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Rivera's status (retained)

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by y2b, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Kudos for admitting that there is no reason whatsoever to think that Rivera has been "supervising" the offense.

    Oh hey look, you're lying about what I said again. Color me shocked. I never at any point suggested that the OC doesn't meet with the head coach or mention what he's doing. I said that Mike Tomlin doesn't tell Todd Haley what to do with the offense, and that's true for Rex Ryan and Tony Sparano as well. Just like you had a bullshit fantasy about general managers being glorified secretaries for the owner where Marty Hurney was never responsible for any decision, now you're pretending that coordinators just come up with suggestions that are then supervised by the head coach. The problem is that you know better. You posting this is yet more dishonesty from you because it bears no resemblance to reality. It's notable when a head coach does meddle because, yes, it is viewed as disrespectful. That's why Fox doing it to Trgovac made news, and why Trgovac took a lesser job to get away from Fox.

    Stratocatter has been very direct and clear about not liking Chudzinski and wanting him gone. It's also amusing that you basically repeat exactly what I said about it being fine to be critical of Chud, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with inventing a fiction about Rivera taking over supervision of the offense however many games ago.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  2. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I believe all Carolina has to do now is look competitive against the Saints and Rivera stays... they would really have to lay an egg and get blown the fuck out for Rivera to get fired now...
  3. stratocatter

    stratocatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 20, 2003
    AYPP smells like possible cherry picking to me but I have no way to prove/disprove by looking at other rankings since I don't know where to find them. NFL.com and ESPN offer ranks after 16 weeks but I can't find out how to see ranks after week 2, 3, 8, etc. Anyone know how to pull that up?

    edit: unless I said it in a game thread rant, I don't think I've said I actually want Chud gone. Don't remember saying it anyhow. I did say I'd take Turner as OC over him, pretty sure about that.
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I use profootballreference.com, but if you want previous weeks you'll just have to calculate it yourself using the box scores. I only remembered because the thread where you were bitching about the read-option I posted that the team was averaging 5.9 and ranked in the top ten, then in the thread a few weeks later when you were talking about how much the offense had changed I happened to note that it was still exactly 5.9.

    Yeah, suggesting they replace him with Turner is what I'm referring to, while the post that started this tangent appeared to be you suggesting that they get rid of Chudzinski while keeping or elevating Shula. What you have said very clearly is that if Chudzinski stays then you want him supervised (which was the dead giveaway that you saying he's supervised now was a fantasy on your part), and that letting Chudzinski run his offense was something Rivera should be fired over:

  5. stratocatter

    stratocatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 20, 2003
    I stand by all that shit. Well, most it anyhow.

    I like things better after he's been

    A) supervised

    B) changed stuff up of his own accord

    C) players started executing better

    D) any combination of the above.

    edit: stats, no way I'm going to that kind of trouble. Thanks though.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    And good job sidestepping the idea that there's no way of knowing whatsoever, but taking the side that makes you look good.

    And so the OC just says it for conversation, so the HC knows the OC isn't fucking off? No. They discuss what they want to do. It's a conversation. The idea that the HC never disagrees with an OC or overrules him is absurd.

    I never said "secretary", Inever said Hurney wasn't responsible. You know, for all this "liar!!!111" nonsense you talk, you sure don't bother policing yourself, do you? I mean, you do the same exact thing you whine about endlessly.

    It might be notable to the Charlotte press, who is by your own words more or less naive. It's not disrespectful in the NFL, or in any culture, for a subordinate to take direction from his direct superior, especially when that direct superior is more or less responsible for the whole thing.
    fair enough, I guess he has. Does that mean anything he says about Chudzinski is invalid? Does that mean that somehow it's completely impossible for a superior in sports to dictate to a subordinate? If so, post the proof, or admit its possibility.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    The play-calling hasn't actually changed significantly, there haven't been any rumors about Rivera meddling (which there usually are), and the two have a long history together which makes it pretty unlikely that Rivera would interfere (especially given no offensive background at all). There's literally nothing suggesting that Rivera has "supervised" the offense besides some random poster on a message board who has a strong bias against Chudzinski. But sure, I don't "know" that Rivera hasn't done it just like I don't "know" that Obama isn't a secret Muslim sleeper agent working for Saudi Arabia. I'm pretty sure he hasn't and he isn't, though.

    I can dig up endless quotes of you saying that Hurney was just doing what Richardson wanted, and I have before. I use your actual quotes while you never use mine, precisely because what I say isn't made up.
  8. Shrapnel

    Shrapnel Stinky

    Likes Received:
    Jan 13, 2003
    East Bugtussel
    Aren't you just a random poster on a meesage board that has strong opinions/bias???
  9. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
  10. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

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