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I've seen enough

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by mathmajors, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Pawn in game of life

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2006

    But start Moore? I don't think so. I think I'm on the Olsen bandwagon
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Yeah, really. I went back and counted the number of sweeps we ran in the period you were talking about and showed that it was a fairly large percentage of our running plays. That's the whole reason you were too scared to define what you meant by a handful. Why else would you refuse to define it? You knew that I had proved you wrong and you didn't want to feed into that anymore, so you spent five pages in that thread and several since continuing to deflect and refuse to answer about how many you meant.
    When you say things like this, you demonstrate what I keep saying about you not being comfortable enough with yourself to be honest about your faults. You can't look in the mirror because you don't like what you see, but ask around. Other people see you as a narcissist too.
    I'm a douchebag because I pointed out that you were wrong yet again? I also like the hypocrisy of implying that I'm a douchebag for calling you a dumbfuck. Psst: Calling me that would make you a douchebag too by implication.
    Of course not. You argue for page after page not admitting that you were wrong about a "handful" or Shawne Merriman being "only a DE prospect" for shits & giggles. It has nothing whatsoever to do with you hating to admit your mistakes or being scared that it will damage the image you've crafted of yourself as some kind of football savant.
    You don't keep score? And didn't you just call me a douchebag? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, especially when I'm throwing boulders back.
    No, it really doesn't. There are plenty of times when I argue with someone and believe that I won where I don't insult them. And on the flip side, when we actually agree on something, I don't stop hating you. At those times I still wish that people like you didn't exist on earth.
    When people bitch about us arguing, you've noted repeatedly that there are plenty of threads where we discuss things without getting heated, yet as I just said above, I still hate your guts in those threads too. I can despise you and yet converse civilly when you're not acting like a dickhead because I only insult people when I feel that they deserve to be insulted. Thus me thinking that you're a blight on humanity doesn't interfere with me seeing or pursuing any truth, but it's funny when you pretend that me tossing insults makes me a bad person but you doing it is fine.
    Yeah, I did. I provided a large amount of statistics and evidence as a result of various research to show what I was talking about, as well as to disprove your bullshit excuses. Meanwhile you've done nothing but continue to babble.
    Sure, but that's all you do. You don't actually do any research to find out if those ideas have any validity. Do you notice that in practically every argument you bring up something and then challenge me to produce the evidence disproving it? I do, because I think it's worthwhile to show how full of shit you are, but it would be somewhat nice if you could overcome your laziness occasionally and actually put together some statistics and data of your own. Of course, the reason you don't is because you don't actually care about the truth. You just float bullshit excuses to keep arguments going and give you a reason to avoid admitting that you were wrong.
    If you cared about the actual solution then you wouldn't automatically disagree with the things I say, and you wouldn't refuse to acknowledge when you're proven wrong. Hell, you might even get off your ass and do some research. Instead, you don't.
    • Worst QB in the league on third downs last year BY FAR.
    • Worse QB rating on 3rd downs last year than anyone this year has been.
    • Much worse than he had ever been before on third downs.
    You used a terse one word response instead of providing any evidence when insisting that you don't fail to provide evidence for the things you say. Awesome.
    Yes, I did. You raised that excuse and couldn't be bothered to research it yourself, so I did. That's where the whole discussion about sacks and pressures in 2006 vis-a-vis 2005 came from, remember? I showed that the changes on the line didn't put Jake under pressure more often, at least as defined by those statistics.
    Wait, wait, wait, wait. So now you're going to suggest that going from Keary Colbert as the #2 in '05 to Keyshawn in '06 actually made us worse and might have been responsible for Jake's horrific third down rating? You can actually say that and still not realize what an ass you're making of yourself? Good lord.
    It's not at all untrue. On multiple occasions you have admitted tweaking me because you think it's "fun," and presumably because you think I deserve it as well. I'm not even disputing the idea that it's fun or that I deserve it, but it's amusing that you're so disconcerted by rare bouts of honesty about your intentions. And no, I don't think you just troll me constantly. I think you do it when you're annoyed with me or the world in general, I'm just pointing out that you're not some innocent victim here like you portray yourself to be.
    My constant insults and personal issues are a result of me being a generally angry person with a low tolerance for stupidity.
    There's nothing convenient about it. it's historically true. You know it, you just don't want to concede the point. 2005 is the only year in this franchise's history where we had more than 12 rushing touchdowns, and for the rest we've averaged 9.6 per season. Even in 1996 and 2003 we only had 9 rushing touchdowns.
    I did that too in order to give a sense of scale for comparing how much pressure we were under versus how much pressure we were creating. I did that because I didn't want to have to record quarterback hurries for the entire league and figure out where the Panthers ranked.
    Uh huh.

