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All you "experts" who wanted to start Moore

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Thelt, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002

    You are the one whining like a little bitch. wahhhh I guessed correctly and everyone won't pat me on the back and tell me how wonderful I am..... wahhhhh
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I would not have responded with this:
    because I'm not too much of a coward to admit that I'm wrong when I actually am.

    I don't expect anyone to pat me on the back. What I do expect is for you to learn your rightful place as a know-nothing idiot who should keep his mouth shut when his betters are speaking. Sadly, you have not.
  3. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002

    Yes you do. You NEED people to pat you on the back and tell you how smart you are. When they don't you basically throw a childish fit and start with the insults and name calling. You are a sad man and an idiot to boot, it's really quite pathetic.
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    People almost never "pat me on the back and tell me how smart I am" precisely because I am such an asshole. If I craved that kind of attention, I wouldn't brazenly point out the mistakes of idiots such as yourself, I'd kiss their ass and expect the same in return. It's not even that I don't crave your approval, it's that I'm entirely indifferent. I do not respect you enough or think enough of you to even care for you to "pat me on the back." I care about the approval of people I respect, while I don't even know that you exist aside from the times when you're annoying me.

    As I explained to you, my entire purpose in pointing out that you were wrong was the hope that you would realize how idiotic you looked for being a dick right there, and not do it again. Instead you've only made an even bigger ass of yourself, and proven to be a coward as well.
  5. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    No that's WHY you are so bitter, you're not getting the recognition you so sorely want, poor baby.

    Not true or you wouldn't have posted so much trying to get it. I told you it was a good GUESS. Take that and be happy.

    Now that hurts because of all the respect I have for a piece of shit like yourself.

    Here's the thing genuis, I wasn't wrong. And as always you're the one making an ass out of himself, I'm just glad I can help.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I know that you're incredibly slow, so I'll attempt to explain this again. I am wholly indifferent to what you think of me. I do not care whether you think I'm awesome or the worst person in the world, because I judge you too incompetent for your evaluation to matter. On the rare occasion when I do acquire a sycophant, I'm as mean and judgmental to them as I am to anyone else. I enjoy approval and recognition from people I approve of and recognize. Your only significance in this world is whether or not you choose to annoy me, which is something you obviously enjoy and a measure of your own inherent worthlessness.
    Again, the objective is not for you to praise me. I don't care if you do or don't. What I do want is for you to learn your place and shut your mouth.
    You insinuated that I didn't know what was wrong with Jake. I did; you were wrong. But as noted, you are such a coward that you are incapable of admitting it.
  7. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2002
    Your words say one thing, your actions another. You do need my approval or you would just let it go and wouldn't respond to post after post after post.

    Well I have to admit, annoying you is mildly entertaining. It's just so damn easy. Seeing you basically plead in your own way for recognition and not giving you the satisfaction is amusing.

    Obviously you do care, I know it's hard to admit, but Colon, that is the first step to getting the help you really need. I know my place, I am a senior member on the board, same as you and have just as much right to my opinion as you, and every other member of the board. I do appreciate all the time you're putting into this though. You are persistent, I'll give you that.
  8. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2005
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I respond to post after post because I have a pathological aversion to letting things go, and because I feel a need to batter people such as yourself who speak out of turn and don't know their place. Again, no one even knows who you are because you've never posted anything worthwhile in your entire history (or at least not that I'm aware of). Not even an average person would ever crave your approval, much less someone like me.
    I care about the discussions, not you. You could die tomorrow and I would be entirely indifferent because I do not place any positive value on your existence.
    The fact that you define worth by number of posts only serves to further highlight your idiocy.

    You insulted me and insinuated that I couldn't possibly know what Jake's injury was just from watching it on TV. You were wrong, and you've spent the time since then making a constant ass out of yourself.
  10. SemperFi

    SemperFi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    You seem to be the one taking the battering and crying like a little bitch because I'm not willing to tell you how wonderful you are. I never speak out of turn, you speak, I speak, well sorta, you just kinda ramble and try to appear intelligent and fail miserably. I respond to your ramblings.

    Poor thing, you're still begging the approval, not gonna happen. You obviously crave it to keep this up so long. I agree, you are much below the average human being.

    You don't care about discussions you care that everyone thinks you are intelligent and they think you are right. Failing miserably in both categories there Colon. And I'm sure I value your existence way less than you mine, obviously you value mine and crave that approval.

    I never defined myself by number of posts, if that were the criteria you would be a god, instead you're just an idiot who has no life and posts constantly on a message board. I said I have just as much right to my opinions as any other member. You're the dick that attacks everyone because of your own insecurities.

    I have said many times that it was a good GUESS and it was. If that insults you that is your problem not mine. And you've way went out of you way to make an ass out of yourself. I'm just glad I can help.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2007

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