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Butch Davis has UNC...

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by The Brain, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    You mean someone like Butch Davis?

    Amato brought in talented but stupid players, then he babied them. TOB cleaned some house and sat players over their bye week and it's made a big difference.
  2. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    And no, Brain, State fans are not scared of Butch Davis. That's just asinine.
  3. chipshotx

    chipshotx Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2007
    finally you admit it
  4. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    I never oooohed and aaahed over Amato's recruiting classes, and I stated several times in wonder why Amato stopped benching players for on and off the field fuckups. What exactly am I admitting?
  5. chipshotx

    chipshotx Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2007
    I used to say that their players were dumb and you would get upset.
  6. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
    Hey Collin, let's see some proof of when Spurrier said that, like a link or something. All I ever heard positive about that situation was from Carolina fans like yourself saying Spurrier was building a house in Chapel Hill, blah, blah, blah. If it's in writing, I'll believe it. On the other hand, I don't have proof but I did hear that he laughed when asked about Carolina, North that is. He's hated North Carolina since his days at Duke. I wouldn't think there would be a chance in hell that he'd ever got to North Carolina, but if you've got a link to an article I guess I'd be forced to believe it.

    And I got bad news for ya, top football coaches will never look at UNC as anything, unless it's a stepping stone. Carolina isn't and never will be a football school. Coaches know that. Other schools know that. Carolina will be used for good coaches to get pay raises (like Beamer) or to get back in the door to coaching (Davis/stepping stone).

    I like the way UNC fans call State fans delusional...then they turn around and expect Carolina's football team to be good. HAHA Mack Brown is in Texas sports fans, those days are gone.

    And yes, I do think Paul Johnson is the best Carolina could get. If you disagree, name some other coaches that Carolina MIGHT have a shot at...
  7. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Good lord. Do you even read a newspaper? It was pretty well publicized at the time, as well as prior to the UNC-USC matchup this year.

    Courtesy of Paladin: http://www.independentmail.com/news/2007/oct/09/no-7-gamecocks-take-unc/
    " COLUMBIA — Steve Spurrier could have been head coach at North Carolina, but he said Tuesday the timing wasn’t right. He was already in place at South Carolina when Butch Davis was called on to lead the Tar Heels.

    Now, the Gamecocks coach will lead No. 7 team against a UNC program he said he’s surprised hasn’t done better.

    “Who knows what would have happened if that job was open when I was ‘free and available,’ ” Spurrier said. “Fortunately, it wasn’t. Certainly that would be a wonderful place to coach. That place has a lot of resources, just like here. For some reason, they have not done all that great.”
    Believe it now?
    No, it won't, but it shows your limited mindset when you still think in those terms. Florida will always be a football school, but that didn't stop their basketball team from dominating. Ditto for Ohio State. There are more than enough resources at Chapel Hill to do well in multiple sports, which is what Carolina already does in pretty much everything except football. Now I don't ever expect them to be a top 10 team annually because of recruiting disadvantages, but they can certainly get up to that next tier.
    The delusional act was amusing for a while, but now it's just old. Carolina is a premier university both academically and athletically. N.C. State is the redheaded Jethro down the road. Because Paul Johnson was one of your top options doesn't mean he'd even be considered at Carolina, but it's a moot point since Davis isn't going anywhere.
  9. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
    Good lord. Do you even read a newspaper? It was pretty well publicized at the time, as well as prior to the UNC-USC matchup this year.

    Actually no I don't because most sports writers never played a competitive sport and don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. I guess they were too busy in creative writing or some pansy class like that. But sorry to disappoint you.

    Courtesy of Paladin: http://www.independentmail.com/news/2007/oct/09/no-7-gamecocks-take-unc/
    " COLUMBIA — Steve Spurrier could have been head coach at North Carolina, but he said Tuesday the timing wasn’t right. He was already in place at South Carolina when Butch Davis was called on to lead the Tar Heels.

    Now, the Gamecocks coach will lead No. 7 team against a UNC program he said he’s surprised hasn’t done better.

    “Who knows what would have happened if that job was open when I was ‘free and available,’ ” Spurrier said. Fortunately, it wasn’t. Certainly that would be a wonderful place to coach. That place has a lot of resources, just like here. For some reason, they have not done all that great.”[/i]"

    Believe it now? Yeah, I'll believe that. However, notice he said "Fortunately it wasn't" as in the timing part. And he let in this little jab..."For some reason, they have not done all that great." Sounds to me like he was just inches away from signing on the dotted line. If you actually read what he's saying, he is saying Carolina sucks no matter how many resources they have.

    No, it won't, but it shows your limited mindset when you still think in those terms.

    You just admitted yourself that they won't ever be a football power. How is that different from what I just said?