    [​IMG] :biggrin:
    I don't think it's exactly the same. I said (correctly) that it's been very similar early on, and I even speculated that it could be because Davidson wants the players to be comfortable in the system. I don't expect Davidson to be like Henning forever, but it is pretty amusing that so many bitched about Henning only to still get 3rd down draws and many other of the same play calls.
    In games? Yes, that's true, but it's something both Fox and even Gibbs espoused, which was that you stick to your gameplan. There are certainly times when I wish we would have changed things up in game, but he wasn't static at all from one game to the next. With us, he invented or resurrected formations that have since been adopted by other teams.
    Sure, and I've criticized him for dumping the ball off short of the marker. If you have 3rd and 8, it doesn't matter if you get 0 or 7, you're going to punt either way.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2007
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I did when it was warranted, you just conveniently fail to remember as you have with so many other things. There were certainly times where I said that we were running too consistently on both first and second downs under Henning, putting Jake in third and longs.
    Right. I don't think bitching about our players is in any way helpful. As I explained above, when I criticized Morgan I didn't just say "Morgan sucks!" I didn't bitch about him, I explained what his faults were and why I wished we'd move on. Similarly, with Peppers struggling I haven't said "Peppers sucks!," nor have I said "Davis sucks!" when discussing my well known belief that he's playing out of position at SLB.
    I don't expect anyone to be happy with 100 yards passing, but I explained why the number was that low, and my explanation was apparently so compelling that no one actually had the nerve to dispute it. See, this is what I keep saying. If you're going to bash someone, make sure you have the evidence to justify it.
    No human is completely unbiased, and sure, people sometimes think that I'm very biased. People thought I was biased in favor of Henning, but they now see that I was right about him and the offense last year. People thought I was biased in favor of Beuerlein, but then with Jeff Lewis and Weinke they found out that I was right. People thought I was biased against Morgan, but then they found out that I was right about him too. Hell, I pimped DeAngelo more than anyone and I bought his jersey the first day that it was available, but do you see me making excuses for him? No, because that's not what I do. Unlike you, I don't get attached to players or coaches. I cheer for the helmet and the jersey, perhaps in part because I don't know how long the people are going to be around.

    Mongo: Shut up.
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Pawn in game of life

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2006
    Why? You don't approve of any attempt to get the thread back on the initial topic? Or simply don't care for someone pointing that you're acting like a total fucking retard AGAIN?
  5. John Fox

    John Fox It Is What It Is

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2007
    magnus is a handful
  6. Fred Smoot's Father

    Fred Smoot's Father the future is bright

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2006
  7. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    I don't know. I'd have to see him throw it 2 or 3 times to know for sure.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Pawn in game of life

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2006
    Vinny is hurt and isn't any more that a temporary patch. We've seen Carr and Moore. How much worse could he possibly be?
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    You're not trying to get the thread back on the initial topic. If you were, you would have made a post about the topic. Instead you were just being an ass for the sake of being an ass, which is precisely what you're accusing me of doing, except that magnus and I obviously have a grievance while no one knows what purpose you had for coming in here and running your mouth.

    Moreover, no one cares that you think long arguments somehow make me "a total fucking retard." You don't have to read it. In fact, I'd strongly advise you to shut your mouth until you give a reason for anyone to consider your opinion on anything. You're some random nobody trying to get attention by bitching at two people much, much more significant than you are. Maybe, just maybe you could actually post something worthwhile before you go about telling magnus and myself about how and where we should post. Until then, shut the fuck up.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Pawn in game of life

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2006
    Try reading a few posts instead of spending so much time typing your totally off topic BS. Or did you simply forget what the original post was about?

    Nowhere did I say long posts make you a retard. Not having the ability to stay on topic and continuing to resurrect old BS does.

    Come on now. you forgot to put "or else" at the end of that threat. So go ahead and define the "or else" for those who really think you are something.

    You are only more significant in your own mind and you overestimate your value there. These boards exist for the exchange of ideas and information through DISCUSSION. You seem to think that means you post your opinion which must be accepted as gospel and that ends the discussion. You have your chosen few that you have deemed worthy. Any discussion to exchange any knowledge with most other members is quickly stifled through insults and other equally childish BS. If anything, you've done more to dumb down this board than anybody simply through your inability to carry on a discussion in a civil manner or ignoring post by those you consider morons.

    You forgot the "or else" again. Dayum you're fucking stupid.

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