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The Tarheels

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by Wise One, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    Oh my, not the implications!!!!!! Please God, anything but implications!!!! :lmao: He is really taking himself way too seriously in this thread.

    I'll give him credit for continuing to dodge the point besides the whole "but I've shown over the years that I have the ability to remain objective about teams and players I either love or loathe" which is pretty much irrelevant to this because he clearly hasn't shown objectivity in this thread.

    He also avoided, so far at least, the fact that he was wrong about how "I do find it amusing when you clowns keep bringing up Amato when his recruiting classes were never this good," when that is clearly false as I proved. I'm sure that will follow with insults but at least he gives us something to laugh at.
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I haven't dodged anything. You need to pretend that something else exists because in reality you're embarrassing yourself. You saying that I haven't shown objectivity is not proof, especially when you've already uttered contradictions and other nonsense just to avoid admitting that you're full of shit.
    Your stupidity is approaching a critical mass. Soon your brain will implode, generating a blackhole of idiocy into which all coherent thought will disappear.

    wolfpac: (Butch Davis) "is bringing in one class that is currently rated in the top 5."

    wolfpac: "Amato's 2003 class was tied for 9th with Texas A&M on scout and #7 on Rivals."

    I don't know what kind of mathematics they teach at Cow College, but a top five class is higher than a 9th or 7th ranked class.
  3. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2004
    Well with Sexton gone Butch now has to get rid of only 12 more players.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  4. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    You said you were objective and I clearly showed a post that did not meet the definition and your best defense was past objectivity. Then you further prove me right by going off the deep end on this thread and removing all doubt about your objectivity. Nice try!

    Implications!!!!!! One could become stupid reading some of the retarded crap you have posted on this thread.

    Not sure what kind of reading comprehension EZU is teaching but I said "currently rated in the top 5." and then I followed that with "though likely to fall once USC,Georgia, and the likes below UNC-CH begin to get their guys on signing day." It's still several weeks until signing day and we will see where UNC ends up but I doubt it is top 5 and could very well barely be top 10 at the end. But let's not act like Amato never brought in a great class as that would also be wrong. He brought in a 7th rated class and still didn't perform so one top 10 class doesn't mean squat until they perform and that, of course, is the point. TOB need not be concerned yet
  5. CharlottePirate

    CharlottePirate Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2008

    Why not. Admittedly UNC has far better talent than NCSU, right? O-Brien isnt as good at recruiting but he's better at coaching them.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

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    Dec 10, 2004
    No, you didn't show any post that failed to meet the definition. You have claimed that my comments aren't objective, as if your word alone is some kind of proof. I've provided facts to back up what I'm saying, however, while you've contradicted yourself repeatedly. I understand that you're desperate for an excuse since you're getting your ass kicked in this argument, but just deal with the fact that you're not very smart, and therefore you're generally going to lose arguments. Remember, you're the one who insisted that recruiting was crucial for Butch at Miami but that it won't matter at UNC, while I pointed out that Davis' massive recruiting advantage over O'Brien is significant because while individual players may not live up to whatever "stars" they get coming out of high school, almost all top players were highly ranked.

    Yes, and a top 5 class is obviously better than a class ranked 7th or 9th. You claimed that you had already proven me wrong and that I had failed to admit it, not that I might be wrong some time in the future if UNC's class drops precipitously. Face it, junior, you're just not equipped to argue with me. Go see if a South Carolina fan is available.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

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    Dec 10, 2004
    If Tom O'Brien was such a phenomenal coach, don't you think the NFL would have come calling at some point?
  8. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    If that's what you need to stroke your ego with, go for it as I think others see it for what it is. It's entertaining at least which is what you are down to on this thread.

    No, you said TOB should be concerned. I've clearly shown that having one top 10 class doesn't mean you will become a top program. Thus, I go back to the original point that until Butch can beat TOB then TOB has no reason to be concerned which gets us back to where you need to stroke your ego again. IMPLICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really? How much 'obviously better' is a class ranked 5th compared to 7th? I'd like to see your historical analysis around that.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Beating up on you does about as much for my ego as someone swatting a fly. I'm arguing with you because your blatant stupidity annoys me, and as soon as you shut up, I'll feel better.
    No one has argued that it will. But Butch Davis has a track record of success, and he is pulling in better recruiting classes than any North Carolina school has ever seen. That doesn't guarantee success, but if you weren't honestly concerned about that you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself with uproariously stupid contradictions, all in an attempt to minimize Carolina's advantage.
    So they really don't teach basic arithmetic at State? You don't learn to count cow udders or sheep assholes or something?
  10. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    Are there any IMPLICATIONS!!!! if I don't?

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