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Running Red Sox thread

Discussion in 'MLB - Baseball Forum' started by vpkozel, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Say what you want about JD, but that ************ has hit 2 of the most momentum changing homers I've ever seen.
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Yeah, the dude has amazing talent, which makes his inconsistency all the more frustrating. Coming up in huge moments is earning a lot of that contract, though.
  3. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No. As usual, you have cherry picked a couple of things and then decided that makes the rest of the argument true as well. I specifically love how you refuse to count Sabathia's and Carmona's performance against the Red Sox, but only count Schilling's angainst the Indians. Could that be because he threw 7 shutout innings against the Angels? Nah - you'd never manipulate things that way. Throw in the fact that he was considered one of the best post season pitchers in history BEFORE he had a surgical procedure invented for him, and well - you kind of get the picture.

    Beckett - who finished 2nd in the Cy, btw but was on a dimiinshed workload to make sure that he was OK for the postseason, whereas Sabathia just ran out of gas - was the ALCS MVP and considered to be an even BETTER postseason pitcher than Schill.

    And Bay has been productive, but that's nowhere near the point. The point is that last year, the guy who has more postseason homers than anyone else ever and just turned in the greatest extended playoffs ever was motivated last year. And if you added him - meaning happy Manny, not sulking Manny- to this year's team, that would make quite a difference.

    And then there's Lowell - you know the WS MVP who was hitting .333 in the PS up to that point.

    So yeah, you've um, really proven your point there sport. This year's situation is EXACTLY like last year's, only not at all.
  4. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Tell me about it - I was totally against that deal, as were you if I remember correctly - but fuck it, it's only money and teh Sox have plenty of that. I just wish he'd be that clutch all through the year.
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    My mistake. I thought you had done the smart thing and shut the hell up about our argument instead of prolonging your embarrassment. I should have known that you can't control yourself.

    I did count them, you lying piece of shit. As I said one page ago, through Game 4 of the ALCS "Sabathia had an ERA of 3.48 and Carmona had an ERA of 3.08." That's better than anything Tampa Bay had to offer at the same point.
    I didn't only count Schilling's start against the Indians. I mentioned that he struggled in Game 2, but I was talking about the whole 2007 season when I said that he wasn't as good as his old self. Lester this year has been better than Schilling was last year.
    In the past, yes. Schilling in 2007 was clearly not the Schilling of earlier years. He didn't have anywhere near the same stuff and was getting by on sheer guts. He was absolutely not someone opposing teams feared last year, playoffs or not. He was still good, but not great anymore.
    Let's compare the post-season performance of Manny Ramirez in '07 to Jason Bay in '08:

    Manny Ramirez: .348 batting average, .508 on-base percentage, and .652 slugging percentage
    Jason Bay: .371 batting average, .478 on-base percentage, and .714 slugging percentage

    By the way, this would be a really good time to think about shutting the fuck up and never arguing with me about anything ever again for the rest of your life.
    The Red Sox do miss Lowell, but it's balanced out by the fact that Youkilis has been a much more devastating hitter than he was in '07. And while Ortiz is worse, Pedroia has been much better as well. In the 2007 regular season the Red Sox scored 5.35 runs per game, and in 2008 they scored 5.21 runs per game. That's a negligible difference.
    You can keep repeating that until you're blue in the face and the only thing you're going to do is humiliate yourself further. Obviously that's not a problem for you since you've shown that you'll insist that you weren't wrong about things even when everyone else says that you clearly were, but at some point I'd hope that you wake up and realize that it's in your best interests to shut your hole and sew it closed. The fact is that the situations are very similar. Plenty of other Boston fans have said as much elsewhere, but because you committed yourself to the mistake that it's somehow different, you don't have the courage to admit your error and must now defend your position to the death, no matter how obviously wrong you are.

    Now you're going to respond and post about how I'm wrong and you're right, even though you have yet to provide anything that actually supports your position and I've produced plenty of stats to prove mine. In the end, though, what you should remember is that when you were whining about your team, someone who hates the Red Sox was arguing that they still had a good chance while you, a supposed fan, had given up.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
  6. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Funny, because it fits you so well.

