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I have a question

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality Forum' started by genesis, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Ignatowski

    Ignatowski Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    being an atheist, that pretty much tells you i don't believe in a religious god...as far as we know, there is nothing supernatural going on...why does there have to be something above man?

    and if there was a god, how are you so sure it is you god and not another religions god? You think you're right and all the muslims are wrong? or the Hindus? Or any of the other countless religions that believe differently than youdo?
  2. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC
    Why does there have to be something above man? Surely you jest. Can you create a tree, an animal, a human being, ANYTHING that is living, out of nothing? No. When you look around at this world, how can you think there is nothing bigger?

    As are as being sure my God is the one true God, all I can tell you is that I am sure. He shows Himself to me in so many ways. I can only hope that you find your way to Him, Ig.
  3. Ignatowski

    Ignatowski Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2003

    I certainly never said anything came out of nothing..I just don't think that one being created it...there's simply no evidence of it...quite the opposite in fact....just because I can't create a living being out of thin air does nto automatically mean that God did it....and there is something bigger..the universe is huge.

    Out of curiousity how does God show himself to you?
  4. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

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    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC
    I don't hear voices or anything like that! :uhoh2:

    It's very difficult to explain. It's kind of like a feeling of peace when you really need it, or a sudden understanding of something. Particularly in the last several years, I have come to understand a lot of the teachings of the Bible that I was never able comprehend before. A lot of that I attribute to my minister, which came to us four years ago. He is an incredible teacher and has the ability to explain many questions. Seeing how the prophecies of the Old Testment came true in the New has been amazing. And--just so you don't get the wrong idea--this minister is in his 60's and only accepts a very small salary, particularly for a 500+ member congregation. He is not in it for money or perks.

    Anyway--back to your question--it's like He puts thoughts on my heart when I really need them--answers, maybe. Solutions, guidance, I really don't know how to tell you. It just seems that when I listen to those thoughts, good things happen. When I don't, life is not as good. I know you will probably attribute what I am saying to something besides God--that's certainly your prerogative. I just know better.

    Don't get me wrong--I am certainly no goodie-two shoes and don't always follow the straight and narrow. :devil: But--I know where to go to get my life back on track when it falls off the rails.
  5. genesis

    genesis asleep at the wheel

    Likes Received:
    Dec 19, 2008
    The fact being that there are so many religions that base their beliefs on there being a higher entity is the only proof that I need that there is a God. Not necessarily thee "god" everyone follows or have faith in but still something more then humans are or will ever be. Does any one religion have the right to say that they are right and everyone one else is wrong...NO! Because most if not all religions say that they are right and everyone else is wrong is why I do not and will never follow a religion. God however I will stand by.

    Scrappy I too was raised in a Christian home, going to church every time the door was open. When I was rejected by the church and it's people at the age of 16 for a mistake I made I turned my back on the church and well God as well. Studied many religions, though I never practiced any, looking for answers to the many question I had. It took me a long time to realize that I could not find the answers I seek from these books,religions, churches or even people. Be it people of faith or without and that even though I turned my back on God, he never turned his back on me. For those that find peace in a church with other other "followers" of the same beliefs I give lots of credit too. I myself will never step foot in another church of any kind for as long as I shall live.

    That is why I posted this question. I had to let go of everything I thought I knew and was taught in order to figure out on my own what I believe to be the truth. I found that no religion is right or wrong. They just are. Yes they help shape people and cultures but an individual shapes themselves. I was curious to know how many people have done the same thing or how many could or would do the same thing.

    I wanted to know that if you had nothing but your own experiences not books, other people or ways of life ,how you would come to the conclusions that there is a god or there is not a god and why you would feel that way. If there was no evidence but your own to uphold your opinion, how would you present it? How would you convince me believe you?
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  6. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC
    I don't know how else to answer you, gen. I really don't think you can detach yourself from all of life's experiences as if they never happened.

    It saddens me on so many levels that a church "rejected" you. I don't how a truly Christian church can reject anybody. We all screw up. God doesn't reject anyone who sincerely repents.

    As far a religion, I understand what you mean. Too many bad things are done in the name of "religion". I don't think of Christianity as a religion--I think of it as a way of life. As long as you cling to God and His Son, I don't think he cares if you think of it as a religion or not.
  7. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2005
    There very well could be a God, but if there is one, I think there's plenty of evidence to suggest that he has (at best) marginal interest in what's going on down here. Too much horrible shit happens in this world to believe that we're at the top of his priority list.
  8. WLfan

    WLfan Full Access Member

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    Apr 19, 2007
    I would think it had to take more than just a "marginal" interest in what's going on down here to send His only Son, Jesus to suffer and die for the sins of the world.
    You'd be surprised at how the "horrible shit" that happens in this world is exactly what sends some people who otherwise wouldn't, running to God.
  9. genesis

    genesis asleep at the wheel

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    Dec 19, 2008
    I appreciate the effort you put forth to answer the question. I completely understand where you are coming from and I wish there were more people of faith like you.

    As far as the church doing what it did. I understand why. People as a whole are judgmental, spiteful and vindictive by nature. There are various degrees and exceptions to this. However humans are humans. Nothing more, nothing less. More often then not they portray the attitude and actions of do as I say not what I do. It is sad to say but some of the most corrupt and sinful people I know claim to be saved and to have a relationship with god.

    The world would be a much better place if people actually practiced what was preached to them by their religious leaders and deities. Unless of course the practice contains such things as mass suicide,genocide or anything else that would harm themselves, others or any other living creature.
  10. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

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    Jan 7, 2005
    Tell that to the infant that gets wrapped up in newspaper print and thrown into a garbage can, or the husband who has his throat slashed and is lying on the ground watching his wife get raped. Human nature can be exceedingly horrible. If that makes people run to God, more power to them. Personally, it doesn't make me want to find salvation. It's very difficult for me to look at the depths of human nature and believe that we're somehow part of something greater. Of course, I could be wrong.

    If I am wrong, I'll face judgment like anyone else. I hope that God would judge me based on my deeds here on earth, not my personal beliefs.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2010

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