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Question about Pentagram

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality Forum' started by 84niner, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    Sacrifice is a better term than suicide. It's not like God couldn't take it anymore and hung Himself.
  2. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    Biblically speaking, it wasn't the original plan. In fact, until the final hours He was looking for a way out of it. The wrinkle is holiness. He is, we aren't. Granted -- He defined it, established its value, and determined the consequences of losing it.

    My opinion is that we get frustrated and confused when we try to make Him play by our rules and go by our definitions. We try to define Him and understand Him in human terms, but He is not human. We try to have a say in how our world is run, but the kingdom of heaven is not a democracy, or even a constitutional republic. It's a theocratic monarchy. It's His show to run, by His rules, and we don't get a vote. We can choose to go with Him, or go without Him. That's it.

    The trick, of course, is to make damned certain it's really Him you're "going with". History has no problems pointing out the scarlet letter which has been (deservedly) emblazoned on the breast of the church from time to time, and documenting the terrible prices paid by the innocent for those indescretions. And it should. One of the things Moody Bible Institute pounded into me was the weight of accountability that every Bible teacher must be willing to accept.
  3. 84niner

    84niner Full Access Member

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    Sep 29, 2008
    Genesis...your statement:

    I have a question for you. Do you truly believe everything you have typed on here? Do you think I am a person of darkness? A "Satan" worshiper perhaps? After all I lean more towards the beliefs of ancient Pagans, Native Americans and Egyptians than the beliefs of modern day people of "God". I do not read the bible any longer nor do I have faith in it. I do not and will not attend a church of any kind. I have committed every sin imaginable with the exception of murder. I have practiced what you would consider witch craft in the past. Have I asked "God" to forgive me of my sins? Sure many, many times in the past. Do I believe it will get me into heaven? Used to but not any more. I know long rant hu but I needed to say this because I found this statement of yours funny.
    Only those that live in "darkness" fear. Why? Because they are dead men walking."
    According to everything you have said or made a point of I am a sinner destined for hell and yet I do not fear death as you claim I should. If anything I welcome it with open arms. Nor do I live my life in fear. This is the kind of fear you are talking about right? You see death is not the end of life to me but the beginning. Just like you I know that there is more waiting after I die but not because some book told me or because some ancient profit said so but because I have seen the human soul once it has left the body. I have ...I don't want to say talked to the dead because that is not it but I guess you can say I have had a connection to the dead for as far back as I can remember. Before anyone asks this is not something I can turn on and off it just happens. Go ahead and bash me for this. Call me a nut or a lunatic. I know some will (or at least will think it) and to be quit frank I am used to it. Trust me it was not something I wanted and if I could get rid of the ability I would.
    Based off of everything you know about me 84niner do you think I am going to hell and should live in this fear you claim I should have or do you think I do not fear because even though I go against everything you believe I am still going to heaven?

    I will now try to answer your questions and statements.

    You ask a question: Do I think you are a person of darkness" A "Satan" worshiper perhaps? Answer: I can only have discernment of others, I have no right to be a judge of another person. Only God is the judge.

    What a surprise to me is you admitted to doing everything except murder. So, you're saying you are a pedophyle, rapist, lesbian, adulter, thief, kidnapper, satan worshiper, incest, idol worship, mocking God, etc...just to name a few.

    To answer your question on fear is to state the difference between a believer and a nonbeliever is the believer knows that satan and his followers are sentenced to death at the Great White Throne judgment, while the believer has a future with a loving God who made us in the first earth age.

    About fearing death. The truth is I don't care if you fear death, believe in God or not. All have free will to believe or not believe, its your choice....so have at it!

    Last, I would like for you to tell me about your connection to the dead. You say you are used to your connection to the dead. Question: Do you speak to the dead? Do you see images? Do they speak with you, etc?
  4. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

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    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    i dunno if that's entirely accurate. satanism, while not any more made-up than christianity, is not exactly ingrained in society. there aren't vast numbers of satanists out there with a few kooks spoiling the barrel. i'd wager the numbers are small enough that they are overwhelmed by the % of the overall populace who are simply weird and need attention and use pentagrams and satanic trappings to get it.
  5. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

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    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    but on the topic of pentagrams, wouldn't a cult that pushes that agenda want to use the symbols that give them "power"? and by power, i don't mean anything cosmic -- i mean, power in the sense that a pentagram carries a traditional meaning with most people. people who act overtly "evil" would probably want to associate themselves with anything they could to enhance the effect.

    it's the same theatrics that go into all the "satanic" heavy metal band stuff. some dudes get a kick out of trying to look "evil".
  6. genesis

    genesis asleep at the wheel

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    Dec 19, 2008
    Not everyone who commits suicide does it because they can't take things anymore. Sacrificing yourself is still suicide. Suicide is the taking of your own life which is what "God" did. Or well had others help him do.

    ECILAM Celebrate Diversity

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2003
    The signs and symbols of man carry with them the power that man gives to them. And it works both ways; if no power is given, then none is there. If power is given, then that power is very much there. But that power is subjective, and manifests in the subjective universe of the perceiver, for good or ill.

    This is where people start arguing about what is "real," "not real," "illusion," "meaning," "coincidence" and so on. This is where the distinction between the objective universe and subjective perception becomes important. Objectively, a symbol might just be ink on paper, or a pattern of electrons lighting up a computer screen. But subjectively, it might summon any number of sentiments in different people, from indifference to comfort to rage. The assignment of these subjective values to images and symbols is ongoing and not absolute at any given time.
  8. genesis

    genesis asleep at the wheel

    Likes Received:
    Dec 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  9. 84niner

    84niner Full Access Member

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    Sep 29, 2008
    I appreciate you putting yourself and your story out there.....

    We're all in a footrace to the end and each of us take different paths to get to our goal.
  10. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

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    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    err... i ain't in no hurry.

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