    Really? In the ALDS Sabathia went 5 giving up 3 ER. In game 1 of the ALCS, he went 4.1 giving up 8 ER. That's 11 ER in 9.1 innings - please explain to me how that equates to an ERA of 3.48.

    Similarly, Carmona's performance against the Sox is dramatically worse than it is for the Yankees.

    You only specifically called out his performance against the Indians though. And Lester was good last year too.

    He had 2 good games and one bad one in the playoffs last year.

    Do you really think that the Red Sox are a better team with Bay than Ramirez?

    You really should take your own advice. If you think that you are convicing anyone with your cherrypicked and made up stats you aer even more delusional and self congratulatory than I had previously believed, and trust me, that's quite an accomoplishment on your part - so, um congrats.

    Again with the back and forth - we're talking playoffs here. How did Pedroia do in last year's playoffs? Ellsbury?

    You answered this quite well, so in the interest of time, I'll let you respond to yourself.

    Ah yes, the standard Collin reply. You have that saved somewhere in a word or text doc, don't you?

    I've responded to yours quite substatially, yet you'll keep going on and on, even resorting to making up stats like Sabathia's ERA in an effort to "prove" that you're correct. Hey, on the bright side, at least you have stopped fabricating quotes.

    Keep repeating that to yourself Dorothy, and maybe it will come true - well at least inbetween whines about the O's sucking. This fucking sucks is in no way a surrender cry.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    If you cherry pick a small sample you can make any pitcher look bad. Sabathia allowed 86 earned runs over 241 regular season innings in '07, so if you add the 11 additional earned runs and 9.3 innings, then you get an ERA of 3.48. That should have been simple to figure out even for you.
    More lies. I said "Schilling wasn't great last year and had been shelled for 5 runs in 4.7 innings in Game 2 of the ALCS."
    A 4.57 ERA and 1.46 WHIP is not good.
    You couldn't think of a comeback to those stats, could you? That pretty much destroyed your ass to the point that you couldn't even babble out a rebuttal. The fact is that Bay has been a better hitter in the playoffs this season than Manny was in the playoffs last season. That's a fact, and that's before you consider Bay's advantages in base-running and defense. And because of those extra advantages, yes I do believe they're a better team with Bay. Plus teammates were reportedly tired of Manny's antics, so getting rid of him has improved the locker room. Moreover, another fact is that Boston's winning percentage has been better since the trade than it was before the trade.
    That's awesome. So MLB.com is using "made up stats"? Dude, just lose with grace. I kicked your ass and embarrassed you, but you're still trying to fight while spitting out teeth and coughing up blood.
    Where? Did you post your rebuttal in invisible ink? Do I need lemon juice and a flashlight to read it?
    Again, this is just hilarious. Whenever you get embarrassed because someone made you look stupid, you always get hysterical. The lies and wild accusations are really amusing, honestly. Sabathia's ERA wasn't made up. The stats support everything I've said and nothing you've said. You've been humiliated yet again, but you'll keep right on arguing because you're pathologically incapable of admitting mistakes.
    Did you post anything about how Boston came back from being down 3-1 last year? No. Did you express any hope that they would come back this year? No. You've argued for pages that the Red Sox have no hope because this ALCS is supposedly very different from last year's ALCS. That's what we've argued about. I say that Boston has plenty of hope and plenty of reason to think that they can come back and win. You have insisted that I'm wrong. If our roles were reversed, that would make more sense, but you're the one who is supposed to be the fan and yet you're the one whining and crying because you're sure that the season is over since you believe that this ALCS is "not even remotely close to the same situation" as last year's ALCS.

    You are not a fan. You are a bitch.
  8. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    and away we goooooooo


    and again

    and again

    and again

    and again

    and again
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I was going to quote that, but I thought for once that I wouldn't be a dick. :boobies:
  10. LRBaseballer

    LRBaseballer GO CUBS GO!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 24, 2007
    Hickory, NC
    i thought last night was a great game and great comeback.....then i came on here and now i don't even want to watch anymore.

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