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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    suddenly, not so much about "truth".

    apparently, then, it's about dragging me down to wherever it is you are, since you more or less admitted to trolling. The whole thing is just the same group of stupid games over and over again.

    you claimed you backed down, and passive aggressively *sigh* *pout* *you can't post anymore because I said so* 'backed out' of the thread. I never said I was done. I'm not done because you said. And I'm not going to not laugh at you for emoting like a tween while you're clearly frustrated. I'm not a robot. If you were "done", you could've just not post, Captain Virtue.

    It's always been my opinion. And yes, it was made clear that Hurney was there to bring it all together. Doesn't mean he's not a GM. Doesn't mean JR is. The reassignment ideal I brought up many years ago, which you'd know since you obsess over my every word. That's part of the point - but for someone who tried to find 'what I really mean' out of every word of posts about Peppers, you'll see I didn't magically make up this idea about Hurney not having totalitarian control. You see 'reassignment' as some slight, and fair enough, but that's not what was meant (and my opinion matters when it's my idea) - it was to get another football guy in a seat, and Hurney still does what he does. There's no VP/Football Ops job here, and Morrison being here as President suggests it's unlikely now, but I always felt it was a good way to improve the team. Personally, I've always felt more scouting is better, and given a $120 million payroll, (8 total scouts x$60k, two directors at $500k, let's throw in Hurney at 2 mil), $3 mil spent on scouting is not enough. And for what we spend, some teams spend less. It's not that we skimp, or somehow teams throw ten times that at it. I don't think most teams do enough, but that's a little off-topic.

    you didn't claim he 'ran them' in any fashion. You claimed loyalty, and never showed anything about operations at all. There was a problem, he was loyal, he was fired.

    You've never really dealt with the idea that JR is Managing Partner of a long list of owners, that this isn't just his toy. He answers to others in this. Also, two of them, family members, were fired not all that long ago. Loyalty.

    I've said so many times that it doesn't make Marty uninvolved, unculpable, or anything positive. See, this isn't some dramatic re-enactment. This isn't a situation where the GM, or coach, has ultimate power and just over-rules everyone. It's clear this organization works on everyone being on the same page. I don't know why that's hard to understand. I don't think any of those moves, anyone wasn't on board with.

    Jerry wanted a defensive coach, and a strong OC. He wanted a QB with the first pick. All this, per Gross, and those things happened. Does that mean JR alone picked Cam? No, but he damn well had to pass JR's tests. Does that mean Marty didn't pick him/doesn't get credit? Of course not. Did they all, for some fucking reason, decide Charles Godfrey was worth keeping around? Yeah. Even though statistically he was no better than Martin, he's being paid about ten times better.

    no evidence? Seriously. You've not listened to the man talk, have you?

    Again, the idea he's going to lead the CBA, have the team slashed to bits with a lame duck coach and he's not going to have a major voice in it? Do you think Marty Hurney decided that he and the coaches were going to go to Miami and do whatever it took to keep Rosenhaus clients? Was Marty, five days into free agency, bragging about not being cheap? And, speaking coming into 2011, he was ecstatic about his team that had just won 3 games, all the youth. He beams when he talks about being able to retain his own guys. That's what he wanted, and it's what he has. Now that could very well just be a massive coincidence, I guess. Seems unlikely from here.

    JR couldn't say enough things about how awesome he thinks Davis is, in 2011 after two surgeries. Toughest guy on the team he says, and mentions no others. When asked about leaders, he's the first player mentioned. And, as we both know, there was no urgency to sign him. It's not a bloody knife, but JR loves Thomas Davis to death, and he has a massive contract that they had to outbid no one to get.

    yeah. I said it, and had to go back to it every post since. You having 5 posts per page doesn't matter in it. That you ignored it, what, five posts in a row while telling me what my opinion "really is", has nothing to do with what page you posted it in, just that you ignored it over and over again, but now want to bypass acknowledging that I said it before you accused it, and instead want to argue over page numbers.
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    It's not a game. I'm 100% sincere in what I'm saying to you, and as noted, I'm far from the only person who sees you as having a problem being honest. You refuse to admit mistakes even when they're definitively proven, you would rather defend your positions than support something that would be good for the team, and you post like a hysterical chick when I call you out on this behavior.

    I'm aware of that. My point was that you frequently claim that you don't like these arguments and that they're my fault, but when I backed down twice in this thread specifically to test if you would really live by those words, you didn't. You proved yourself to be who I say you are and not who you claim to be.

    Saying "he could be reassigned and there would be little structural difference in what he does" and "Hurney is there because he wields just enough power but gives a lot of it away" means that he's not actually a real GM.

    I showed that he wasn't responsible for operations at Denny's, and when the people who were royally screwed things up, Richardson didn't make the changes that others believed necessary. Remember that I initially posted the Denny's information because it was asked why JR would continue to employ Hurney if the obviously awful job he's done had been of his own volition. I pointed out that the people running operations at Denny's had committed even more egregious mistakes and yet Richardson didn't get rid of them.

    You're arguing against your own position here. If JR has to answer to others then how can you insist that he's the one pulling the strings and Hurney is just following orders? Also, his sons were removed because they were fighting with each other, not because they were terrible.

    You pretend like Marty is only responsible for following Richardson's bad orders, but the obvious truth is that Hurney really is the general manager, just a comically incompetent one.

