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All you "experts" who wanted to start Moore

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Thelt, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Because you won't acknowledge that you were wrong, and subsequently stop being such a nuisance. No one cares if you're incapable of adding anything positive to the board as long as you aren't being a hindrance.
    Yes, yes, I clearly worry about whether or not you think I'm smart. In fact, I couldn't get to sleep last night because I was so worried about the opinion of a known coward and someone so ignorant that they've never demonstrated the slightest bit of insight or intelligence. What will I ever do without your approval?
    Except that I do. In fact, I quite obviously care more than anyone. If it was just about being admired, I wouldn't be such a dick to people who annoy me, and if it was just about boosting my ego, I wouldn't admit to being wrong as often as I do.
    I actually bring something to the board, chief. You don't. Moreover, it's obvious that you obsess about me while I don't ever think about you when I'm not reading this board and certainly would forget you as soon as you stopped making an ass out of yourself.
    The beauty of free speech is that you do have the right to voice your opinion, but you seem to be mistaking that for having your opinions accepted. If you say something stupid, you're bound to hear about it. And if you accuse someone of not knowing what they're talking about and it turns out that they did, you'll probably hear about that too.
    Check the FAQ, junior. That line is so played out and discredited that it's actually listed under "Dumb things that a million other people have said, so you shouldn't." I attack people like you because people like you annoy me. The fact that you're stupid has no bearing whatsoever on my security or my ego.
    You insinuated that we couldn't know what Jake's injury was from watching TV. You were wrong, and you're too much of a coward to admit that.
    Why are you acting like you're making people see that I'm an asshole. Everyone already knew, genius. The only thing you're succeeding in doing is highlighting what a useless idiot you are.
  2. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    You're right, I won't acknowledge I was wrong since I wasn't. Unless you had access to Jake and the results of his medical tests you were guessing just like everyone else. I did acknowledge you made a good guess though.

    I think that is pretty obvious by all your posts. Let me paraphrase for you... PLEASE tell me I'm wonderful SemperFi. Nah, this is too much fun. You're like a little puppet I can play with when I want, it's just too easy.

    Pull this string…. “quit embarrassing yourself”
    Pull this string…. “I was right, praise me please”
    Pull this string…. “I’m totally indifferent to you”
    Pull this string... “you’re making an ass out of yourself”

    Seems the only ones that annoy you are ones that disagree with you. That's when you TRY to be a dick but mostly you just sound like an idiot repeating himself and hurling useless insults. You just can't stand the fact that you may be wrong.

    Now see I actually agree with you on this, you do know your football, not quite as well as Mags but pretty well. But you also bring these ridiculously long posts when people disagree with you but hey, it's something to do so I'm game.

    You called me out originally so obviously you are quite obsessed with me, you respond to my every post. And besides I'm enjoying helping you make an ass out of yourself.

    Nice self analysis

    Did it ever occur to you that we enjoy annoying you. You take it all so personal. It's amusing.

    Are we back to that AGAIN? I stand by that, you didn't know. You made a good guess and now you're beating your chest and whining like a little bitch because I won't help you pound your own chest..

    Nah, I'm just entertaining myself stringing your dumbass along. You are just too damn easy to manipulate.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2007
  3. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2005
    So nobody loses an argument anymore? It's all an attempt to get under Collin's skin?

    Must be the new fad.
  4. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002

    If you pull the string, he will come. :50:
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2007
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    He's making fun of you, dumbass. You're only about the 1001st person to get embarrassed in an argument with me and then pretend that you actually chose to humiliate yourself because your goal was just to irritate me, even if it meant making yourself look hopelessly stupid. And hell, just think about that for a second. You're claiming that your purpose in posting is to annoy me. How sad and pathetic is that? To me, that is a perfect representation of the emptiness and meaninglessness of your life, that you define your self-worth through any acknowledgment you receive from your betters, even if that comes in the form of condemnation. I can't even imagine being pathetic enough to live like that.

    You have never given anyone a reason to notice you for anything positive.
    You apparently have no ability to make any insightful statements at all.
    You are a coward who lacks the integrity to acknowledge when you're proven wrong.
    You currently post only to get attention from me, even negative attention.

    I'm sure that your mother is proud. Hell, just send her the link to this thread and let's see if she decides to kill herself.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2007
  6. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    Yeah I guess all those other 1000 people you put in their place too huh? LOL. Here’s the sad part, you actually think you have the power to embarrass someone. You’re an idiot who hurls the same old worn out insults at anyone who disagrees with you. You’re the dumbass who keeps on embarrassing himself again and again and again. Did you ever wonder why you get into these long drawn out threads? Do a little self analysis please..

    No I said I enjoy annoying you and you just make it so damn easy. One day you will realize (maybe) that it’s ONLY a message board and you have no influence over anyone. You show no one on the board respect and thus I have none for you and enjoy getting under your skin. Now if you want to talk about a empty and meaningless life, good god, check your post count. This message board is all you have. It’s no wonder you get so upset when other members make you look like an idiot.

    Pulling the string again and there you go with the same dumb shit. Blah blah blah blah
  7. tharan000

    tharan000 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2005
    Collin is the most entertaining. Unless someone else steps up and brings information as well as assholism, no one else is as fun.
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Yes. Do you see any of them still doing it? They get tired of being humiliated in one argument after another, and everyone else gets tired of them doing nothing but riling me up. You actually think that people are cheering you on, when the truth is that most just get tired of seeing idiots like you ruining one thread after another by picking fights with me you already know that you'll lose.
    Yes, I know that you're pretending that this is all a trick. When you made an ass out of yourself by suggesting that I couldn't possibly know what Jake's injury was when I actually did, that was all a ruse. You weren't wrong, you really did know that I knew what I was talking about, you just wanted to annoy me. And everything since then has been part of that act, it has nothing to do with you feeling humiliated and having no idea how to get back at me besides being an annoying shit.
    Again, you are about the thousandth person to pretend that this is all intentional. Try to be a little more original the next time you say something stupid and you get hurt feelings about me pointing out your idiocy. But of course, you are so stupid that you think this exchange is winning you appreciation from the masses instead of just being an annoying distraction.

    Oh, and regarding my insults, I am a little surprised that calling you a coward had seemingly no effect. I guess you must have heard that a lot to be so desensitized to it. Someone as spineless as you should never post under anything related to the military.
  9. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    No they just get tired of you, I don’t that’s the difference. I like pulling your little strings. I will give you credit, you do ruin more threads with this shit than anyone else.

    Again, you didn’t KNOW, it was a good guess.

    I could care less about the masses, unlike you I don’t crave the approval of everyone.

    Consider the source dipship, your sitting behind a keyboard calling other posters a coward. You are the brave one. LOL!!!!
  10. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Almost verbatim yet again. Seriously, someone should dig up the links and let you read basically your own posts under someone else's name. What happens is that other board members eventually tell you to shut the fuck up because you're not contributing and you're just causing needless disruption to the board. That's when they realize what asses they've made of themselves, and that's presumably when you will as well.
    You can keep posting that excuse in every thread you see, but no one's buying it. You were wrong, and you are too much of a coward to admit it. Actually you remind me of the nerds who get upset because a jock gave them a wedgie, so they do little things to annoy him, as if that is some kind of accomplishment. If your purpose in life is to annoy me, that's incredibly sad.
    I'd gladly call you a coward to your face if that's what you'd prefer.

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