    Florida will always be a football school, but that didn't stop their basketball team from dominating. Ditto for Ohio State. There are more than enough resources at Chapel Hill to do well in multiple sports, which is what Carolina already does in pretty much everything except football.

    My point exactly.

    Now I don't ever expect them to be a top 10 team annually because of recruiting disadvantages, but they can certainly get up to that next tier.

    What disadvantages?! You say just below that they are a premier university both academically and athletically. What disadvantages do they have? And don't bring up some crap about having high acceptance standards. They signed a kid that Clemson turned down, which means that the school (UNC)accepted him as a student (which Clemson didn't), that says enough. Also, they've probably had more players arrested than graduated in the last 5 years. So, tell me, what recruiting disadvantages do they face that any other ACC school in NC doesn't face?

    The delusional act was amusing for a while, but now it's just old. Carolina is a premier university both academically and athletically. [B]N.C. State is the redheaded Jethro down the road.[/B]

    Think so huh? Ask the following if they think that's true:

    Gen. Archie P. Farmer General US Army Dec. 1911
    Gen. J.R. Townsend General US Army Dec. 1914
    Gen. Warner S. Goodwin, J General US Army Y 1951
    Gen. Maxwell Thurman General US Army Dec. 1953
    Gen. Hugh Shelton Chair, JCS US Army Y 1963
    Gen. Dan McNeil Cmdr, NATO Intl. Sec. US Army/NATO N 1968
    Gen. William P. Fisher General US Air Force Y 1934
    Gen. Billy Boles, USAF Cmdr, AETC US Air Force Y 1961

    These are just the Generals that attended NC State that have served our country. Here's a few more:

    Gov. James B. Hunt, Governor State of NC, '59
    Gov. Bob Scott, Governor State of NC '52
    Sen. John Edwards, Senator US Congress '74
    Hon. Jim Graham Agriculture Commissioner, State of NC, '42
    Rep. Walter B. Jones, Jr., Representative US Congress, '66
    Rep. J.D. Hayworth, Representative US Congress
    Justice Burley B. Mitchell, Chief Justice NC State Supreme
    Hon. Steve Troxler, Agriculture Commissioner, State of NC, '74

    Bunch of idiots, yeah, I know...

    And don't forget John Tesh! :)

    Also, if you had done your research you would have seen that NC State University, the "redheaded Jethro down the road" was the place where the first synthetic aorta was created, where the prototype for an artificial retina was created, home of the #5 ranked Veterinary College in the United States, was home to Dr. Jim Goodnite, who created the statistical analysis system (SAS), which Dr. Goodnite created into SAS Institute, the 2nd best company in the world to work. This is also the school that puts an estimated 2.3 billion dollars into the state of NC's economy, the school that formed the first ever fowl pox vaccine and one of the top 3 schools for technology transfer.

    Not bad for a little "Jethro" school.

    Let me guess, you attended that superior school in Chapel Hill huh? You should be proud. They produced Stuart Scott.

    Because Paul Johnson was one of your top options doesn't mean he'd even be considered at Carolina, but it's a moot point since Davis isn't going anywhere.[/QUOTE]

    If he was our top choice he would have been our coach. We had one top choice and he's our head coach. We zeroed in on who we wanted and got him, unlike basketball, but that worked out pretty well didn't it?

    I'll tell you what, if Butch Davis is at North Carolina next season I'll start a thread publicly apologizing to you. If he isn't, you do the same to me? Is that a bet? You seem pretty confident that Chief Davis will be in Chapel Hill next season, so I don't see why you wouldn't take this bet.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2007
  10. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I'm not really surprised. I've heard that quite a few students at State graduate without the ability to read at an adult level.
    Yeah, he's at South Carolina. If he doesn't make it clear that he's happy where he is, they'd understandably be pissed.
    You have an interesting way of saying, "I was wrong."
    No, I said that they won't ever be a football school, and that I doubt they will ever be a perennial top 10 team. Obviously very few schools are. But I do think that Carolina can become a good football program again.
    Football is not as big in N.C. at the high school level as in other states, and there are more universities per capita in North Carolina than any other state. That means you have fewer kids and more schools competing for them. Even the elite programs build their foundation through local products.
    Pretty much.
    So I take it you'd have preferred I said "Cow College" instead of "redheaded Jethro"?
    Actually, no. I went to UVA because Carolina didn't have aerospace engineering, but my dad played baseball there and so I've been a Tar Heel fan my whole life.
    I said "one of." Johnson was the guy State fans and State radio stations were talking about. Tom O'Brien wasn't even mentioned at that point, as ACC schools had a standing agreement not to steal coaches from one another until State broke that.
    Save your breath. I already proved you wrong about the Spurrier thing and instead of owning up to that like a man, you hid behind equivocation. No one cares if you're wrong because people assume that someone like you would be. If Davis leaves, though, I'll certainly admit that I was wrong, but I won't need to.

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