    See, I don't think Jerry Richardson had anything to do with Charles Godfrey getting an extension. Of course he's involved in picking the head coach, but what owner isn't?

    Hurney has embarrassingly overpaid a long list of players, but this is the crux of our differences. I do not believe that Jerry Richardson told Marty Hurney to give Thomas Davis an extension, while you do. Therefore you hold JR responsible while I hold Hurney responsible.

    You claimed on page 19 that you had said so many times. I am asking you to produce one post from before that where you said Richardson wasn't involved in trading picks. You're not producing a quote because you can't find one, probably because no such quote exists despite you claiming you said so "many" times. Again, find a post showing you saying that.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2012
  3. McJeff

    McJeff The wheel is turning

    Likes Received:
    Sep 11, 2005
    It really is football season! Mid season form already. Just don't peak too soon, save some for a playoff run.
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Oh, that's right, you speak for everyone again. I admitted mistakes within this thread. I'm not a trained monkey who will reverse opinions because you demand it, though. I'm not "embarrassed." I'm not anything other than stubbornly defending an opinion I believe true, because I believe it true. You have a bag of tricks, and they're recycled and worn out. I do hope you at least have the sense to copy and paste them from old arguments with other people, because if not, you're just wasting more time.

    Or I wasn't done talking and you tried to force that. Remember, you butted into this argument about Hurney when I was talking to someone else, and then when I was talking (again) to someone else regarding JR, you got into it yet again. That I also laughed at you emoting, absolutely. That you admitted you trolled to get a response? Yeah, you did that. You didn't need to, I'll respond to things. If you really wanted to stop talking about it, you could've stopped talking about it. You couldn't. I just didn't.

    Incorrect. And given they were both my own opinions, and neither are new opinions of mine, it's kinda dumb to tell me that what I really mean fits what you want it to, instead of what I said (and meant).

    and yet that doesn't describe how he operated overall. It doesn't say how he ran the company overall, unless you determine the last decade to be an "incident".

    it states that he's in charge, and is expected to get results. That this isn't some toy of his.

    I'm not "pretending" anything. That's just kinda pissy. I'm not saying Marty is "only responsible." Last post I clearly talked about the team concept and I've said pretty much that for a long time. I've said many times over the course of this bitchfest that I don't say JR is also responsible to

    Actually, a lot of owners are exceptionally hands off. The idea of a new GM pushing out a new coach isn't unreasonable. That's not what's at play here, and it's not uncommon for most owners to force a coordinator change (your opinion on Henning). I don't think either situation is directly related to what we're discussing, which is personnel. FWIW, I don't believe I've ever felt that Marty was "over" Fox or the other way around, again that's not the concept.

    But, Richardson does feel exceptionally high on all of the guys who re-signed. Glows about them, proud as shit they stayed. Godfrey is one.

    I hold them both responsible, but thanks for telling me otherwise. I don't believe Marty's resourceful with money all the time, and I don't believe he's

    yeah, I still don't have page 19. I'm really starting to not give a shit whether you like when I said "JR doesn't tell Marty to trade picks", when you tried to tell me that wasn't my opinion (and it is).

    So, again, all that aside again, we're still here where I wonder why I'm being told that the same JR who leads the lockout, CBA, and so on would not have interest or control in what his own team does (in some cases, outrageously), directly before he brags about all the money he spent. It's illogical for you to believe that.
  5. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Sure, because it's so unreasonable to ask that you admit you were wrong about Shawne Merriman being a "DE only," or you pretending a "handful" of sweeps really means a whole bunch, or you saying that Hurney was executing a long-term plan "plenty of times" without providing examples, etc. You don't admit to being wrong.

    What? I was posting in this thread long before you did. You're the one who chose to quibble with B&B's perfectly reasonable (and accurate) statement about Hurney taking "a year-to-year approach to building a roster." Even after it was pointed out that he's drafted the same position in consecutive years or twice over three years numerous times, you still wouldn't stop. Even after it was pointed out that you yourself had complained multiple times about them continuing to draft more WRs, you still didn't stop.

    You don't get to magically redefine the English language every time your own quotes prove you wrong. It's always comical when you try to pretend that because you made the post that only you can decide what the post meant.

    GMs absolutely can push out an existing coach and recommend bringing in a new one, but choosing a head coach is something virtually every owner is always involved with. That's not the issue here. You're claiming that Richardson is also responsible for Hurney's moves in free agency, with extending players, and before page 19 of this thread you attributed the traded picks to JR as well.

    You claimed you had "said many times that JR has nothing to do with (trading picks)." I challenged you to find one example from before page 19 of this thread where you said so. You haven't produced one.
  7. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC
    "real men of genius"

    .....today we salute you...Mr Psychotic Message Board Badass....your pages and pages of homosexual crush our moderator just cant stop... He wants to run this ************!...Take a zanax gay boy!....

    I bet you know where magnus lives....Cruising past his house hoping to see him naked....Christ youre in denial!....Projecting your deficiencies on the object of your twisted gay desire...we salute you Mr Psychotic Message Board Badass
  8. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
  9. stratocatter

    stratocatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 20, 2003
    Paul gets it, y'all need to argue with pics of hotter than the last pic bitches. More fun, everybody wins.
  10. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I'm crushing on Sienna Miller at the moment, albeit the 2003 version.

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