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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by meatpile, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Elric

    Elric Citizen of the Empire

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2003
    Thigpen looked pretty good considering who he plays for. Long term I dunno, but he beats what else they've thrown out there the last while.
  2. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    this *is* a great thread!

    i wouldn't trade jake for 100 other guys. davidson seems to know his strengths and weaknesses and plays to them really well (as he does with the other guys). best QB ever? nope. but, we've seen that this team's philosophy isn't to have the best at every position -- it's about putting together the best team. this is a tight group right now and jake is a big reason why. he plays with passion and is unquestionably the leader when the offense steps on the field.

    i love me some jake + smitty + moose + j-stew + d-willy.
  3. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    one thing i've learned about fox/hurney is that they aren't predictable. we use to say the same thing about cornerbacks that you/others are saying now about QBs ... that Fox didn't value them enough to spend highly on them. and, then he drafted gamble (1) and marshall (2) and paid a hefty price for lucas. i use to think the same thing about WR but then we spent to 2's on WR and they brought in Keyshawn and brought back Moose. we also hadn't seen then in the past make such a bold move in the draft to grab Otah. when the time comes to pass the torch at QB (and count me down as a Jake fan), i think there's a good chance they will spend a high price or draft pick to get a good QB, but then as i said nothing is predictable with this FO ... other than they seem to do a good job of putting a winning football team on the field.
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    the CB rules changed (or "got enforced") but yeah, he did reverse field on that, and there was no real indication that they would trade up the way they did. That's more on the level of a mock trade from a fan than anything I'd have called realistic.

    My feeling on the spot is that if we were willing to spend a 3, it's not a bad time. Jake will probably be here about 2-3 more years (I think he's close to up on his current deal, which might mean a modest extension is in the works), so a guy would have time to learn. But, I have a feeling the way they keep saying they covet McCown, who's already a vet, who did show something in the past, that they're thinking in this form.
  5. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Jake Delhomme is the cajun Jesus.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Yes, three guys, and Jake is clearly the worst of those three. Plus, as I keep telling you, most teams do not choose to reward career backups with huge contracts.
    This is why I despise you. You are much, much worse than a Thelt who is just a complete dumbass and can't help that he's amazingly stupid. You know better and you're willing to lie just to avoid admitting that you're wrong. You have no intellectual integrity, and that's what makes you scum and a disgrace.

    In June of 2006 you were making fun of Cassel: "And they gave up two scores to Matt Cassel, a QB so elite he took pitching back up to pass the time."

    Now you want to pretend that Cassel is a special quarterback who just needed a chance: "And was good enough to be the chief backup to the best QB of the decade, and was good enough to get recruited to USC, and could've started if not behind a Heisman trophy winner. If he had started, he'd probably have been a midrounds pick, but even without playing, he was drafted and teams knew he had talent. He didn't just show up one day and Belichick decided to make some random hobo an NFL quarterback, and you know that. But it's important for you to make a case, so you have to act like Cassell is just some random guy. He's not. He's talented."

    What you say depends not on what you believe to be true, but what you feel you need to say at a particular time to protect yourself. That's why you disgust me. You are willing to say things you don't believe just to cover your ass.
    Yes, they do. That's why you're constantly on the defensive now defending Delhomme, and saying stunningly idiotic things while doing it. In '03 and the years following, yes, most people were on the Jake bandwagon. Now most Panthers fans complain about him and his flaws.
    I guess that's your way of admitting that you lied when you accused me of not answering that question? I gave Croyle as one example of a similar player to Jake who isn't starting for another team but would do just as well here as Delhomme has. Troy Smith and Andre Woodson are two guys I obviously like as well. John Beck, Brian Brohm, Kellen Clemens, and Seneca Wallace are some other backups around the league who I think would do better than Delhomme. Josh Johnson and Matt Gutierrez are some longshot names to remember as well. Then you have all those guys like Bruce Gradkowski and Chris Simms who are flawed and likely not upgrades over Delhomme, but probably would do as well as he has if they got to throw to Steve Smith and Muhsin Muhammad.
    Because people have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to quarterbacks. They're clueless. That's why the media says that picking QBs is a crapshoot, because they're clueless, and the general public buys that idea because they're clueless too. As you've proven with the guys you've hyped over the years, you're clueless as well. Meanwhile I'm the opposite. I've proven that over years and years of projecting these guys and almost always being correct. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to quarterbacks and you don't. It's really that simple.
    Bullshit. Stop hiding behind semantics because you're getting your ass kicked in an argument yet again. Accept your humiliation like the bitch you are. It's an accepted fact to say that "Angelina Jolie is sexy" or "Beetlejuice is ugly." You know the commonly accepted definition of "bad mechanics" for professional quarterbacks and you know that Jake fits that bill. You know it and you're willing to lie because you're a piece of shit coward.
  7. DJ_Tet

    DJ_Tet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2003
    It's the topic that keeps on giving!
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    No shit. Good lord, trying to get any thought to stick in that two-cell brain of yours is like trying to make Britney Spears a good mother. As I keep saying over and over again because some people are too stupid or dishonest to acknowledge the point, most teams do not reward career backups with big contracts even though 3-4 of those guys emerge to post solid numbers every year. Occasionally some guys do get those contract extensions, as Jake did here. But it's the fact that most teams don't decide to do that which explains why those career backups who have a big season generally don't stay the starter long-term.

    Do you understand or do I have to find someone who can translate my words into retard?

    Really? A month ago you were agreeing that Steve Smith is the only reason Jake Delhomme is still starting games in the NFL: http://www.thisboardrocks.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2295131&postcount=688
  9. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Dude, I'm with you that Jake is a really bad QB with regard to his arm, throwing and decision-making. But you can't deny his leadership quality and general presence in the huddle, as espoused by his teammates.
    I would love to see us bring in an elite QB to either replace or follow Jake (but everyone already knows my opinion on that), but I think we missed the best chance when we didn't pursue Matt Ryan, and I doubt we have any leverage or desire to pursue Matt Stafford, who I believe is the next best chance at an elite QB available. Which brings me to my point.......you were wrong about Ryan. You missed that one, so if Redman is the best example of your QB evaluation, your total miss on Matt Ryan doesn't speak of your ability very well.
    I usually agree with you on most of these posts, and I do about Jake, but come on...at some point you have to tire of your own pompousness.
  10. blackcatfan

    blackcatfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2004

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