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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
  2. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Let's just agree that B&B is always right.
  3. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    You whine and cry all the time about how I cause these arguments and supposedly make the board worse, but here you are proving what I've always said about you, that you're actually responsible for these threads. I like your knowledge and when you choose to share legitimate analysis, but the cold reality is that TBR is more peaceful while you're gone. You can't stop yourself from seeking out conflict with me.

    He said "That is what’s enjoyable, not knowing what’s going to happen and being able to adjust to what happens." When you have the first pick and you're saying you don't know what's going to happen and how you'd "love to trade down," then that means you don't have a fixed plan. This is you yet again arguing against something obvious, all because you're hysterically defensive about something you said that has since been proven wrong.

    Heh, explain that logic. Hurney keeps drafting the same positions over and over again to the point that you and many others complain about it, but you still insist that there is some kind of long-term plan in place.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    See, here's the thing. You consistently pick fights with people for whatever reason, but I continue a thread I feel strongly about and I'm some master troll. That's kinda sad. It's like "it's 100% fine when I nitpick the latin origin of the word you used offhand, but you can't possibly continue to talk about something that bothers me. But then I'm going to say it bothers you, so I can talk about you instead." Remember, I had no problems in continuing this discussion, and this topic is both something you bring up in about every personnel thread, and one that apparently bothers you massively enough to just

    Which, my recent time away from your trolling was great. I wasted a lot less time. But, if the gist of it is that you want to get rid of anyone who dissents or that might say things you don't like, sorry. Look to yourself to solve that. Don't pretend you care about TBR, after driving away most of its fans away.

    You're talking about an individual act, in the media, to potentially get a massive trade as a lack of an overarching plan over the last decade. It's a huge bastardization of the quote, an individual act, to mean there is no possible plan.

    Enough that you literally dropped it for a couple of posts, despite your reluctance to ever do so about anything. You literally went through, what, a couple hours' worth of searching, apparently looking through every word about Julius Peppers, because you didn't like what I said in the Hardy thread?

    that overdrafting one position doesn't mean that there's no plan in place overall? I'd have to explain that the backup WR position isn't the lynchpin in every GM's plan?
  7. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC
    Except its not. And why is it not? Its funny how people are always "seeking out conflict" with you. If they display any type of resistance to your manifesto of the day you obsessively seek to discredit them. The common denominator here is you.

    Magnus seems to draw the most ire as you dig back into past threads to prove him wrong. Its really sad that you have the time and the will to use so much effort to discredit him. Is he wrong about Hurney, maybe. But for fucks sake, take a god damn pill and let someone else who is willing to put in time on this board come here and post without your fucking incessant badgering. Its not that you dont contribute but Jesus dude get laid. Im sure theres another 30 something year old dude you know living at home that would gladly be your bitch.

    Point is, everybody is tired of your shit. Go make your own board if you want to be this way. I personally dont give a fuck whether you stay or go but ease the fuck up, its a message board.

    PS: Fuck you, Im not wasting multiple post entertaining your bullshit. You and everyone else here knows Im right.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  8. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    It's really true. Collin, you are horrible for this board. You sling the same insults that you slung years ago still today. You have a borderline homosexual stalker thing for Magnus, and everybody on the board knows it. EVERY. ONE. KNOWS you have an insecurity complex and a fucking lust for that man that is unhealthy.

    Most here say it. And it's the truth - You make the board worse. You're routinely poked fun of, made fun of, and you've just become a laughing stock.

    Carry on wasting away your days in your life posting for hours here, looking up posts from a billion years ago to make some moot point, and blowing your stack when someone laughs at you. We all laugh at you, Collin. But we feel sorry for you, too.

    Make no mistake. You are not respected here. Haven't been for years. And the awful thing of it is, it's what you truly live for. Respect on a message board.

    That is just so fucking horrible and sad.
  9. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Not to troll, but really, think about that statement. It's truly shocking to think that if you tallied up the hours he put into this board, posting and posting and posting, the effort into splitting hairs and semantical bullshit games, ALL these hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and days and days and days and days and days looking up past threads and coming up with insults...

    oh my god.

    Combine that with his childish and sophomoric rants on women and how he "rates" these pretty women as if this man has any right to judge at all...it's a shocking look into the human psyche and just how being socially awkward can really fuck with someone's life.

    Sad? Yes.

    My god, but it's cringeworthy too.
  10. rake

    rake Need one of these

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    currently it's the half dozen posters above in this thread that keep TBR one of those guilty pleasures. Since the very beginning I've probably never been able to go more than a week or so without at least skimming through here to see what kind of disfunction and social retardation has transpired. :corn:

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