is:

    which is hilarious and, I'm going to guess, unintentionally so.

    But, no, really, discuss scrambles this year. He's picked up numerous third and longs rushing, and you're not going to tell me that's read option. I'm going to actually dare you to be able to just discuss that, and do it without taking it personally someone disagrees with you.

    No it doesn't.

    Observe and direct the execution of (a task, project, or activity).
    Observe and direct the work of (someone).

    As well, it's more than questionable for you to say that it means overseeing the gameplan (and by not stating anything else, that's all it means) when I already addressed that.

    That's aside from this nonsense that telling Chud "more downhill runs" is somehow disrespectful, or not something Rivera "could even do".
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I never negated scrambles. You're making shit up because all you want to do is argue. I made a comment about the read-option producing big runs because some people complain about the read-option being in this offense. You then tried to start a fight by quibbling about that, and when I ignored you, you quoted yourself and again demanded that I fight with you about it.

    You don't post anything worthwhile here anymore. When it comes to TBR, you are nothing but a troll. By all means, prove me wrong. Link to something worthwhile you've posted on this forum in the last month. Meanwhile I can give numerous examples of you intentionally starting fights with me. You're a cancer to TBR, magnus. You start shit with me and you add nothing whatsoever of value here. I at least post worthwhile information and educate people about the Panthers. You do nothing but look for opportunities to fight with me.

    Which is nothing like what you claimed I said, how surprising.

    Eight, although Atlanta is the only recent game where he had one, but I never said that he didn't. I made the point that Cam has been effective in the read-option even if the running backs haven't been.

    Yeah, it does. You can't direct an act you have no experience with.

    And just so it doesn't get lost, I want you to link me to any posts you've made on TBR in the last month that you think made this board better. Show me how you've been anything other than a troll.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    you never brought up anything about scrambles. You still haven't, even though I've posted to you about it three times.

    uhh, yeah. Sure. Whatever you believe. Let's trust the person that always personally attacks the other poster because they disagree. Like now, when you're getting upset and posting tons of nonsense about brain injuries and attacking me personally instead of talking about the running game.

    I'm sure there's some very minor part I didn't have right. Let's negate the part where you prickishly and dismissively dismissed someone for nothing but a youtube, and then responded (after a first shot at ignoring it completely) to something of mine with youtubes and insults.

    and I didn't refute that point. I'm saying that Cam's not only doing well at that. he's not only scrambling on third down, either. That's just the most isolateable stat.

    no, it really doesn't. Rivera's in charge of everything. He's not "the head coach of schematics only". He's in charge of everything. He's in charge of everything Chud does, and Chud does a lot more than just gameplan.

    And again, it's not disrespectful for Rivera to do that. Nor is realistic that Rivera "doesn't know our offense". I fairly well know our offense. I'm not a head football coach. If you knew our offense, you'd know our runs aren't these massively complex things.

    But, feel free to continue to ignore all of those things. Continue to pretend Rivera has no idea what the offense looks like, or that he "couldn't" tell his coordinator the words "more downhill runs".

    I don't think you making a couple self-serving posts copying down someone else's information has shit to do with this thread or relative self-worth. Furthermore, I think we've shown time and time again you'll just happen to side with yourself regardless of what I post.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Actually I did address it, but kudos for yet another lie. Regardless, the discussion was about the merits of the read-option. People bitch about it when the RB gets stuffed, but they forget that Cam breaks them for big runs. Scrambles are completely irrelevant to that conversation, but for whatever reason you keep harping on that because you're desperate to fight with me about something.

    No shit he's not only doing well at read-options, but no one said anything otherwise. No one was even talking about scrambles. You're arguing about irrelevant shit only because you want to argue so badly.

    A guy who manages an office probably can't supervise a SQL database update.

    lol, nice. I had to compile all those statistics, I didn't just copy them from somewhere else. I post things routinely that give people information about the team and teach them things they didn't know. You used to do that but you don't anymore, which is why you couldn't link one single post where you posted something worthwhile over the last month. All you do is argue with me. You're a troll.
  8. willie

    willie Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2011
    Western North Carolina
    Team played well. If we win, is there any added significance to our playing inspired football for a win against the Saints as it relates to keeping Rivera? That is, as opposed to just winning?
  9. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I guess you did later in the same post.

    See, a conversation works like this - other people can bring up stuff, too.

    they're relevant to Cam's overall success (and big runs). They're relevant about rushing success. Remember, your statement was "Cam's big runs in recent weeks have come almost entirely via the read-option." Do you think converting any run on 3rd and long isn't big?

    probably not. An awesome strawman, the SQL DB update.

    But, a Chief Information Officer probably could. You know, a relevant metaphor.

    A head football coach has seen his offensive playbook. A guy who's spent 20 years in the NFL has enough wherewithal to tell his offensive coordinator "more downhill runs."

    I post relevant stuff. I talk about tons of things. You want to discredit, because that's what you do. Just a part of your bag of tricks. You want to say there's a reason someone can't have their opinion.
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    if they needed a tiebreaker? Sure. If a prospective GM only has tape of one game to watch? It might alter some perception.

    I mean, it can't hurt. But, if they wanted him gone, I don't think this changes a lot.

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