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Rivera's status (retained)

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by y2b, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Magnus, I'm sorry to tell you this but you're an extremely easy person to read. You can't be honest even with yourself, but it's pretty obvious to everyone else that in this thread you were looking to pick a fight. As noted, it's funny that you keep doing that since I'm constantly kicking your teeth in when you do.
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    It's your opinion that getting mad about something and blaming it on me is "kicking my teeth in". And no, you don't speak for my real opinions. But, I guess when you feel like you need to win this badly, it's easier to make me say what you need me to say.

    It's well within Rivera's rights to supervise his assistants. It's his job to bench DW, and it's very plausible for him to suggest changes to his OC to improve the team. You know, his team? The one he's coaching? The idea that this is impossible to you says a lot. I like Chudzinski, but he's not perfect, and he can be reigned in. More than he currently is, to be honest.
  3. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Knock it off.

    No one but you believes Chud is beyond approach from his head coach to change up how he runs his offense if just slightly, even after nationally getting panned for not using the running backs, and during a time where the fucking general manager got fired.

    No one but you.

    STOP SPEAKING FOR THE ENTIRE MESSAGE BOARD. It's a tactic that desperate people use, to manufacture support where there is none. Just saying everyone else knows, doesn't make everyone else know.

    No one has backed you up. No one. No one has said it looks like a personal vendetta that he's trying to start with you. Whether it's true or not, no one has said it. One thing that is fact....and everyone DOES know...you have a borderline homosexual obsession with Magnus, and if I were him, I'd shoot you in the face, lest one day I walk in the house, turn the lights on, and see you on my couch, naked.

    Ah hell, I shouldn't have said that on a day like this, man.

    It's Christmas Eve, brother. Go buy...a sex doll. Name her. Fuck it, go out on a date with her!! In a busy restaurant in your living room, with all those people who know what you know, who support every claim you make, and you all can celebrate your genius together, toast in good cheer, and end the evening with passionate love making underneath a Christmas Tree with a Tim Tebow angel on top...

    Merry Christmas, old friend.
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    No, proving you wrong repeatedly and exposing you as a constant liar is "kicking your teeth in." How many times have I busted you on lies in the past week alone? Ten? Twenty? You've always been dishonest, but lately it seems like your first instinct is to lie just out of total laziness. You don't even attempt to make legitimate points anymore.

    lolno. You're back to acting as if you know nothing whatsoever about football. The head coach doesn't tell his coordinators who they can and can't use on offense or defense. The coordinators decide who starts and who doesn't. Everyone knows that, so pretending otherwise makes you look absurd. We know that you're knowledgeable about football, so when you say things that only someone ignorant about football would, it shines a spotlight on your dishonesty.
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    lol, was that Purrsecutioner's one thousandth post about gay sex? He can't seem to escape that prison experience. And yes, it is obvious to everyone that magnus was picking a fight with me in this thread. There has been nothing whatsoever to suggest that Rivera has been "supervising" Chudzinski.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    but not really. Which, it's funny that you're claiming you know what I 'really think' and you're suggesting that saying I'm a liar (over and fucking over) instead of arguing the topics means you're kicking my teeth in. So if you're claiming my real opinions, without proof, which is a lie, are you kicking your own teeth in, too?

    You're really out of your league here. That a head coach wouldn't possibly bench a player seems like a rookie mistake. That an OC couldn't possibly be told what to do without it being some major insult seems just weird. I mean, the simple idea that it's impossible is so off the reservation.
  7. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I can buy into the obsession. He did once say if I was a woman, he'd marry me.

    I don't know why it's even a bad thing to be told to stop being cute on offense. I guess there's this thing about defending Chud to the hilt but in the end, fucking up is fucking up, and Chud's done his part. That YPA magically didn't change on an offense that gets a lot of 1st down yardage and likes to throw deep doesn't change that the offense was, in fact, using a different approach between early-year and now.
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I provide facts and statistics proving you wrong and pull up quotes proving that you're a liar.

    You just suggested that an OC wouldn't have the right to say who starts on offense and who doesn't. That's what's "off the reservation." It's so mind-bogglingly stupid that your dishonesty is the only explanation for why you would even post it.

    Oh cool, more of you claiming I said things I didn't. How novel. And you're the one who picked a fight in this thread as well as the Sanchez thread. You pretend that you're some innocent victim who just wants to talk about football, but the reality is that you've always been an argumentative asshole who continues these quote-fights because you want to.
  9. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Show me more facts and statistics that support you telling me what I really think. Truth is, if you were that into "intellectual dishonesty", you wouldn't be so worried about your continued hatred for me, and you wouldn't spend more time talking about me than the topic. It's just another distraction.

    I didn't, though. I said that Rivera benched him, and that a head coach over-rules a coordinator.

    I never said that a head coach alone sets the lineups, but certainly, I hope you're not saying he doesn't have input on that. That'd be almost as bad as suggesting it's some form of insult to have a head coach give input on his team to his coordinator.

    Oh, no, trust me. When a man who shows up at every board you've ever posted at, says something like that, you don't forget it.

    not really.

    I definitely cop to being hard-headed and not giving up. I believe in what I say. The rest of that window-dressing, self-serving nonsense isn't worth the effort.
  10. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I don't hate you. You annoy the shit out of me, but you constantly make the mistake of thinking that my brain is as limited and flawed as yours. You're the kind of guy who will mindlessly defend Seifert or Hurney, or will mindlessly attack Tebow, all for emotional reasons. I'm not like that. I go where the facts lead me, which is why I also defend you when someone unfairly attacks you.

    I am actually begging you at this point to go one post without lying. Right here you said "DW's benching (which isn't going to happen from the OC)."

    I like to post about the Panthers and I look for places that have worthwhile Panthers discussion. If you want to go post at the Huddle, I promise I won't follow. And no, I never said anything like that.

    Hard-headed doesn't explain why you initiate conflict. You pretend that all these quote-fights are always my fault, but the reality is that you start a lot if not most of them. I start plenty of my own because I'm an argumentative dickhead, and unlike you, I can actually be honest about that.

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