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Lost - The Final Season

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by El Bastardo, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. BigVito

    BigVito Splitting Headache

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    Jun 4, 2003
    Left of Center
    Yep. One of my favorite little moments on that show is when he comes walking into The Gem and takes off his hat and Al says something to the effect of, "Go get a haircut. It looks like a squirrel is fucking your head."

    Welliver's react to it was perfect.
  2. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    okay, so i watched the latest episode last night on tivo.


    i'm sorry, but you waste a whole episode on that? really? c'mon now. that was just fucking stupid. we learned that:

    1. the man in black is occupying the body of jacob's (fraternal) twin brother.
    2. jacob and his mom have a severe phobia against using his brother's name (it's one thing to be mysterious and yet another to contrive to hide information just to hide it)
    3. all the shit we didn't know about jacob and the island was explained by new shit we don't know. thanks.
    4. "adam and eve" are jacob's brother and his adopted mother. world's worst payoff.

    did jacob's mother put the wheel in place before she collapsed the well or did somebody else find it later and finish the job?

    was she a smoke monster? she did drop a hammer on that tribe, but if she was the smokey why wait till then to kill them?

    i found it kind of ironic that jacob and his mom seem to have the philosophy that man will inevitably corrupt things. but isn't that what he's trying to show his brother is false? or have we moved beyond that idea...?

    it seems jacob was "transformed" when drinking the wine and accepting his responsibility. what about his brother? did he kill him? he seems to have left behind a body. is the smoke monster him transcendent of a physical form? that is the only way to make it work since jacob supposedly couldn't kill his brother (like his brother can't kill him). that implies his mother is not a smoke monster since that seemed to be a more major metamorphosis...

    how would a woman speaking latin name a child "jacob"? there is no "j" in the latin alphabet. richard was called "ricardus" when we saw his history, so why not "iacobus" for jacob?
  3. VA49er

    VA49er Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2003
    Geeez, some people find fault in everything.
  4. VA49er

    VA49er Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2003
    I'm thinking CJ Craig was smokey and was grateful to no longer be smokey hence the "thank you" when MiB killed her. How else did she pick up a grown man, carry him out of the well, bury the well, and kill all the "others". Maybe MiB became smokey when he floated in the magic lighted warmhole.
  5. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    my wife is very lenient and she thought it sucked.

    i just think that episode did anything to move the story ahead. all it did was answer questions with other questions. now instead of "where did jacob come from?" we have "where did the woman who raised them come from?" they show the origin of the smoke monster(?) by revealing a magic tunnel of mystery we've never had a hint of before. what makes the island so special and so amazing? why it's the magic light stuff of course. duh.

    color me unimpressed with the answers we're getting this season. there's two more episodes. this would have been fine if it was maybe spread out over the course of the season interspersed into the other episodes. or maybe just shown as the first episode maybe... i dunno. with all that's going on with the story now, i'm just thinking it was a wasted opportunity to tie up some loose ends.
  6. VA49er

    VA49er Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2003
    I dunno, just seems some people want an explanation for everything and can't enjoy the TV show if they don't know everything going on. Sit back and enjoy is what I say. There hasn't been a show like LOST in quite a while.
  7. jge1968

    jge1968 Full Access Member

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    Dec 3, 2004
    West of the Atlantic
    I think that the whole thing can be summed up with a line from the episode this past Tuesday.

    Or something to that effect.

    I believe that this is the producers/writers/creators way of saying that most of the questions fans have aren't going to be answered or at least not satisfactorily. The creators have been saying this pretty much since before the season began.
  8. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

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    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    that's fine, but then why have this episode now? the series is ending in like 3 weeks, why introduce new elements into the story if they don't serve to explain anything? i'm fine with leaving jacob and the ultimate nature of the island as a mystery. but to use a whole episode to explain his origin only to basically say "it's a mystery" when that's where we started just strikes me as poor story telling. we're in the home stretch. if you're going to bother with introducing new elements to the story, they should serve a distinct purpose to wrap up story lines.

    and i really, really hate the contrivance of not saying his brother's name. that's something that's always bothered me about this show (and other shows/movies where mystery is employed). it's ridiculous how people go out of their way to act mysteriously when not doing so is so much easier.

    it's like trying to avoid revealing somebody's face -- the right was is to shoot them from behind, silhouetted, obstructed in some other natural way. the cheap way is to have them walk around with a bag on their head for no reason. lost has lots of cases where they're tying to avoid telling you something and many of them come across as a bag on the head. this whole thing about not telling you the guy's name is the best example of that.

    i've clearly got a love-hate relationship with lost. i love the production value and the freedom the writers enjoy. abc lets them do all kinds of things that a "normal" show can't possibly do. but i also feel like they keep playing up this overarching story idea that i think doesn't exist. it feels like they're flying by the seat of their pants. i'm hoping for a payoff, but i think it's not going to happen. i'm waiting for the "omg, now i see how the puzzle fits together" moment, but my guess at this point is that i'm going to be wondering where all these other pieces are supposed to go.
  9. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

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    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles

    that's kind of a slap in the face to the fans, imo. part of the fun of watching lost is trying to imagine the underlying foundation of the story -- trying to sort out how all these things fit together. the producers of the show have been feeding the idea that there is a big picture that will be revealed. this season has been billed as the one where we finally get answers.

    so much of lost's appeal is with people trying to figure out what everything means. to say it doesn't mean anything or that you don't have any explanation for it is weak, weak, weak.
  10. VA49er

    VA49er Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2003
    That's just the producers having a little fun with all those folks that only want answers.

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